Dear House Next Door Community,
As much as I recoiled when I stepped into the store last week and was bombarded by Christmas, I am going to take this opportunity to talk about…Christmas!
Two words in the Christmas story catch my ear every year: Mary pondered. After all that she had experienced…the arduous journey to Bethlehem, the angst of not being able to find a place to stay, the birth of Jesus, and the visit of the shepherds…after all of that, Mary pondered.
This Advent, as we prepare for the journey to the manger and the birth of the Christ Child, I invite you to ponder…
Where do you need the light of Christ to shine in your life?
Where are you being invited to be that light for others?
In these anxious times, where are you finding the hope that is Advent?
How are you sharing that hope with others?
Where are you experiencing new life?
What is God bringing to birth in you?
Throughout the Advent season, the House Next Door offers numerous opportunities for you to ponder:
+Ponder with others as we gather for our monthly conversation around The Feminine Face of God
+Ponder with your hands as Pat and Teresa lead us in a time of reflection with a meditative art practice
+Ponder around the table as we join together in a Light Lunch every Wednesday at noon
+Ponder weekly with the guidance of scripture and the spiritual practice of lectio divina as we experience a Refugia Advent
Details about all of these opportunities can be found in the descriptions below. I hope you will join us. Let us ponder together as we prepare the way of the Lord!