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The International Law Section Gazette

Section News

ILS Chair's News & Notes

Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.

- Mark Twain


Dear ILS Members,


Who is ready for some ILS history? First published on December 1, 1992, the International Law Quarterly (“ILQ”) was originally titled the International Law Section Newsletter. I recently read the first edition and particularly enjoyed the Chair’s Message written by Stephen Zack. Steve was the first Chair of the ILS after we officially became a Section, and this week I invited him to share his thoughts with our membership. If you would like to write your own article for the ILQ, please see the announcement below from the ILQ Editors. I hope you enjoy. Thank you, Steve!

Best regards,

Jacqueline Villalba, Esq.

Dear ILS Members,


When I wrote my first Chair’s message for our first issue in 1983 (almost 50 years ago), the practice of international law in Florida had hardly begun. An international lawyer was basically a lawyer in a phone booth conducting a real estate transaction for a foreign client. Florida ranked seventh in most populated state, as opposed to being the third largest today. The effect of the Cuban migration was just beginning to be felt in South Florida. That migration changed the very nature of the practice of international law in Florida and made it a hub for international transactions. 


There is hardly a lawyer who is not in some way affected by the international practice of law, which has continued to grow as the world has shrunk due to technology. The Section has been at the forefront of promoting relationships with lawyers around the world, as well as in the United States, who practice international law. 


The future will continue to see an evolution of the international practice which will continue to blur the line of our profession in countries around the world. As the European Union and the United Nations continue to promote basic human values and legal principles, more lawyers will participate in the international practice of law, which will affect countries around the world. The rule of law will continue to be the basis for civil and human rights. It must be protected on an international scale since the attacks on those rights in any part of the world would be felt throughout the world.


As the international practice of law has greatly changed in the last fifty years, the next fifty years will be even more exciting.


Best regards,




International Law Quarterly – Call for Written Articles

The editors of the International Law Quarterly are soliciting articles for the Winter 2023 edition, which will have the focus Trends in Immigration. PLEASE NOTE, timely articles not specifically dealing with this area of law are still eligible for consideration and inclusion in the Winter 2023 edition, but space for such articles is limited. The Winter 2023 edition will be the largest distribution of the year, at iLaw in February 2023.


Please submit a short Statement of Interest in writing an article on a specific topic to the ILQ Editors at [email protected] and [email protected] by Friday, November 4, 2022. Final drafts will be due from authors by Friday, December 2, 2022.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to one of the editors directly: Neha Dagley, Jeff Hagen, or Jennifer Mosquera. 

iLaw 2023 Committee: Call for Committee Members

MIAS: First Annual LATAM Investor-State Arbitration Conference

The Miami International Arbitration Society is excited to announced its First Annual  LATAM Investor-State Arbitration Conference! For those interested, please visit https://www.mias.ord/investor-state-conference.

Foreign Legal Consultant Committee: Call for Committee Members

The Foreign Legal Consultant Committee is calling on ILS members to volunteer for the Committee, which vets applications to the Florida Bar for the Foreign Legal Consultant certification. Those already certified as Foreign Legal Consultants would be very much welcome on the committee, but certification is not required to serve on the committee.


The Foreign Legal Consultant certification permits a person who is admitted to practice in a foreign country as an attorney, counselor at law, or the equivalent to act as a foreign legal consultant in the state of Florida. The Rules authorizes an attorney licensed to practice law in 1 or more foreign countries to be certified by the Supreme Court of Florida, without examination, to render services in this state as a legal consultant regarding the laws of the country in which the attorney is admitted to practice.


Those interested in joining the Committee to perform this important service to the legal community, and to the Florida Bar, please contact Robert Becerra, Chair of the Foreign Legal Consultant Committee, at [email protected].

International Law Certification

Did you know that those Board Certified in International Law represent a group of only 50 specialized experts certified by The Florida Bar?

To see the requirements and the application for International Law Certification, please visit Additionally, please see the attached Flyer for more information.

The application deadline for this certification cycle is August 31, 2022. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Allison Armour, Certification Specialist, at [email protected] if you have any questions. Ms. Armour is happy to help you navigate through the application process!

How Can YOU Earn CLEs?

ILS Members! Your good friends on the Int’l Law Board Certification Committee want YOU to apply to become Board Certified in International Law. Here’s how you can earn credits! Apply today!




Minimum standards for international law certification, provided in Rule 6-21.3, include:

·        Practice of law for at least five years, in either the United States or abroad, or four years with an LL.M. in international law or a related field;

·        Substantial involvement in the specialty of international law — 50% or more — during each of the three years immediately preceding application;

·        60 hours of approved international law certification continuing legal education in the three years immediately preceding application;

·        Peer review; and,

·        A written examination.

For more information and details go to

International Law Deskbook 2020

The International Law Section is proud to announce that its International Law Deskbook 2020 is now ready for shipping! Get yours today!

To purchase the International Deskbook 2020, please click HERE to log into your account on the Florida Bar's website. Once logged in, please click HERE to search for the International Deskbook 2020 by entering the course number 4039. You will then find the International Deskbook 2020 under "Course Materials."

Join the International Law Section

If you are reading the Gazette, chances are that you are a practitioner or a student with an interest in International Law, one of the most wide-ranging, exciting and challenging legal specialties. Everyone in our field knows how crucial it is to stay on top of diverse and evolving national legal regimes, and at the same time, the difficulty of keeping meticulously up-to-date on developments around the world.

The International Law Section (ILS) of The Florida Bar is here to help you, the practitioner, navigate both the everyday and big-picture challenges of our field. Our Section is your forum to share knowledge and best practices, and to meet and mingle with peers in professional collaborations that can only enhance your grasp of the specialty and your standing among clients and peers.

Let ILS membership assist you in developing a thriving international practice through peer network development that includes important shared learnings and reciprocal referrals of clients and casework.

If your practice transcends borders, join us in making this the authoritative, go-to forum for Florida and the gateway to the region for anyone practicing International Law. Our Section is open to lawyers from other states and countries, full-time faculty at U.S. law schools, and full-time U.S. law students, all of whom may participate as associate members. For more information regarding membership with the ILS, click HERE.

Turn in your membership application TODAY!

From Our Members

Peter Quinter to Serve as Co-Chair of the ABA Fall Conference

The American Bar Association’s Fall Conference is taking place in Madrid, Spain, September 13-15, 2022. Peter Quinter, Shareholder, U.S. Customs and International Trade Law Group, Gunster, Miami, Florida, is a Co-Chair of the Conference. Over 300 attorneys will participate, including former ILS Chair Clarissa Rodriguez. 

See Great networking, super social events at Espacio Maldonado, and you get to meet H.M. King Felipe VI who will open the Conference. Please call or email me with any questions at mobile (954) 270-1864 or [email protected]. 

William Hill Appointed Co-Chair of the International Litigation Committee of the ABA ILS

William K. Hill, Shareholder at Gunster's Miami office, was appointed Co-Chair of the International Litigation Committee of the American Bar Association International Law Section, effective until August 2023.  The focus of the Committee is interpreting and developing laws and policies governing international litigation and dispute resolution.  For more information, follow this link

Jennifer Diaz Presents at the NCBFAA 8th Annual G-TEC

On August 2, 2022, Diaz Trade Law's President, Jennifer Diaz, participated on a panel for the National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America (NCBFAA) Educational Institute 8th Annual Global Trade Educational Conference (G-TEC). The panel, formed by Jennifer, Aaron Tamrbini of the Bureau of Industry and Security, and Kelly Raia of Blue Tiger International, discussed "Export Compliance Best Practices." For more information on Jennifer Diaz and Diaz Trade Law, please follow this link.

International Law Quarterly

The International Law Quarterly - Spring 2022
The Spring 2022 Issue of the International Law Quarterly - International Law in the Time of COVID-19 is now available. Click on the image above to download! For all previous issues of the International Law Quarterly, please follow this link.
Visit Our Sponsors

The ILS Thanks its Sponsors 

In light of what we accomplished this past year, we hope you will continue to support the Section as a sponsor. In 2021-2022, various firms, companies and suppliers sponsored the Section. 

We look forward to another year of innovative programs where we can advance international law and further promote our sponsors. To learn more, read the Section's sponsorship package. You can also contact our Treasurer, Cristina Vicens Beard at [email protected] for more details., or Vice Treasurer, Laura Reich at [email protected] for more details.


The ILS Gazette

Editor: Matthew Akiba

Chair: Jacqueline Villalba

Immediate Past Chair: James M. Meyer

Chair-Elect: Richard Montes De Oca

Secretary: Ana Barton

Treasurer: Cristina Vicens Beard

Vice-Treasurer: Laura Reich

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