
It can be hard to write about the tough topics. Whatever you've been through, those difficult moments often remain unshared. But you can face them, and even turn them into art. Writer and editor Chelsey Clammer is offering a creative nonfiction class in which students will face the stories and situations in their lives that they swore they would never write about.
Face Your Fears: Women Writers Anonymous starts on Monday, January 2, 2023. In this six-week class, you'll read assigned essays to see how authors have written about traumatic/shameful events. All students in the course will remain anonymous. Students will complete weekly writing assignments and receive individual feedback from the instructor. By the end of the class, you'll have a complete draft of your brave essay.

In the article below, Chelsey explores the importance of pace and how it affects your reader’s experience. She includes several ways you can perfect the pace of a current piece of your writing!

Write on!
Marcia & Angela
Classroom Managers
The Importance of Pace
By Chelsey Clammer

In terms of writing, pace is important.

In terms of life, pace is the ideal.

Lately, my life has felt like a run-on sentence. There's been the family stuff and the car stuff and the job stuff and the lack of time and the problems stemming from how the fan is still a-whirring even after the hard life stuff hit it and now I'm not just dealing with the life stuff and it's just one thing after another after another—like a frantic run-on sentence.

That, m'dears, is pace.

So is this:

There are moments of calm. Slices of silent seconds. Collections of tranquil moments. The accumulation of downtime. Everything is fine. Complete. Like a good sentence can be. Like how life is, ideally.

This is the power of a sentence: the perfect reflection of content.

I never thought I would care so much about commas. About punctuation in general, let alone sentence structure. But it's the commas that give us breathing breaks. Speed bumps in the rush of a story's sentence. Those minutes when we can breathe between the onslaughts of stuff.

Pace is about:

• the reader's experience
• the speed of explanation
• exploration

It's the itty bitty shifts in punctuation that change our reading, breathing experience.

Because pace is a practice of intention, an art form of patience as we write and revise our way through an essay. A well-paced story is one where the reader isn't even thinking about the pace of information coming her way. She's just in the flow of reading—doesn't even notice the punctuation that's guiding her along, word by word, page by page.

About what's on the pages: pace also creates the emotional tone of your piece. If you're telling a super-tear-tinged type of story, you don't want the reader bawling her eyes out every sentence. Joy is a part of sorrow, so we must even out the sadness with moments of peace or even humor. The flow of information as a whole also greatly changes the reader's experience. Pacing out the excitement with the informative backstory, for instance, or even paying attention to how you space out hints and questions, create the reader's experience of your story.

Like running, perfect pace is something you have to train for. Running every day will help you to increase your 5k finishing time. Likewise, practicing pace helps you to perfect it in final drafts. Here are some ways to practice:

• Record yourself reading your essay. When you read it, truly follow your punctuation's directions—brief pauses with the commas, longer ones with the periods. Replay the recording and listen for moments that feel too fast or slow. Then, look at the actual writing and see if the punctuation you have helps or hinders what you are trying to convey.

• Print out a piece of your writing. Highlight all of the parts different colors according to the tone (sad, funny, inquisitive, mysterious, etc). Now take a look at what you have and see how the tone is balanced.

• Do the same for backstory. Highlight everything that goes back in time and everything that is the present tense story. Too much backstory in too many places? Not enough? How is the information balanced?

Like life, a piece of writing must be paced out or else it can feel overwhelming, if not terribly unsteady. By keeping the pace of each sentence and the overall story balanced (or intentionally imbalanced), your reader's experience of your writing will transition from reading to exploring, from understanding to living.
Face Your Fears: Women Writers Anonymous
Instructor: Chelsey Clammer

Start Date: Monday, January 2, 2023

End Date: Sunday, February 12, 2023

Duration: 6 Weeks

Location: Private website and forum

Feedback: Weekly instructor feedback and edits with weekly or bi-weekly peer feedback

Cost: $250, which includes weekly assignments and individual feedback from the instructor, a 30-minute phone consultation with the instructor near the end of class, and an emotionally safe space to explore your stories.
Description: Face Your Fears: Women Writers Anonymous is a 6-week online creative nonfiction class in which all of the participants are anonymous (with the exception of the instructor). Students will face the stories and situations in their lives that they swore they would NEVER write about, and then not only write them, but also receive feedback based on craft, not content. Students will read assigned essays to see how authors have written about traumatic/shameful events. By the end of the class, students will have a complete draft of their brave essay, as well as the knowledge and skills to help them revise a personal essay in a more objective way. NOTE: this is not group therapy.
View the full listing for a week-by-week curriculum and testimonials.
About your instructor:
Human Heartbeat Detected by Chelsey Clammer
Chelsey Clammer is the award-winning author of the essay collections, Human Heartbeat Detected (Red Hen Press, 2022), Circadian (Red Hen Press, 2017) and BodyHome (Hopewell Publications, 2015). Her work has appeared in Salon, The Rumpus, Brevity, and McSweeney’s, among many others. She teaches online writing classes with WOW! Women on Writing and is a freelance editor. Visit her website at: www.chelseyclammer.com.
Free Email Course for Self-Published Authors:
How would it feel if you could start selling more books each day by this time next week?

Learn step-by-step how to launch your first Facebook Ads and Amazon Ads, within the next week, in this FREE 7 day email course for self-published authors.

Matthew Holmes will share with you exactly how he’s taken his wife’s books from earning $100 per month to more than $15,000 per month in royalties using strategic advertising campaigns.

Sign up for FREE today and let’s take your author career to a whole new level.

Upcoming WOW Classes & Workshops
Below are some classes and workshops that are starting soon. Click on the links to be taken to a full listing that includes a week-by-week curriculum, testimonials, instructor bio, and more. Keep in mind that most class sizes are limited, so the earlier you register the better.

All the classes operate online--whether through email, private website, streaming platform, or Zoom, depending on the instructor's preferences--so unless it's a Zoom class, the workshop is asynchronous, meaning you do not need to be present at any particular time. You can work at your own pace in the comfort of your own home. If you have any questions, please reply to this email or email us at: classroom@wow-womenonwriting.com.
Ongoing - Starts Upon Ordering:

Submissions Consultation | Return time: 1 Week | $25 | Submit up to 12 pages (4,500 words) of your writing and receive 5 or more suggestions of where to submit your piece and formatting for each market | Editor: Chelsey Clammer
Manuscript Draft Editing Package with Consultation (For Novels, Short Story Collections, and Memoirs - up to 100,000 words) $399 | includes a complete read-through of a novel manuscript up to 100,000 words by a professional editor, a revision letter, a bullet point list of strengths and revision suggestions, a 30-minute Skype consultation, and for WOW! writers only—a page of self-editing suggestions. | Editor: Margo L. Dill

Children's Novel Draft Editing Package (For Novels for Children Ages 9-12) $325 | includes a complete read-through of a novel manuscript up to 100,000 words by a professional editor, a revision letter, a bullet point list of strengths and revision suggestions, a 30-minute Skype consultation, and for WOW! writers only—a page of self-editing suggestions. | Editor: Margo L. Dill

Simplify Your Book-Writing Process with a Book Style Guide | 4 sessions | $125 | Location: Private Website | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Editor: Bernadette Geyer

Online Clips for Freelance Writers: Websites vs. Portfolios - Video Class and Consultation | 30-minute video class, plus a 30-minute Zoom/Skype consultation | $40 | Password protected video | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Editor: Bernadette Geyer
Independent, Self-Paced:

Beginner Blogging Bundle | 4 weeks | $80 | Instructor: Amanda Zieba
Starts the First Tuesday of Every Month:

Introduction to the Craft of Screenwriting | 6 Weeks | $150 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Limit: 10 Students | Instructor: Christina Hamlett

All the World's a Stage: An Introduction to Playwriting | 6 Weeks | $175 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Limit: 10 Students | Instructor: Christina Hamlett

How to Write a TV Pilot | 4 Weeks | $150 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Limit: 10 Students | Instructor: Christina Hamlett

Starts the First Friday of Every Month:

Writing a Novel with a Writing Coach: One-on-One Instruction | 4 Weeks with a chance to renew | $145 | Location: Private Website, Email, and Google Drive | Feedback: Instructor Feedback and Critique | Limit: 20 Students | Instructor: Margo L. Dill
Face Your Fears: Women Writers Anonymous

6 weeks: Jan 2 - Feb 12

Face Your Fears: Women Writers Anonymous is a 6-week online creative nonfiction class in which all of the participants are anonymous (with the exception of the instructor). Students will face the stories and situations in their lives that they swore they would NEVER write about, and then not only write them, but also receive feedback based on craft, not content. By the end of the class, students will have a complete draft of their brave essay, as well as the knowledge and skills to help them revise a personal essay in a more objective way.
Writing with Transitions: How to Keep Readers Close While Moving Them Through Time and Space

6 weeks: Jan 8 - Feb 18

Writers often have trouble leading readers from scene to scene smoothly when it requires a change in time or space, large and small. This class will concentrate on learning how to make those transitions in ways that do not jar readers but keep them engaged and well-grounded in essays, poems or stories. Led by Sheila Bender!
1-2-3 Personal Essays: Write Real, Honest, Joyful (Sometimes Sad!) Essays with Weekly Feedback

3 weeks: Jan 9 - Jan 29

Do you love writing personal essays? Are you looking for personal feedback on your essays? Have you already taken a “how to” class on personal essays and want to start producing more pieces for submission? This class is for you! The value of this class comes with working one-on-one with the instructor on your individual essay(s). For each of the 3 weeks, you submit a new (or revised) essay (500-1,000 words) or re-submit an essay you’ve revised. At the end of three weeks, you will have at least one completed essay ready to go out on submission. Led by editor Kandace Chapple!
Writing Fitness & Sport Stories

4 weeks: Jan 9 - Jan 29

Sports and writing are activities many people do for pleasure or self-fulfillment, but these are also rich areas of personal learning and potential social change. This course is designed to give participants space to write and reflect on their fitness and sports careers, lives, and bodies, and then discuss how sharing these personal stories can create social change. Participants will have access to short lessons, readings, and discussion boards each week, and have the option to submit up to 800 words per week for instructor critique. By the end of the course, participants will have a short piece of writing to share with a broader audience. Led by Dr. Anne Greenawalt, editor-in-chief of Sport Stories Press!
Narrative Structures

6 weeks: Jan 10 - Feb 20

Have you always wanted to write a novel but don’t know where to start? This class is aimed at writers of all levels who want to deepen their understanding of plot, narratives, and structures. Through a range of lectures, masterclasses, live Q&A sessions, and structural analyses, students will learn a number of different narrative structures, experiment with new frameworks, and understand which methods work best for them as a writer. Led by award-winning author Madeline Dyer.
How to Write a YA Dystopian Novel

8 weeks: Jan 10 - Mar 6

Have you always wanted to write a YA dystopian novel but need help fine-tuning your idea? Got an idea for a YA dystopian novel, but have no idea where to start with the actual writing of your book? In this eight-week course dystopian novelist Madeline Dyer will take you through the steps involved in crafting a dystopian novel. Each week will focus on a different aspect of writing the dystopian novel, and you’ll be provided with learning materials such as lectures, excerpts, links, and more, all of which you can access in your own time within that week. Every week also contains an assignment where you’ll get individual feedback from Madeline, including chapter critiques.
No Matter How Busy You Are, You Can Still Find Time to Write!

4 weeks: Jan 9 - Jan 29

Students learn unique and creative ways to fit writing time into their busy lives, including how to set achievable writing goals, how to create a Writing Action Plan, and how to manage distractions and interruptions. By Kelly L. Stone, author of Time to Write: Professional Writers Reveal How to Fit Writing Into Your Busy Life, Thinking Write: The Secret to Freeing Your Creative Mind, and Living Write: The Secret to Inviting Your Craft Into Your Daily Life.
Chicken Soup Essays: Write & Receive Personal Feedback

3 weeks: Feb 6 - Feb 26

Have you ever wanted to see your essay in a Chicken Soup for the Soul book? (Who hasn’t!) It might be their book on dogs, angels, grandmas, kids or cats... Chicken Soup for the Soul always has a rotating list of themes for their next book – and your essay could be included! In this class, we will talk about guidelines, tone and voice, and students will write essays to submit to Chicken Soup’s latest upcoming themes (they have several themes with a submission deadline coming up – a perfect time to take this class and work toward a deadline.) It’s time to go for it!
Travel Writing 101 Webinar with Optional Pitch Critique
Zoom: January 11, 2-4 PM ET

You have stories to tell from your travels and you think they should be published in a newspaper, magazine, online, or your own blog, but where do you start? This class provides an overview of the travel-writing world from ideation to publication. Led by Barbara Noe Kennedy, former longtime editor of National Geographic Travel Publishing.
Leaping Worlds: Writing Historical Fiction and Time-Travel Stories

5 weeks: Feb 10 - March 10

Have a favorite historical era? Love to research and read and write about different time periods or future worlds? Both historical fiction and time-travel stories keep pages turning by exploring worlds unlike our own. At the same time, these stories resonate with timeless characterizations that underscore the deeper struggles and joys of being human in any era. As Guy Vanderhaeghe has said, “History tells us what people do; historical fiction helps us imagine how they felt.” In this five-week class, we’ll discover the exciting diversity of settings, characterizations, and genres that encompass both historical fiction and time-travel/sci-fi/fantasy narratives.
Specifics Tell the Story: Exercises and Strategies for Overcoming Exposition

6 weeks: Feb 20 - Apr 2

You’ve heard “show don’t tell” over and over and still writing group members, instructors and editors ask again for details that appeal to the senses, details that allow the reader to live the experience you are writing. Why as writers do we forget to provide the images and specifics and instead write broadly and bump the reader out of the experience they are having? Let’s find the answer and what to do about it for producing evocative, compelling writing. Led by Sheila Bender!
Writing is Revising: How to Become a Better Editor

4 weeks: Feb 27 - Mar 26

Writing Is Revising: How to Become a Better Editor is a 4-week online class in which participants will learn and practice different skills, tips, tricks, and perspectives on the process of revising—which isn’t just about commas and grammar rules you learned (and promptly forgot) way back when. Making revisions is its own type of creative process and it’s where the real writing happens. Anyone can write, but the key to being a successful writer, is being a great editor of your own work. Whether publication is your main goal, or perhaps it’s just figuring out how to best convey what goes on inside your head, editing is what separates piles of word vomit from well-polished (and published!) tidy lines of words.
An Introduction to Storytelling Forms: Flash Fiction, Short Stories, Novels, Poetry, Screenplays, Personal Essays, and Memoir (Including Portfolio Creation)

12 weeks: Feb 28 - May 22

This 12-week course introduces students to storytelling in all its forms, examining flash fiction, short stories, novels, poetry, screenplays, personal essays, and memoirs. Each week includes an assignment, and across the course, students will write in each of these forms. Personalised feedback from the instructor will be provided on every assignment. We also have a total of three weeks across the course dedicated to learning the universal elements of story and writing craft, and the final week allows students to specialise in a chosen form and further develop a piece of their writing. At the end of this course, students will have produced a portfolio of various forms.
You Can Start a Podcast!
Zoom: March 22, 2-3:30 PM ET

Have you ever thought about creating a podcast but are overwhelmed by how to even get started? Renee Roberson, host of Missing in the Carolinas, will share the backstory of how she created her own podcast, examples of different formats, what kinds of software, subscriptions, and other tools you may need, finding ideas for creating podcasting content, monetization ideas, and how you can repurpose your materials.
What Our Bodies Have to Say: Writing About, Writing With the Body

4 weeks: Apr 10 - May 7

The body is an unavoidable fact of our lives. As writers, we also know that the need to write is also an unavoidable fact of our lives. In this four-week class, students will read a variety of authors to explore the different ways that the body can be a part of our writing. Participants will be provided with 2-3 essays to read every week that will get us to explore different narrative structures. We'll also look at a number of craft techniques such as juxtaposition, tone, use of metaphor, integrating research, and gestures that can all influence the essay in subtle, yet very significant ways. The goal of this workshop is to discover how the way we decide to tell a story is just as important as the story itself. Led by Chelsey Clammer!
Writing the Hermit Crab Essay and Other Creative Nonfiction Forms

4 weeks: Apr 10 - May 21

The writer Brenda Miller coined the term Hermit Crab essay to suggest that non-fiction writing can be structured by borrowing a form we are familiar with from other writings that are not considered essays: prayers, bus schedules, recipes, how-to manuals or tv scripts to name a few possibilities. The idea is that by borrowing the structure (braiding, collaging, poetic language in related novel essay forms) and filling it with what we want to evoke about our personal experience we come upon surprises we might not have found otherwise. In this course, we will read a variety of essays and participants will write one of their own each week for response from the instructor and classmates.
Research: Prepping to Write Nonfiction for Children and Young Adults

4 weeks, multiple dates

Nonfiction for children and teens lines the bookshelves of libraries and bookstores, fills magazines and e-zines and is used in classrooms around the world. The first step in taking your place in this market is learning to do the research. That may sound relatively simple, but done right it includes researching markets and possible topics as well as locating accurate source materials. This course will help you develop the skills you need to take on these tasks with confidence.
Writing Nonfiction for Children and Young Adults

4 weeks, multiple dates

Biographies, science, history, how-to, and more. Nonfiction is published in book form, online and in both magazines and e-zines. Not only do teachers and school librarians seek nonfiction for their students, children and teens read it for fun. In this course, you will learn how to organize your material, write and revise not only the manuscript you workshop in class but future projects as well. Learn from Sue Bradford Edwards!
December 5, 2022

Ghostwriting Your Way to a Profitable Writing Business | 4 Weeks | $120 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Karen Cioffi

January 2, 2023

Face Your Fears: Women Writers Anonymous | 6 Weeks | $250 | Location: Private Website | Feedback: Instructor Edits and Peer Workshopping | Instructor: Chelsey Clammer

Build Your Author/Writer Platform | 4 Weeks | $97 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Karen Cioffi

Pitching, Querying, and Submitting Your Work | 4 Weeks | $90 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Sue Bradford Edwards

Research: Prepping to Write Nonfiction for Children and Young Adults | 4 Weeks | $90 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Sue Bradford Edwards

Writing Nonfiction for Children and Young Adults | 4 Weeks | $90 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Sue Bradford Edwards

January 8, 2023

Writing With Transitions: How to Keep Readers Close While Moving Through Time and Space | 6 Weeks | $210 | Location: Private Website | Feedback: Instructor Edits and Peer Workshopping | Instructor: Sheila Bender

January 9, 2023

1-2-3 Personal Essays: Write Real, Honest, Joyful (Sometimes Sad!) Essays With Weekly Feedback | 3 Weeks | $150 | Location: Private Facebook Group | Feedback: Instructor Edits | Instructor: Kandace Chapple

No Matter How Busy You Are, You Can Still Find Time to Write! | 4 Weeks | $40 | Location: Group Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback and Group Discussion | Instructor: Kelly L. Stone

Life's a Bitch and Then You Write: A Three-Step Technique to Strengthen Your Work-in-Progress | 3 Weeks | $30 | Location: Group Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback and Group Discussion | Instructor: Kelly L. Stone

January 10, 2023

How to Write a YA Dystopian Novel | 8 Weeks | $185 | Location: Private Facebook Group, a Streaming Platform for Interactive Masterclasses, Zoom | Feedback: Instructor Feedback and Peer Workshopping | Instructor: Madeline Dyer

Narrative Structures | 6 Weeks | $185 | Location: Private Facebook Group and Zoom for Interactive Classes | Instructor: Madeline Dyer

January 11, 2023

Travel Writing 101 Webinar with Optional Pitch Critique! NEW! | 2-hour Zoom class, 2pm - 4pm ET | $45 for the class, optional pitch critique option for $95 total | Instructor: Barbara Noe Kennedy, former longtime editor of National Geographic

February 6, 2023

Writing Fitness & Sport Stories NEW! | 4 Weeks | $125 | Location: Private Webpage | Feedback: Instructor Feedback and Peer Workshopping | Instructor: Dr. Anne Greenawalt

Chicken Soup Essays: Write & Receive Personal Feedback | 3 Weeks | $150 | Location: Private Facebook Group | Instructor Edits | Instructor: Kandace Chapple

Empower Your Muse, Empower Your Writing Self | 4 Weeks | $40 | Location: Group Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback and Group Discussion | Instructor: Kelly L. Stone

Build Your Author/Writer Platform | 4 Weeks | $97 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Karen Cioffi

Pitching, Querying, and Submitting Your Work | 4 Weeks | $90 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Sue Bradford Edwards

Research: Prepping to Write Nonfiction for Children and Young Adults | 4 Weeks | $90 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Sue Bradford Edwards

Writing Nonfiction for Children and Young Adults | 4 Weeks | $90 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Sue Bradford Edwards

February 10, 2023

Leaping Worlds: Writing Historical Fiction and Time-Travel Stories | 5 Weeks | $200 | Location: Private Facebook Group | Feedback: Weekly Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Melanie Faith

February 27, 2023

Specifics Tell the Story: Exercises and Strategies for Overcoming Exposition | 6 Weeks | $210 | Location: Private Google Group | Feedback: Weekly Instructor Feedback and Peer Workshopping | Instructor: Sheila Bender

February 27, 2023

Writing is Revising: How to Become a Better Editor | 4 Weeks | $180 | Location: Private Website | Feedback: Instructor Edits and Peer Workshopping | Instructor: Chelsey Clammer

February 28, 2023

An Introduction to Storytelling Forms: Flash Fiction, Short Stories, Novels, Poetry, Screenplays, Personal Essays, and Memoir (Including Portfolio Creation) | 12 Weeks | $285 | Location: Private Facebook Group, a Streaming Platform for Interactive Masterclasses, Zoom | Feedback: Instructor Feedback and Peer Workshopping | Instructor: Madeline Dyer

March 6, 2023

Build Your Author/Writer Platform | 4 Weeks | $97 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Karen Cioffi

Pitching, Querying, and Submitting Your Work | 4 Weeks | $90 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Sue Bradford Edwards

Research: Prepping to Write Nonfiction for Children and Young Adults | 4 Weeks | $90 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Sue Bradford Edwards

Writing Nonfiction for Children and Young Adults | 4 Weeks | $90 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Sue Bradford Edwards

March 13, 2023

Life's a Bitch and Then You Write: A Three-Step Technique to Strengthen Your Work-in-Progress | 3 Weeks | $30 | Location: Group Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback and Group Discussion | Instructor: Kelly L. Stone

Empower Your Muse, Empower Your Writing Self | 4 Weeks | $40 | Location: Group Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback and Group Discussion | Instructor: Kelly L. Stone

March 22, 2023

You Can Start a Podcast! NEW! | 90 Minute Live Zoom Class, 2-3:30PM ET | $35 | Instructor: Renee Roberson

April 3, 2023

Build Your Author/Writer Platform | 4 Weeks | $97 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Karen Cioffi

Pitching, Querying, and Submitting Your Work | 4 Weeks | $90 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Sue Bradford Edwards

Research: Prepping to Write Nonfiction for Children and Young Adults | 4 Weeks | $90 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Sue Bradford Edwards

Writing Nonfiction for Children and Young Adults | 4 Weeks | $90 | Location: Email | Feedback: Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Sue Bradford Edwards

April 4, 2023

How to Write a YA Dystopian Novel | 8 Weeks | $185 | Location: Private Facebook Group, a Streaming Platform for Interactive Masterclasses, Zoom | Feedback: Instructor Feedback and Peer Workshopping | Instructor: Madeline Dyer

Narrative Structures | 6 Weeks | $185 | Location: Private Facebook Group and Zoom for Interactive Classes | Instructor: Madeline Dyer

April 10, 2023

What Our Bodies Have to Say: Writing About, Writing With the Body | 4 Weeks | Location: Private Website | Feedback: Instructor Edits and Peer Workshopping | Instructor: Chelsey Clammer

Writing the Hermit Crab Essay and Other Related Creative Nonfiction Forms | 6 Weeks | $210 | Location: Private Google Group | Feedback: Weekly Instructor Feedback and Peer Workshopping | Instructor: Sheila Bender

April 21, 2023

Jump-Start Your Poetry Practice NEW! | 5 Weeks | $200 | Location: Private Facebook Group | Feedback: Weekly Instructor Feedback | Instructor: Melanie Faith

May 22, 2023

Curiosity and Creative Nonfiction | 4 Weeks | Location: Private Website | Feedback: Instructor Edits and Peer Workshopping | Instructor: Chelsey Clammer