This Week in OMSA
A Message from an OMSA Student Leader on the Facts of Thanksgiving
It’s the season of Thanksgiving! For many Americans around this time, we see gatherings of families. The story we've learned about Thanksgiving fabricates a peaceful depiction between the colonizers and the tribes while neglecting to mention the amount of death, destruction, and land-grabbing that occurred against the first peoples. 

Here are a few facts that discuss the truth behind Thanksgiving:
Pilgrims celebrated "thanksgivings" in their traditional way of praying and fasting. But, over the course of many years, this happened because of the massacres of Native people, including in 1637 when Massachusetts Colony Governor John Winthrop declared a day of thanksgiving after volunteers murdered 700 Pequot people. This incident is also often cited as the first official mention of a "thanksgiving" ceremony and is another commonly cited origin story for the Thanksgiving we know today.

While we hope you all have a great couple of days off, keep these facts in mind when giving thanks. It’s important to educate yourself on different historical perspectives because it affects all of our histories.

Here are some references for you to learn more:
Jada Peters
MOSAIC Educator
Sacred Circle Meet & Greet: A Native Student Organization
Nov. 30 | 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | Molinaro L112
Interested in joining a Native Student Organization? Stop by the Sacred Circle Meet and Greet to learn more about the organization. Former Sacred Circle President, Amy Maack, and member, David Maack will cover the history of Sacred Circle and discuss opportunities for growth. Snacks will be provided.
Noche de Fiesta
Nov. 22 | 6:30 pm | Molinaro D132
The Spanish Language and Culture Club is hosting Noche de Fiesta. The organization is offering free food and dance lessons. Stop by Molinaro D132 at 6:30 pm on Monday, November 22 to participate.
Guest Speaker: Denise Woods
Nov. 23 | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm | Rita Main Stage or Zoom
Listen to voice and dialect coach, Denise Woods share about her book, The Power of Voice.
Click here to join via Zoom.
Parkside Asian Organization- General Body Meeting
Dec. 1 | 12 pm - 1 pm | Molinaro L128
Check out the Parkside Asian Organization! Attend our first meeting to help this student organization reactivate on campus. Our goal is to create a community of support while educating and sharing the beauty of Asian cultures through events and activities for students, faculty, and staff at UW-Parkside.

Not Asian? Not a problem! If you stand in solidarity with the Asian community and are interested in Asian culture, please attend.
Blood Drive
Dec. 2 | 9 am - 2 pm | Spruce and Poplar Room
Donation Sign-Up Link:
Register for ART 124
Lowriders, Kicks, and Grafitti- Spring 2021
Interested in art and fashion? Are you also interested in Hispanic American, Latin American, and African American art? Do you still need your Ethnic Diversity credit? Sign up for Art 124 for a new art history experience.
Register for Business 490-001
Discrimination in Banking- Online Jan 3-28, 2022
During Winterim 2022, Professor Sahar Bahmani will be teaching Discrimination in Banking (BUS 490).

The objectives of this course will be to explore mortgage lending discrimination by banks and lenders and how this contributes to ethnic disparities in homeownership.

This course will enable the student to acquire fundamental knowledge of mortgage lending discrimination by evaluating the current fair-lending enforcement system and to propose reforms to that system in order to make it more effective to discover and eliminate mortgage lending discrimination.
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