Fair Lawn Jewish Center
Congregation Bnai Israel

Enriching Lives through Prayer, Celebration, Education and Social Action for over 70 Years!

Upcoming Classes

Nosh and Knowledge with Rabbi Roth 

will be held on Tuesday, August 9

Click Here for Zoom link

Coffee & Commentary with Rabbi Salston

will be held on Wednesday, August 10 

Click Here for Zoom link


Click fljc.com for more info

Friday, August 5 (8 Av) 7:00pm

Kabbalat Shabbat / Ma'ariv in the Sanctuary and on Livestream

Click to Join by Livestream

Candle Lighting at 7:49pm

Click for Kabbalat Shabbat New Siddur Lev Shalem

Click for Kabbalat Shabbat Siddur Sim Shalom 

 (Services will be at 7:00pm through August 26) 

Shabbat August 6 (9 Av) 9:30am

Erev Tisha B'Av

Shaharit in the Sanctuary and on Livestream

Click Here to Join by Livestream

Reading: Devarim 32:31-3:22; Haftarah: Isaiah 1:1-27    

Thank you to Rabbi Salston reading the Torah; Ritch Rosen for chanting the Haftorah; Jeff Herrmann for leading the D'var Torah

Prayer for Israel in Hebrew/ English

Prayer for Healing

Prayer for Healing in the Pandemic

Click for Shabbat Siddur Lev Shalom

Click for Shabbat Siddur Sim Shalom

Shabbat Ends August 6 at 8:52pm

Maariv and Havdalah (at 8:52 pm) will be confirmed on Saturday morning

Click to open the Havdalah Service Prayer

Join the Zoom Maariv and Havdalah Services

or go to Zoom.US or dial +1 929 436 2866

Meeting ID: 940 7714 6714 Password 215407

Tisha B'Av Saturday, August 6

The fast begins while it is still Shabbat, at 8:06pm

Ma'ariv at 9:15pm in-person in the chapel and on Zoom

Click here for Ma'ariv Zoom link

Tisha B'Av Sunday, August 7

 Shaharit at 9:00am in-person and on Zoom

Click here for Shaharit Zoom link 

  Minhah at 7:30 PM via Zoom only

Click here for Minhah Zoom link

The fast ends at 8:39pm

Click Here for Yahrzeit List from Friday, August 5-Saturday, August 13

 (8 Av - 16 Av 5782)

Email info@fljc.com with Yahrzeit announcements for the upcoming Shabbat

Evening Service - Sunday through Thursday 7:30pm

Download the Service Click to Join via Zoom

Or go to Zoom.US or dial +1 929 205 6099

ID 992 9922 2789 Password: 609729

Vaccinations are REQUIRED for EVERYONE over age 5.

Masks are OPTIONAL for EVERYONE over age 5.

Unvaccinated children between the ages of 2-5 MUST wear a mask. 

(KN95 Masks available in the lobby.)

Socially Distanced Seating Available.

If you are eligible, we recommend you get the booster before attending.

Around Our Community

Click Here for the June News & Views 

Mazel Tov to: 

Lois and Mark Meisel on the birth of their new grandson Myles Payton Meisel.

Proud parents are Sam and Sharyn Meisel. Myles was named after our longtime member, Marcella Kaplan z”l. 

Refuah Shlemah to: 

Fred Krantrowitz (Hebrew name-Fivish ben Chaya); Raisal Bat Aviva; Moshe Leib ben Rivka;  Gary Borer (Gedaliah ben Freyda v’Chayim); Giszel Szackamer (Giszel bat Golda);  Ellen Wertheim (Eta Shifra bat Freida v'Arieh Leib);  Sender ben Ettie v'David haLevi (Stanley Sanders);  Devorah Surah bat Tzirl v'Eliyahu Meryer (Debbie Rosensweig);  Blima bat Devorah (Beth Karetnick); Shimon Ma'aravi ben Edna u'Mordechai;  David ben Sarah u'Binyamin (David Gotlib); Dalia Tzril bat Riva Braina;  Mildred Bly (Mindel Shaindel bat Ruchel v'Ephraim Barukh); Chana bat Rivka;  Irene Mandel (Itka bat Yente v'Chaim);  Sally Baker (Sarah bat Chana); Tzipporah Rivkah bat Sima v'Aryeh Leib; Liat bat Chava;  Nechama bat Chasha v'Leib (Natalie Klein);  Laili Golda bat Reuvat v'David; David Wertheim (Binyamin ben Eta Shifra);  Judi Margolis (Zisa Ita bat Rachel v David); Irv Pollack (Yehezkel ben Sarah v’Yaakov);  Tova Raiza bat Yitzhak v'Malka Esther; Ahava bat Hadassah; David Hayim ben Batya u'Refu'el;  Nava Deena bat Sterna; Leo Henner (Eliezer ben Shoshanah v'Yosef Meir);  Kenny Schmier (Kalman Ben Rivka); Yosef Chaim ben Huddle v' Moshe;  Jesse Rosenzweig (Yehuda Laib ben Rachel); Avraham ben Chaya Sarah v'Yisrael;  Neal Lipshitz (Nahum ben Haya Perel v'Yaakov); Roni Zerowin (Rachel Chana bat Tamar);  Layah Shoshanah bat Avihayil Yocheved v'Shlomo Hayim; Malka Aviva bat Chana Golda;  Yosef ben Devorah and Moshe;  Judith Shain-Alvaro (Yehudit Chasida bat Perel);Pincus ben Mina Sora; Larry Mandel (Leibel ben Chaya)


If you would prefer not to publicize your birthday or anniversary, please send a note to the office at info@fljc.com or call us at 201-796-5040.

To add a name to the Refuah Shlemah list, email the office at info@fljc.com or call us at 201-796-5040. Names will be left on the list for 2 weeks; contact us to continue listing a name.               

Social Action

Social Action Needs Your Help

Hackensack Shelter Dinner: Sunday, August 21, 2022

We are providing dinner for 150 people in our community. During the summer, many of us are away so we hope that you can help us with this project. We are in need of:

  • Water bottles; plasticware; baked desserts
  • Three (3) volunteers to help the day of the event
  • Monetary donations. Checks must be payable to: Fair Lawn Jewish Center and mailed to 10-10 Norma Ave., Fair Lawn, NJ 07410. Be sure to put "Hackensack Shelter Dinner 8/21/22" in the Memo line. 

Click Here for Sign-Up Genius link to donate and volunteer.

Social Action School Supply Drive

Drop-off Deadline is Monday, August 22, 2022

Summer has started and our school supply drive is underway. Please help us collect school supplies for children in Fair Lawn for the upcoming year. A drop off bin will be available in the Center Lobby until Monday, August 22nd. The Social Action Committee will bring the school supplies to the Fair Lawn Food Panty and Department of Health for needed children in our area. Click Here for Flyer.

Volunteer Drivers Needed

Social Action is seeking volunteers to drive congregants to shul and back home for Shabbat services. If you are interested in volunteering please contact the office at info@fljc.com or call 201-796-5040. As we get requests, we will contact you a couple of days prior to Shabbat to confirm if we need your help and which congregant we need your help in driving to shul. Thank you in advance for your help.

Upcoming Programs

Wednesday, August 24 at 8:00 PM. Cantor Yoni will lead a High Holy Day Prep Class, exploring selections from the machzor, the nusach, and song selections from the Rosh Hashana service. Contact Thorin Tritter at Thorin@fljc.com for more information.

Save the Date: Thursday, September 22 at 7:00 PM. FLJC/CBI is joining with the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey to co-sponsor author Alyson Richman’s presentation about her newest novel, “The Thread Collector.” (Program to be held at 50 Eisenhower Drive, Paramus). Program cost is $20, which includes book. Through the Senior Initiative, the first 10 FLJC/CBI congregants to respond will attend at no cost. Contact Arline Herman at 201-556-9616 or mrsarh@aol.com for more details.

Ongoing Program: The Loom Room. FLJC/CBI is partnering with the Neve Shalom Sisterhood Weaving Program in Metuchen. This program allows you to weave a custom tallit, tefillin bag, challah cover, or matzoh cover. No experience is necessary!! Volunteers will guide you through the process. All ages welcome! For more information contact: FLJC/CBI Shari Toron at 201-693-1789 or sktoron@gmail.com. Register at this link.

Electronic Memorial Wall

Please take a look at our Electronic Memorial Wall,

which is viewable in the building and online.

Creating a digital plaque is a beautiful way to safeguard

the memory of family members and friends.

To order a digital plaque please call the Center Office at 201-796-5040.

Administration Notes

Have a birthday, anniversary, graduation, baby-naming or other happy event

to share with us? Sponsor an issue of the Insider for $36.

Email info@fljc.com to arrange!

Message to our Congregants:

In order to help the Center office with its transition of staff, we are requesting that all events, publicity, date reservations (whether in-person or on Zoom) be mailed to info@fljc.com as soon as possible. Flyers should be on PowerPoint (if possible) and also sent in both jpeg and pdf versions.


For rental/in-house events: please fill out a Room Reservation Form at least two weeks before the scheduled date and email it to info@fljc.com(As we begin the  re-opening process, it is important that both the office and custodial staff have a complete schedule of upcoming events with detailed room requirements.) 

ShopRite & Kosher Nosh Scrip Available in the Main Office.

Do you know that if you purchase scrip it helps both you and the Center? You get 2 1/2 % of your purchase applied to your scrip dues obligation and the Center also makes 2 1/2 % of your purchase. Contact the office to make a purchase.

Synagogue Skills Learning Institute - Mentors Available!

Have you ever wanted to learn to read Torah or read Hebrew? To enrich your experience at the Fair Lawn Jewish Center, instruction is available for Torah Reading lessons; Haftarah chanting; How to daven various services. Free and open to our members. To register, email Ellen Wertheim. 

Click To Donate to FLJC/CBI Online!

If you would also like online access to your Center account to pay your

obligations online, please email Info@fljc.com. 

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