Dear IEC community,

As we look forward to a summer with less COVID-related restrictions, I hope that the end of your spring semester is as stress-free as one can expect given the multitude of exams and grading deadlines.

As we transition from the emergency phase of the COVID pandemic to a new normal, educators have a rare opportunity to analyze our experiences from the past two years and devise better teaching and engagement strategies. COVID has clearly highlighted some irreplaceable aspects of face-to-face meetings while also pointing to situations where online interactions are more effective for teaching and engaging our students. The task of implementing a hybrid learning environment to devise better teaching strategies is indispensable but complex given that optimizing the right balance of face to face and online learning depends on the type and size of institutions. It is reasonable to assume that our IEC departments are similar in terms of size and/or student population. As such, we have the unique opportunity to leverage our collective experiences and collaboratively define what teaching and learning should look like at our institutions in the future. We plan to initiate these important discussions at future meetings, workshops and working groups.

Mandoye Ndoye
Associate Professor 
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Tuskegee University