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The International Law Section Gazette

Section News

ILS Chair's News & Notes

Youth comes but once in a lifetime.

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Dear ILS Members,

It is time for us to enjoy our youth at the Farewell to Summer young practitioner’s networking event. The ILS, The Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division, and Young MIAS are pleased to invite you to CH'I in Brickell City Center for complimentary drinks and light bites. Join us on September 28, 2022, as we catch up with old friends and meet new ones in our profession. You’ll also have the chance to mingle with representatives from our supporters: TransPerfect Legal Solutions, ILS Hemispheric Sponsor JAMS, and ILS Regional Sponsor MDO Partners. To RSVP, please visit

Hope to see you there (regardless of your age)!

Best regards,

Jacqueline Villalba, Esq.


International Law Quarterly - Call for Articles

The editors of the International Law Quarterly are soliciting articles for the Winter 2023 edition, which will have the focus Trends in Immigration. PLEASE NOTE, timely articles not specifically dealing with this area of law are still eligible for consideration and inclusion in the Winter 2023 edition, but space for such articles is limited. The Winter 2023 edition will be the largest distribution of the year, at iLaw in February 2023.


Please submit a short Statement of Interest in writing an article on a specific topic to the ILQ Editors at and by Friday, November 4, 2022. Final drafts will be due from authors by Friday, December 2, 2022.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to one of the editors directly: Neha Dagley, Jeff Hagen, or Jennifer Mosquera. 

iLaw 2023 Committee: Call for Committee Members

Upcoming CLE Opportunity: International Arbitration Battle Royale - Civil vs. Common Law

For those interested, please visit the registration link, which can be found here!

Florida Bar International Law Section Secures Discount for the IBA Annual Conference for Young Florida Bar Members

Join the ILS, YLD, and Young MIAS for a Farewell to Summer Happy Hour September 28, 2022!

Join The Florida Bar International Law Section, the Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division, and Young MIAS on September 28, 2022 for an end-of-summer networking happy hour! Event details and link to register are below.

Join the Florida Bar International Law Section on September 22 for a Lunch & Learn Presentation with Jorge Salcedo H., Esq.

MIAS: First Annual LATAM Investor-State Arbitration Conference

The Miami International Arbitration Society is excited to announce its First Annual LATAM Investor-State Arbitration Conference! For those interested, please visit https://www.mias.ord/investor-state-conference.

International Law Deskbook 2020

The International Law Section is proud to announce that its International Law Deskbook is now ready for shipping! Get yours today! CLICK HERE to purchase!

Join the International Law Section

If you are reading the Gazette, chances are that you are a practitioner or a student with an interest in International Law, one of the most wide-ranging, exciting and challenging legal specialties. Everyone in our field knows how crucial it is to stay on top of diverse and evolving national legal regimes, and at the same time, the difficulty of keeping meticulously up-to-date on developments around the world.

The International Law Section (ILS) of The Florida Bar is here to help you, the practitioner, navigate both the everyday and big-picture challenges of our field. Our Section is your forum to share knowledge and best practices, and to meet and mingle with peers in professional collaborations that can only enhance your grasp of the specialty and your standing among clients and peers.

Let ILS membership assist you in developing a thriving international practice through peer network development that includes important shared learnings and reciprocal referrals of clients and casework.

If your practice transcends borders, join us in making this the authoritative, go-to forum for Florida and the gateway to the region for anyone practicing International Law. Our Section is open to lawyers from other states and countries, full-time faculty at U.S. law schools, and full-time U.S. law students, all of whom may participate as associate members. For more information regarding membership with the ILS, click HERE.

Turn in your membership application TODAY!

From Our Members

ILS Members Jennifer Diaz and Sharath Patil Speak in a Webinar: "What is Electronic Export Information (EEI) and Why Does it Matter?"

On August 18, Diaz Trade Law President Jennifer Diaz and Associate Attorney Sharath Patil spoke on a webinar titled “What is Electronic Export Information (EEI) and Why Does it Matter?”. In this webinar, Diaz and Patil provided insights on export controls, an overview of why Electronic Export Information (EEI) is so important, why goods are seized if EEI is not reported timely, and why an exporter may want to consider a voluntary self-disclosure.  

International Law Quarterly

The International Law Quarterly - Spring 2022
The Spring 2022 Issue of the International Law Quarterly - International Law in the Time of COVID-19 is now available. Click on the image above to download! For all previous issues of the International Law Quarterly, please follow this link.
Visit Our Sponsors

The ILS Thanks its Sponsors 

In light of what we accomplished this past year, we hope you will continue to support the Section as a sponsor. In 2021-2022, various firms, companies and suppliers sponsored the Section. 

We look forward to another year of innovative programs where we can advance international law and further promote our sponsors. To learn more, read the Section's sponsorship package. You can also contact our Treasurer, Cristina Vicens Beard at for more details., or Vice Treasurer, Laura Reich at for more details.


The ILS Gazette

Editor: Matthew Akiba

Chair: Jacqueline Villalba

Immediate Past Chair: James M. Meyer

Chair-Elect: Richard Montes De Oca

Secretary: Ana Barton

Treasurer: Cristina Vicens Beard

Vice-Treasurer: Laura Reich

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