Perfume Passage Foundation is dedicated to preserving the history, beauty, and artistry of perfume bottles, compacts, ephemera and related vanity items. The Foundation seeks to educate and inspire visitors by illuminating the connection between perfume and the human experience.
The 2020 Holiday Season is Upon Us
Three enameled powder compacts that resemble gift boxes.
December is more than just the holidays as we know them. In this issue we hope to share a collection of artifacts from our collection that will represent not just the holidays but the entire month of December!
Passageway Christmas tree decorated with numerous vanity items.
Window Display featuring various Estee Lauder solids, compacts, vintage cards and Coty promotional doll.
Lancôme window decorated for Christmas.
Lentheric 1940s Pippin Red matchbook lipsticks!
Dec 1st - Eat a Red Apple Day. National Eat a Red Apple Day encourages everyone to eat a red apple. As the adage goes, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” It is however an unofficial holiday that celebrates one of the healthiest fruits available in nature's pantry!
Dec 6th - St. Nicholas Day or the Feast of St Nicholas. Widely celebrated in Europe, this day recognizes the 3rd century saint who became an inspiration
Old St. Nick
perfume lamp.
Colorful Santa Claus appeared on this vintage Rickseckers perfume cardboard box!
Glass cologne bottle with painted Santa image
Dec 7th - Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. Each year Pearl Harbor survivors, veterans, and visitors from all over the world come together to honor and remember those injured and killed during the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
1940s Henriette military hat shaped powder compacts with different service branch decals on the brim. Also, a 1940s Karoff Eau de Cologne in a 5" canteen shaped bottle
Dec 8th - Anniversary of John Lennon’s Death. Musician John Lennon was assassinated in 1980 outside his New York apartment.
1960s powder compact with an image of the Beatles on the lid.
Dec 10th to 18th - Hanukkah. Hanukkah is an eight-day celebration that commemorates the re-dedication of the Holy Temple after the Jewish people battled the Syrians to reclaim it in the second century BC. Known as the "festival of lights," Hanukkah has both historical and spiritual meaning in the Jewish religion, and is celebrated by lighting the menorah, traditional foods, games and gifts. The bottles below are not in our collection but images have been provided for our use.
Demona, by Lola Beer for women, 1960. Named after a city in Negev in Southern Israel.
Light of Jerusalem, by Ein Gedi Cosmetics, Israel, 1999
Dec 12th - Gingerbread House Day. Gingerbread House Day recognizes a family tradition for many. A favorite food of an Armenian monk, Gregory of Nicopolis, he brought gingerbread to Europe around 992 AD and taught French Christians to bake it!
Estee Lauder, 2000 Gingerbread House Perfume Solid.
Prototype has the gingerbread boy with black eyes.
Dec 17th - Wright Brothers first flight. In 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright took turns piloting and monitoring their flying machine in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina. The flight lasted 12 seconds and was the first ever event of its kind. That morning, the brothers became the first to demonstrate sustained flight of a heavier-than-air machine under the complete control of the pilot.
Rare 1930s Weidlich Bros 6" plane shaped metal hinged beauty box that included powder, rouge and lipsticks.
1970s Avon 6 oz Excalibur Aftershave in a Spirit of St. Louis airplane shaped bottle.
Dec 21st - Winter Solstice. The winter solstice is the day of the year with the fewest hours of daylight and it marks the start of the astronomical winter. After this day, the nights start getting shorter and daylight hours become longer. It is considered a turning point in the year in many cultures. The day is also called Yule to pagans celebrating the birth of the new solar year, according to Circle Sanctuary, a prominent pagan group in the US.
2009 enamel sleigh solid perfume by Monet
Tinkerbell perfume with a holiday theme ornament of boy ice skating.
Tom Fields Ltd. Northvale, NJ (1980's)
Dec 24th - Christmas Eve. In European regions--eastern Europe and Scandinavia, this is the night that Sinterklaas (Santa Claus) flies over the earth.
1950s Jergens, unopened holiday set of four cologne bottles
Noche Buena, Griet, Argentina
Special Christmas Edition,
date unknown
Cameo on golden filigree over the bottle depicting Joseph and Jesus.
Dec 25th - Christmas Day. This is the celebration and remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ who Christians believe is the Son of God. Christmas means the mass of Christ Jesus.
Cardboard bell Christmas ornament with "Irresistible" mini perfume inside.
Fragrance of Irish Violets cologne bottle with elf stopper
1930-40s Lucien Lelong Whispers cologne in a glass ornament with molded Santa stopper in the original box.
18" x 12" plastic Santa display that held British Sterling mini cologne bottles. Speidel Inc. (Providence, Rhode Island USA, Early 1970s)
Holiday card for your sweetheart. "May these perfume-candles light the way for a merrier-than-ever Christmas Day!" Ansehl Ltd. (St. Louis, MO)
Dec 26th - Boxing Day. Boxing, as in a box, is celebrated in Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. It originated in Britain as the day for the tradesmen to collect their Christmas boxes which were filled with gifts of money and goods in return for their reliable services throughout the year. It was also the day the staff of the large manors would be off work after serving on Christmas Day. Staff were sent home with boxes of gifts, money and left over food to share with their families. The earliest record of the day was in 1663 in the journal entry of English Parliamentarian Samuel Pepys, who wrote that he sent a coach and messenger to his shoemaker to deliver “something to the boy’s box against Christmas” in appreciation and funds to cover the bill. During the Victorian era, the church started with donation boxes for the clergymen to give to the poor.
Various Estee Lauder Boxes of Gifts Perfume Solid
Dec 25th to Jan 6th - Twelve Days of Christmas. The 12 days of Christmas is the period in Christian theology that marks the span between the birth of Christ and the coming of the Magi--the three wise men. It begins on December 25 and runs through January 6, called the Epiphany, also known as Three Kings' Day.
Sitzendorf Crown Top Aladdin representing one of the gifts from the Magi. (Germany, 1920's)
Bottle impressed 27238
Maderera de Orintes (Oriental Wood), representing gifts from the Magi.
Dec 26th to Jan 1st - Kwanza. This is a cultural celebration by millions of black Americans. It is celebrated over 7 days, and represents celebrating the seven core principles of this holiday: Unity, Self Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics. Purpose, Creativity and Faith.
Mishumaa saba are the seven candles: three red, three green, and one black. They signify the 7 core principles.
A colorful collection of DeVilbiss perfume bottle and atomizers in celebration of Kwanza.
(Toledo, OH USA, 1920's)
Dec 31st - New Year’s Eve. This is the largest global celebration which marks the end of the year in the Gregorian calendar. It is a day to bid farewell to the past year and welcome the new one, symbolizing a sense of rebirth or renewal. Different cultures and countries celebrate differently but all share the same moment of celebration at the stroke of midnight.
Caron Bain de Champagne (France, 1923)
Display in Perfume Passage
New Year's Eve vintage vanity themed related items include cologne in a Stork Club champagne bottle, festive lipsticks and lipstick hankies!
Christmas Tree ornament,
Love Potion No. 9,
in the iconic Chanel style.
Parfums Royal Parma Bottle Nestled in a Porcelain Sleigh with Santa
Seaforth Cologne For Men
Christmas Gift Set
(USA, 1959)
Pretty Porcelain Doll Christmas Ornaments with Powder Puffs
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Christopher Radko Christmas Ornament, Atomizer, Powder Box and Lipstick.
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We Look Forward to Seeing You Once We Safely Open Again
Located in the Chicagoland area, the Perfume Passage Foundation is 38 miles northwest of downtown Chicago and 25 miles from O'Hare International Airport.
Types of tours include:
- Private docent-guided tours
- Group tours
Symphony of Scents and Sounds