The Hoofbeat: April 2021
We cannot do our work without you!
Matthew, a U.S. Air Force Veteran, has developed new skills and abilities that strengthen his resolve to build relationships and heal wounds.
Jesse can lead his horse, Rocco, without the assistance of his cane. Rocco helps keep Jesse steady and balanced.
Through the physical benefits of riding, Susanne has gained the strength to mount her horse without the use of the motorized lift.
These success stories represent just a few of the many inspiring transformations that Hearts is lucky to witness every day. We want to ensure that we can continue providing these life-changing programs in the future, and to do that, we need your help.

With such a great need in our community, we hope we can count on your support and generosity.

Thank you for helping us empower individuals, teach core values, and heal mind, body, and heart.
Santa Barbara County is in the Orange Tier...Now What?
For over a year now, Hearts has made careful and calculated steps to remain open to a limited capacity of individuals. Our goal was and continues to be safety first. To accomplish this, Hearts staff created phases of reopening. 

We are now in Phase 4, which allows independent riders and riders only needing the assistance of a volunteer leader to return to the program. We aimed to keep human-to-human contact at a minimum, and we are proud to say that everyone has been able to enjoy their lessons while remaining safe and healthy. 

With the most recent transition to the Orange Tier, Hearts realizes that more participants are ready to return to the program. While we wish more than anything to welcome everyone back to lessons immediately, several factors keep us from doing so. 

Transitioning to Phase 5:

  • The next phase of reopening, Phase 5, includes welcoming participants who need one or two volunteer sidewalkers, in addition to a volunteer leader to return to lessons. 

  • Hearts will continue to require that masks be worn by all staff and volunteers when they are working directly with a participant.

  • To accommodate more participants, we need significantly more volunteers. Training and onboarding new volunteers will take time. While participants may be ready to come back immediately, we do not, and will not, have the volunteer workforce to support the influx of new participants for at least a few months.

  • Our goal is to have returning participants rejoin the program as early as the fall. Hearts will spend the summer recruiting and training an enormous new base of volunteers. Rebuilding the volunteer department is a massive undertaking for our current staff (which is smaller than before pandemic shutdowns). We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding as we try to accommodate as many individuals back into the program as we possibly can.

  • Whether you are new or returning to the program, all participants will be required to submit an application and complete an assessment prior to being added to a lesson. For returning participants, please note that your last lesson time may not be available. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility, and we will work hard to find the best lesson time and instructor for you when you return.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Kristen: (805) 364-5206 or We can't wait to see you all very soon!
Summer Camp Counselors, 2016
Summer Camp Volunteers Needed
Spring is whizzing by, and school is in its final weeks...which means one thing: we’re in full prep mode for Summer Camp!

Hearts participates in the Santa Barbara City Parks and Rec Camp signup and registration and is always a popular option. We started getting inquiries from potential attendees in January, and this year the Hearts Summer Camp was completely filled within 2 hours!

There are six Summer camp sessions, 1/2 day mornings, Monday-Friday, and filled with 6-9-year-olds. We run the camp separate from the regular lessons. It has a dedicated staff and also requires additional volunteer support. We have two roles that volunteers can sign up for: Camp Counselor (Monday-Friday) or Riding Lead (M-W-F).

There’s been a lot of interest in helping with camp this year, but some volunteer spots are still available. We ask that there is a commitment for the entire week and at least 2 of the sessions.

Summer Camp is an excellent opportunity for high school students to fill their days and accumulate community service hours.

If you, or someone you know, are interested in volunteering for the camp or would like additional information, please send an email to Kiz Richter: Thank you!
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Hearts Therapeutic Equestrian Center | (805) 964-1519 | |