The Inflation Reduction Act represents the most significant climate investment in our nation's history
At long last, we have a bill that will drastically reduce our nation's carbon emissions.
Here are just a few things in the Inflation Reduction Act that will help turbocharge our clean energy future and tackle climate change:
Reduces carbon emissions by 40 percent by 2030. By taking strong action to reduce carbon emissions, America will regain credibility in the international community by being a proactive partner in the fight against climate change.
Clean energy tax credits for families. The bill offers tax credits to purchase new and used electric vehicles and tax credits for solar, energy-efficient appliances, heat pumps, and more.
Creates made-in-America jobs. The bill will spur job growth in the clean energy sectors, manufacturing, construction, and more.
Provides health care funding for coal miners with black lung. The bill has a permanent extension of the black lung excise tax to provide benefits and health care for coal miners suffering from black lung disease.
Provides incentives to make big investments to re-energize the American economy, energy security, and reduce carbon. With 15% of total global emissions, America will export technologies and break trails for others to follow.
Is this a perfect bill? No.
I'm disappointed there isn't a more substantial investment in climate justice and supporting low-income and Brown and Black communities that often bear the brunt of fossil fuel pollution and climate inaction.
Additionally, the bill wrongfully includes fossil fuel provisions. It requires the federal government to continue holding oil and gas drilling leases alongside new plans for solar and wind projects on federal land. This is an obvious setback in the fight to end our dependence on fossil fuels.
But make no mistake – this is America's first major climate law that represents a big step forward in the fight against climate change. So we celebrate today, and we continue the fight tomorrow for more climate justice.
By the sea in Rockport MA, Rob shares the mission of the Ocean River Institute.
Revival Coffee in Somerville takes up the Natural Lawn Challenge
The Ocean River Institute’s Natural Lawn Care for Healthy Soils Challenge is a friendly competition with towns competing to keep established lawns natural by forgoing the use of quick-release fertilizer and chemical pesticides and herbicides. Established lawns do not need quick-release fertilizer. The Department of Agricultural Resources recommends one application of 100% slow-release fertilizer in the spring or fall.
ORI Summer interns left to right Anand Fedele, Ken Stephens, and Zeke Cochin distributed stickers featuring happy worm and springtail, and people went online to join Somerville Greens Team.
The Ocean River Institute’s goal is for more natural lawns to provide refuge and natural corridors for more wildlife to create bigger and more emerald bracelets town by town to compliment Boston’s Emerald Necklace.
Five ORI summer interns have found seventeen reasons why not put fertilizer on the lawn during summer months. In Somerville, the top 5 reasons for not spreading fertilizer on established residential lawns were:
#Five. Stop nutrient (fertilizer) runoff polluting waterways, feeding algae blooms.
#Four. Natural lawns have greater biodiversity, more animal species.
#Three. Living in natural, non-watered lawns were found 94 species of bees.
#Two. Mycorrhizal fungi networks, the wood wide web, store more carbon.
#ONE. Improved wildlife habitats when fertilizer is not applied to established lawns.
Ken, managing the Somerville Greens Team, invites you to take the challenge, make the pledge on the website, and tell us about your priorities for your lawn.
Melrose takes up the Natural Lawn Challenge
Jitters Coffee hosted the Natural Lawn Care for Healthy Soils Challenge, a friendly competition with towns competing to keep established lawns natural by forgoing the use of quick-release fertilizer and chemical pesticides and herbicides.
ORI Summer interns, left to right, Zeke Cochin, Ken Stephens, and Anand Fedele talk with participants about restoring nature, more carbon capture, lawns pumping carbohydrates to build an inch of soil in a year, and protecting homes from extreme weather events when four inches of soil holds seven inches of rainwater.
The Ocean River Institute’s goal is for more natural lawns to provide refuge and natural corridors for more wildlife to create bigger and more emerald bracelets town by town to compliment Boston’s Emerald Necklace.
Five ORI summer interns have found seventeen reasons why not put fertilizer on the lawn during summer months. In Melrose, the top 5 reasons for not spreading fertilizer on established residential lawns were:
#Five. Saved Money (save time, effort, and less fossil fuel use).
#Four. Save Water, need not water natural lawns.
#Three. Fertilizer kills beneficial nematodes.
#Two. Natural lawns can build an inch of soil in a year.
#One. Natural lawns found to have 36 species of plants between the blades of grass.
Ken, managing the Melrose Greens Team, invites you to take the challenge, make the pledge on the website, and tell us about your priorities for your lawn.
If you like what we're doing, consider a donation to the Ocean River Institute.
You may join us in displaying with pride right whale day stickers for a contribution of $10. We'll send you 3 stickers, the 4 by 7.5 inch Swim Free and Prosper sticker, a 4.5 inch diameter mother and calf sticker, and a 2 inch diameter mother and calf sticker. If you like, we'll also include Natural Lawns with Healthy Soils Challenge stickers, both large and small. Please indicate your preferences when making a gift. Let's make it known before it's too late.
Here at the Ocean River Institute, we don’t just talk about the need to fight climate change. We’re using all of our knowledge about the threats we face to press others to take bold actions in many different ways.
And bold action is exactly what the world needs in the fight against climate change. Who's in your corner?
We succeed by working together with other organizations and communitity groups. The Ocean River Institute is the only organization that raises a cacophony of diverse voices to decision-makers. When you speak out on any one of our campaigns, you are heard. Thanks to those of you who took the time to make a pledge and write a comment. You are opening the doors of committees and the minds of politicians who are just looking for a way forward to climate justice.
For healthy oceans, green watersheds, and wildlife diversity.