News and Updates for NeuroBehavioral Associates
Can Dance Class Make a Difference to Children With Neurobehavioral Disorders?
Learning that your child has a neurobehavioral or developmental condition understandably results in a typically exhausting search for the right therapies. The list of potential interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder, developmental delays, and related conditions grows longer each year as more research is uncovered by scientists. 

The value of dance class, and general movement, is one of the more recent potential interventions to be researched. 
News and Resources

If your child has been recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, you've no doubt come across some unfamiliar terms related to the condition. It is important for you to feel empowered as an advocate for your child.

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A School Empowers a Single Mother of a Girl With Autism
The New York TImes

For years, Angela Terrero was anxious about raising her daughter, Astrid. Then she found a children's center that supported them both.
Helping Your Child Learn to Self-Advocate
NeuroBehavioral Associates

Advocating is an essential part of being a parent. When you find that your child has a learning difference, advocacy becomes even more important.

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Melatonin may ease autistic children's sleep troubles
Spectrum News

Up to 80 percent of autistic children struggle to fall or stay asleep. These difficulties can exacerbate problems with learning, behavior and overall quality of life. Helping children get more sleep, she says, may alleviate these issues.

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About Us

NeuroBehavioral Associates provides comprehensive neuropsychological consultation and assessment for children, adolescents and adults with known or suspected attention, learning, or neurodevelopmental disorders. Consultations and assessments are aimed at providing a diagnostic formulation, assessing strengths and weaknesses, and forming an appropriate intervention plan. 

Contact us to learn more or schedule a consultation. 
NeuroBehavioral Associates | 410-772-7155 | Email | Website