February 2024 Newsletter

The impact we've seen!

To evaluate the benefit of our new expanded medical services, we asked for exit surveys and reviews of our most recent weekend of women's health clinic and expanded medical services. This is the feedback we received!

"I changed my mind when I saw the heartbeat."

"You are so helpful and informative!"


"The staff is very knowledgeable!"


"They asked if they could pray with me when I was so scared, I felt cared for!"


"I became excited about my pregnancy when I saw my baby on ultrasound!"

"These ladies are heaven sent angels! They are so wonderful and make you feel so comfortable and peaceful!"

"I was BLESSED to be able to utilize these new services in Grand County. What a tremendous asset to our community!"

"[Chelsea is] very helpful and connected to her patients in more than just a medical way. Highly recommend!"

These women are being reached, supported, and cared for in their journeys because you support the PRC! Thank you for your continued prayers, support, and care for our ministry!

Director's Corner

Tammy Gildenzoph, PhD

PRC Executive Director

All Life is Valuable!

At the age of fourteen I accepted Christ as my Savior and immediately volunteered to help with ministry. There was a new Sunday School class starting called Pathfinders and I agreed to help with this class. It was modeled after a mega church back east and it was specifically for adults with down syndrome. The class began with 2 participants and within a year grew to 22!

The students absolutely loved to come to Sunday School and sing and dance. We had many adventures and led several students to the Lord. One day we actually lost a student and after a hasty search we discovered him wading in the baptismal! Because of this program we were called “the church with a heart”. I have such fond memories of the 4 years I worked with this class! It was a very sad day when I had to say goodbye when I left for college.

Fast forward several years to the changes in our culture today. Now when I go to the mall or park, I rarely see members of this special group of people and I feel sad. There is such overwhelming pressure to abort babies with chromosome abnormalities and we overlook the blessings we miss. My own grandson was thought to have down syndrome and his parents were pressured to abort and told that it would be best for mom and baby over and over. They continually said no and he was born without it! Life is a gift from God.

Every life must matter or no life will matter! 

"Nearly 4 in 5 parents of children with Down syndrome report a more positive outlook on life as a result, and 94 percent of siblings said they are proud of their brothers and sisters with Down syndrome."1

"Nearly 99% of people with Down syndrome indicated that they were happy with their lives; 97% liked who they are"2

  1. Skotko BG, Levine SP, Macklin EA, Goldstein RD. 2015. Family perspectives about Down syndrome. Am J Med Genet Part A 9999A: 930–941.
  2. Skotko BG, Levine SP, Goldstein R. Self-perceptions from people with Down syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2011 Oct;155A(10):2360-9. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.34235. Epub 2011 Sep 9. PMID: 21910246; PMCID: PMC3740159.

Remember to Register!

Embrace the Journey!

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

February 18, 2024 Crooked Creek Ranch, Fraser, CO

We would like to invite you to join us for our annual banquet, February 18th, 2024!

Doors and childcare open at 4:30.

Our key note speaker this year is Mike G. Williams!

Mike is a nationally known speaker and writer who has a passion for life. He is heard daily on the SiriusXM's Laugh USA. He has recorded numerous comedy projects and written fourteen books. Included in those books are Men Moved to Mars When Women Started Killing the Ones on Venus and Love Is NOT A Three-Letter Word (A new look at Abstinence). His own personal adoption story and the rescue and subsequent

adoption of his son will move you to tears of great joy. Each of Mike's presentations are given in a very positive humorous direction that will leave every listener feeling encouraged and empowered to make a difference. He came to popularity as a pro-life speaker after Focus on the Family brought his personal story to a national

spotlight. Mike will have you rolling on the floor with laughter, while simultaneously building your reverence for the work of local lifesaving organizations.

Note: Press may schedule interviews with Mike Williams by contacting [email protected].

To learn more about Mike Williams or to book him for your event, visit his website here.

Registration closes February 12th, Sponsorship deadline is February 5th.

Register to attend the banquet here!
To be a banquet sponsor, click here!
Teens willing to serve at the banquet, call us here!

Why Do Women Choose Abortion?

Overwhelming pressures both internal and external can prevent a woman from exploring other options and they can make a hasty decision to terminate a pregnancy. In the Equipped to Serve Manual written by Cynthia Philkill she identifies external pressure as:


1.   People: People, such as a woman’s parents, boyfriend, husband or friends may pressure her. Everyone in her life will have an opinion and, most often, will not hesitate to express that opinion. Some people pull a woman in one direction while others pull her in another direction. A woman facing a crisis pregnancy often find she is being torn apart by the wishes of the people she cares about the most.

2. Circumstances: Circumstances such as school, work, finances, or illness can also put pressure on a woman. For example, a woman who is single and supports herself may not feel she could support herself if she were to have a baby. Likewise, a woman who is married with two children and cares for her elderly mother may not feel she has the emotional energy or physical strength to care for another baby.


3.  Culture: We live in a society that encourages a woman to have an abortion if she perceives her life to be less than perfect in any way. For example, if she isn’t married, happily married, financially secure, hasn’t finished with school, or just happens to like the life the way it is, she is told it is her constitutional right to choose to have an abortion. In the context of such cultural pressure, it is difficult for a woman who wants to carry to term to make a choice for life.


4.  Church: Often women say, “I’d rather face God with an abortion than face the people in my church with an unplanned pregnancy.” Some perceive the people in their church to be unforgiving and judgmental when it comes to a single woman getting pregnant.


During a crisis it is much easier for a woman to focus on her weaknesses and forget about her strengths. We must listen, look for and highlight a woman’s strengths. This is where hope begins: her hope in herself, the situation and what God is doing in her life.

Excerpt from Equipped to Serve by Cynthia Philkill

Used with permission


Did you know?

85% of abortion minded women change their minds when they hear the heartbeat of their baby and see an ultrasound image?

Your continued support makes a difference in the services we are able to provide. Thank you!

Upcoming Special Dates




Free Childbirth Classes

For women and their partners due in March, April, or May.

Please contact Gina DeRosa at 720-282-1428 to sign up!

Classes take place at PRC January 26 & 27, and February 2 & 3.



New Hours!

We are changing our hours starting February 1st! Our office will now be open from 10 am - 5 pm Monday - Thursday!



Castle Rock Women's Health Clinic

Please contact 720-432-6580 for an appointment! Services provided include prenatal care up to 20 weeks, postpartum care up to 3 months, well woman exams, full spectrum STI testing and treatment, Hormone testing and consultations, and sports physicals.



Register Today!

PRC's Annual Fundraising Banquet at Crooked Creek Ranch in Fraser, CO, featuring Christian comedian Mike Williams!

Register here!



PRC Closed

PRC will be closed to reorganize after our annual banquet, normal business hours will resume on Tuesday February 20th.

PRC Services

Expanded Medical Services


Our Team

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