Insider News from New York Wine & Grape Foundation
New York Spotlight:
Peter and Ashlee Weis, Owners, Weis Vineyards
Raw. Real. Riveting. Interviews.
Born in Zell Mosel, Germany, Winemaker Hans Peter Weis grew up in the vineyards and cellar of his family winery. It is there that he gained his passion for wine. Continually learning and working with his family to learn the techniques and tradition of the Mosel. Once he was of age, he furthered his education by receiving his degree in Winemaking, Business & Agriculture. 
WineVine (Online) Wine Club Coming this June!
Beginning in June, every month we'll host an online webinar focusing on a different varietal/topic and taste through three examples and discuss. A wine appreciation class from the comfort of your home! Please take this short survey to tell us your favorite topics, and the best day and time to join us!
*Note: this is for members only.
If you'd like to become a consumer member and join our Wine Club, please click here or contact Julie Hosbach.
Latest Wine Tips & Trends

Results from 2019 Pacific Rim International Wine Competition:
Pairing a sweet treat with a complementary bottle of wine is the epitome of saving the best for last.
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Cheers! Email Julie for more details.
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New York Wine & Grape Foundation | | 585-394-3620