The International Law Section Gazette | |
"The great gift of Easter is hope."
—Basil C. Hume
Dear ILS Members and Friends:
Happy Easter! This is a sacred holy week for Christians around the world who observe the death and resurrection of Christ as their savior. Like many others, I attended a powerful Easter service to reflect on the sacrifices and blessings of my faith.
But it’s also a special time to gather with friends and family to fellowship and to celebrate life! One of the American traditions is the Easter egg hunt, which my family did for my little nephew and cousin who were thrilled to discover that this year they had candy, tiny toys and even a little cash in a few of their eggs. Ha!
One thing I’ve always appreciated from our International Section is the ability for us to collaborate and celebrate for a common purpose regardless of our religion, gender, nationality, language and culture. It’s one of the attributes of our Section that makes us so unique, welcoming and truly international. Very few organizations reflect the diversity and friendship that we enjoy, and I’m truly grateful for that.
My hope is that we not only continue to embrace and expand the diversity of our Section as we grow and that the strength of our bonds elevates our Section within our own members, but also to members of foreign and affiliate bars throughout the State of Florida, our country and the rest of the world!
Speaking of strengthening bonds, our Chair Elect, Ana Barton, our Europe Committee Co-Chair, Susanne Leon, and I recently met with a Paris Bar delegate and Latin America Commissioner, Patricia Cuba-Sichler, as part of our Cooperation Agreement. We outlined some exciting initiatives for the coming year involving the ILQ, CLEs, iLaw 2025, and even the creation of an International Law Week. More details to come, but if you’re interested in getting involved please let me, Ana or Susanne know.
Also, space is limited for the upcoming Lunch & Learn with the legendary ILS Past Chair, Edward Davis, which will be moderated by the equally renowned ILS Past Chair, James Meyer, on April 3 at 12 pm. You won’t want to miss it, so be sure to rsvp to Liz Hockensmith:
Finally, make sure to Save the Date for our Section’s upcoming Annual Meeting in Orlando at Bonnet Creek, which will include the Chair’s Reception on Thursday, June 20 and our meeting on Friday, June 21. More details will be coming soon, but it is going to be a fantastic time and we look forward to seeing you all there!
Have a safe and blessed week!
God bless,
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ILS Members Join Osborne Clark for a Discussion by Javier Fernandez-Samaniego and Felix Hilgert on the DSA, DMA and AI Act - How the EU is Regulating the Digital Space, and What That Means for U.S. Businesses | |
ILS Board Members and Europe Committee Co-Chair, Susanne Leone, Meet Paris Bar Delegate and Latin America Commissioner, Patricia Cuba-Sichler, to Advance Exciting New Initiatives under the Paris Bar-ILS Cooperation Agreement | |
Join the ILS for a Lunch & Learn with ILS Past Chair, Edward H. Davis Jr. and Hosted at Fiduciary Trust International on April 3! | |
Register Now for the TTN & ILS Tax Committee's Joint Conference on the Intersection of Art and Tax at the Rubell Museum on May 17, 2024! | |
Conference Schedule
1. Art Tax Tactics, Colleen Boyle, The Fine Art Group, Managing Director, Philadelphia, USA. Colleen Boyle brings over 20 years of diverse experience in the art and financial world to The Fine Art Group. Colleen has provided legal analysis for court cases involving art valuation and identification.
2. Charitable Giving Tax Strategies, Alyssa Razook Wan, Fowler White Burnett, Miami, USA. Alyssa Razook Wan is a Tax, Trust and Estates attorney who handles a variety of domestic and international matters for high-net-worth individuals and families. Alyssa works closely with clients to form and provide ongoing counsel to not for profits, private foundations, and public charities. She has developed a special expertise in helping clients carry out their charitable goals.
3. Mexico and the U.S.: Transfer and Taxation of Art, Mauricio Cano, Brook & Cano, Founding Partner, Mexico. Mauricio Cano has extensive experience working on international taxation and estate planning matters for private clients (HNWI and UHNWI). His professional background includes employment with Deloitte (Mexico) and an international Trustee service provider when he left to start Brook & Cano as a Founding Partner.
4. A Swiss Perspective: The Art of Taxing the Arts, Thierry Boitelle, Boitelle Tax Sarl, Geneva, Switzerland. With 25 years of experience in international taxation, Thierry founded his boutique firm Boitelle Tax in 2022. He renders Swiss and international tax advice with a focus on inbound investment by multinational companies, group finance centers, holdings, captive insurance and intellectual property companies. He further advises high net worth individuals and company executives on the tax and legal aspects of immigration to Switzerland. Thierry regularly speaks and writes about Swiss and international taxation.
[Complimentary Lunch and Tour of Museum]
5. Repatriation of Nazi Looted Art, the Woman in Gold, and Tax Effects, Clarissa Rodriguez & Jeff Hagen, Harper Meyer, Miami, USA. Clarissa Rodriguez is a Board-Certified Expert in International Law. She has an overwhelming amount of dispute resolution experience that paved the way for a cross disciplinary practice between disputes and the arts. Jeffrey S. Hagen focuses his practice on international tax and estate planning, primarily for high-net-worth individuals, multi-jurisdictional families, entities, and trust structures. He is the Chair of the ILS Tax Committee and a member of the TTN Executive Committee.
6. Argentina: Update on International Tax Topics Under Milei, Walter Keiniger, Marvall, O'Farrell & Mairal, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Walter advises clients on cross-border taxation, M&A, business restructuring, tax-free reorganizations, real estate projects, etc. He is a frequent speaker in tax conferences. Walter obtained a degree from the Graduate Tax Program of the University of Florida (USA). He teaches at Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE) and has been recognized as one of the top tax lawyers in Argentina.
7. Family Offices in Singapore, Derren Hayden Joseph, HTJ Tax, Singapore. Derren has successfully completed the Comparative Tax Program at Harvard University and is an EA (Enrolled Agent). He is Chair of the Tax Working Group for Moores Rowland in the Asia Pacific and a member of the Briefing Group advising The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor of the City of London. Derren enjoys writing and has published 3 books on taxation, one of which was an Amazon Best Seller in 2020.
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Just Published: The International Law Quarterly - Winter 2024 on "Hot Topics" | |
The Winter 2024 Issue of the International Law Quarterly - "Hot Topics" is now available.
Click on the images above to download or please click here!
For all previous issues of the International Law Quarterly, please follow this link.
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ILQ Call for Articles for its Spring 2024 Edition on "This or That!" | |
Job Postings for International Law Careers | |
FIFA's In-House Commercial Legal Department is Hiring! | |
FIFA's In-House Commercial Legal Department is hiring! As part of Lynn Carillo's new role as Director of Commercial Legal at FIFA, Lynn is building a team and hiring for several exciting in-house counsel positions that will be key to supporting FIFA's Partnership & Media Division, including:
To learn more about these exciting opportunities, please click the individual positions above!
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Join the International Law Section! | |
If you are reading the Gazette, chances are that you are a practitioner or a student with an interest in International Law, one of the most wide-ranging, exciting and challenging legal specialties. Everyone in our field knows how crucial it is to stay on top of diverse and evolving national legal regimes, and at the same time, the difficulty of keeping meticulously up-to-date on developments around the world.
The International Law Section (ILS) of The Florida Bar is here to help you, the practitioner, navigate both the everyday and big-picture challenges of our field. Our Section is your forum to share knowledge and best practices, and to meet and mingle with peers in professional collaborations that can only enhance your grasp of the specialty and your standing among clients and peers.
Let ILS membership assist you in developing a thriving international practice through peer network development that includes important shared learnings and reciprocal referrals of clients and casework.
If your practice transcends borders, join us in making this the authoritative, go-to forum for Florida and the gateway to the region for anyone practicing International Law. Our Section is open to lawyers from other states and countries, full-time faculty at U.S. law schools, and full-time U.S. law students, all of whom may participate as associate members. For more information regarding membership with the ILS, click HERE.
Turn in your membership application TODAY!
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The ILS Thanks its Sponsors
In light of what we accomplished this past year, we hope you will continue to support the Section as a sponsor. In 2022-2023, various firms, companies and suppliers sponsored the Section.
We look forward to another year of innovative programs where we can advance international law and further promote our sponsors. To learn more, read the Section's sponsorship package. You can also contact our Treasurer, Laura Reich at or Vice Treasurer, Davide Macelloni at for more details.
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ILS Board Members and Officers
Chair: Richard Montes de Oca
Chair-Elect: Ana Barton
Secretary: Cristina Vicens Beard
Treasurer: Laura Reich
Vice-Treasurer: Davide Macelloni
Immediate Past Chair: Jacqueline Villalba
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ILS Executive Council
Terms Expiring in 2024
Fabio Giallanza
Jeffrey S. Hagen
Davide Macelloni
Penelope Perez-Kelly
Yine Rodriguez-Perez
Terms Expiring 2025
Gary Birnberg
Phillip Buhler
Jennifer Diaz
Kristin Drecktrah Paz
Prof. Manuel A. Gomez
Omar K. Ibrahem
Adrian Nunez
Pamella A. Seay
Terms Expiring 2026
Matthew Akiba
Lauren Bengochea
Neha Dagley
Gary E. Davidson
Nouvelle Gonzalo
Susanne Leone
Jennifer Mosquera
To learn more about the ILS Executive Council Members, click here!
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The ILS Gazette is a weekly publication of the Florida Bar International Law Section that informs members about upcoming programs, initiatives and resources.
If you have any questions about the Gazette or wish to include an announcement in future publications, please contact our ILS Gazette Editor, Matthew Akiba at
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