June 2020
SCEDC Back in Office Full Time - Visitors by Appointment Only

As of June 1st the SCEDC reported back to the office on a full time basis.
Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:30AM until 4:30PM. Visitors are permitted by scheduling an appointment and must adhere to policies.

Some of the ways the SCEDC is protecting against Covid-19 include:
  • Self Temperature checks will be required for all staff prior to reporting to work each day. If temperature is above 100 degrees employees should stay home until they are fever free for at least 72 hours.
  • Visitors may be required to wear a facial covering and have their temperature taken upon entry into the lobby.
  • All Staff and visitors MUST use hand sanitizer in the lobby upon entry of the office suite.
  • Office staff is required to wear a mask when conducting meetings in the office suite and using the common areas throughout the building.
  • Each staff member will wipe down high touch areas in their office at least once a day, as well as, touched surfaces in the common areas including the lobby, kitchenette, copier and other equipment after each use. This will be followed with the use of hand sanitizer or washing their hands.
  • 6 foot social distancing will be maintained throughout the entire office suite.
  • Meeting rooms will have a limited amount of people allowed in that space at one time. This will depend on the size of each room.
  • When Possible, the SCEDC will continue to hold meetings via conference call or Zoom throughout at least the month of June.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the SCEDC at any time. You may contact us at 419.332.2882 or email Executive Director, Beth Hannam at or Andrea Gibson at
Stay Healthy Sandusky County. We truly are Stronger. Together.
COVID-19 Update | June 2, 2020

Below are the updates from the June 2nd press conference with Governor DeWine, Lt. Governor Husted, and Dr. Acton. The next press conference is currently scheduled for Thursday (6/4).  
Here's the news from today:
  • Ohio's COVID-19 case data is below:
    • 33,892 confirmed cases
    • 2,521 probable cases  
    • 36,350 total cases
    • 6,176 hospitalizations
    • 2,041 confirmed deaths
    • 217 probable deaths
    • 2,258 total deaths
    • 1,583 ICU admissions
    • More data is available on the COVID-19 Dashboard HERE.
  • Governor DeWine announced that he is intensifying efforts in Ohio to improve issues of health and economic disparities, racism, and inequity. The efforts will include new plans to improve law enforcement access to quality training, enhancing transparency between the police and the public, recruiting more minorities to serve as peace officers, and adding more oversight to Ohio's law enforcement agencies to ensure accountability.
  • Additionally, other continuing work will include addressing lead paint poisoning in children, reducing infant and maternal mortality in the African American community, increasing home visiting programs for at-risk, first-time moms, fighting the drug epidemic in Ohio, and prioritizing the availability of mental health services in Ohio's schools for children who need them.
  • Governor DeWine announced that, as of right now, Ohio intends to reopen schools in the fall, but individual starting dates will be up to each local school board. In the near future, broad reopening guidelines will be issued for schools in regard to protecting the health of students and staff when the school year resumes.
  • Governor DeWine announced today that health care providers, including dentists, may resume all surgeries and procedures that had previously been delayed if they meet certain safety criteria. A copy of the Director of Health’s Order is attached.
  • Lt. Governor Husted announced the creation of three programs to help small and medium-sized businesses in Ohio during the COVID-19 pandemic. The programs will be administered by the Ohio Development Services Agency. Programs include the Ohio PPE Retooling and Reshoring Grant Program, Ohio Minority Micro-Enterprise Grant Program, and the Appalachian Region Loan Program. Ohio small businesses can learn more about these and other resources available through the Office of Small Business Relief and Development at Coronavirus.Ohio.Gov/BusinessHelp.
  • Ohio was approved for the federal P-EBT Program on May 12 in response to Ohio children who missed out on their free or reduced-price breakfast and lunch at school because of COVID-19. Now, children are starting to receive that benefit in the form of a credit to spend at local grocery stores and other retailers. Because Ohio schools physically closed for more than 50 days, the benefit amounts to approximately $300 per child. For most Ohio children who participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the P-EBT benefit was loaded onto their card recently. For Ohio children who do not currently receive SNAP benefits, a P-EBT card will be sent in the mail. This benefit is automatic. Families are not required to sign up for this program. Families can call the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services at 866-244-0071 with questions.
  • Ohioans can apply for unemployment benefits online 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at It is also possible to file by phone at 877-644-6562 or TTY at 888- 642-8203, Monday through Friday 7AM to 7PM, Saturday 9AM to 5PM, and Sunday 9AM to 1PM. Employers with questions should email
As always, Coronavirus.Ohio.Gov and the Department of Health hotline, 1-833-4-ASK-ODH are great resources for those who have questions
Ohio PPE Retooling and Reshoring Grant Program
Ohio PPE Retooling and Reshoring Grant Program: This program will provide awards of up to $500,000 to small and medium-sized manufacturers so they can re-purpose existing facilities to make PPE or re-shore PPE production to Ohio. These grants will allow small manufacturers and other entities an opportunity to create business while contributing to the fight against COVID-19.

Grant funds can be used to offset costs incurred to acquire equipment necessary to manufacture PPE, retool or construct facilities in Ohio to manufacture PPE (including, but not limited to, building costs, design/engineering costs, facility expansion, complying with FDA requirements) and technological upgrades. Only costs incurred after March 21, (the date of DeWine's state of emergency declaration in Ohio because of the virus) will be eligible for reimbursement.

The grant program will be funded with $20 million, and eligible manufacturers may be awarded grants of up to $500,000 per facility. Up to 20 percent of available funding may be reserved for manufacturers with fewer than 25 employees and registered nonprofits.

Companies must meet program requirements, including:
  • The applicant must qualify as a small business as defined by the SBA (typically 500 employees or fewer) or be an established nonprofit
  • The applicant must be able to produce the PPE solely at an Ohio facility owned and operated by applicant
  • The applicant must be an existing manufacturer that either has retooled or is planning to retool its facility or otherwise modify its manufacturing operation to produce at least one type of PPE; a new manufacturing operation being established for the purpose of manufacturing at least one type of PPE; of a nonprofit corporation that has undertaken or will undertake activities necessary to make at least one type of PPE.
Development will administer the grant program in coordination with the Ohio Department of Administrative Services, the Ohio Department of Health, the Ohio Hospital Association, the Ohio Manufacturers Association, JobsOhio, and the Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership.

Ohio Minority Micro-Enterprise Grant Program
Ohio Minority Micro-Enterprise Grant Program: The $5 million program will provide grants to help businesses owned and operated by minorities and women. Eligible businesses can apply for grants of $10,000 per business on first-come, first-served basis. This will provide access to much needed capital for up to 500 minority- and women-owned businesses to continue operating and to prepare for the future.

State-certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and/or women-owned businesses with state certification in the Encouraging Diversity Growth and Equity (EDGE) Program with up to $500,000 in annual revenue and 10 or fewer employees are eligible. Businesses that have received federal assistance through the federal CARES Act are not be eligible. Development will administer the grant program.
Terra State to use New Temperature Scanners During Health Crisis

Terra State Community College is the first higher education institution in the area to use new temperature scanning devices, SpeedFace+ by ZKTecho, in an effort to ensure campus is safe for students to return.
"We're doing our best to keep students, visitors and staff safe during this pandemic and will continue looking into new options as they become available to provide the safest learning and work environment possible," said Terra State Director of Campus Safety/Facility Operations Duane Kimmet.
The College ordered three SpeedFace+ devices from Northcoast Security President Roger Kuns. College staff will be customizing the software and creating stations on campus for these devices.
According to Kuns, the original SpeedFace started off as a 100% touchless biometric unit that had facial, palm and fingerprint recognition that worked as an access control device. "It would open the door or allow you to go through an entryway, kiosk or turnstile," he explained. When the pandemic hit our area, ZKTecho developed a thermal technology for the device that had the capability to detect a person's body temperature.
This device will be used at Terra State to sign people in and out, scan people's temperature and make sure people entering campus are wearing a mask. A face covering will be provided by the College for individuals who do not have one. If a person is not wearing a face mask or if their temperature is over the threshold, which will be 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, the device will beep. Campus safety personnel will be nearby and will assist anyone having trouble with the devices and giving directions. No one with a temperature over the threshold or without a face covering will be permitted on campus.
In addition to purchasing SpeedFace+ devices, the College is utilizing Ozone machines around campus and in the residence hall. These machines kill Coronavirus by creating O3 (ozone) through an electric current process. This process breaks down odors, microorganisms and other pollutants leaving behind a fresh scent.
All Terra State parking lots except one by Building B (General Technologies) have been and will continue to be closed. Rooms that were not being utilized were sanitized and the doors were closed with a note indicating such and not to enter the room. Sanitation stations with cleaning materials have been placed around campus so staff can clean their own areas. In addition, staff have been split into groups and rotated on a weekly basis to limit staff contact.
To ensure students will maintain proper social distance while using computers, specific computers were taken offline in the computer labs, library and other common areas. These systems were then covered with bags to make it clear which computers cannot be used.
"We're doing everything we can to make sure our students, faculty and staff feel they are in a safe environment when returning to campus. We will continue to do our best to serve our students and community while holding safety as our number one priority," said Terra State President Ron Schumacher.
Terra State Community College is a two-year accredited, state-supported, residential college located in Fremont, Ohio. Terra State has a long history of service to the community and providing students with an education that is both accessible and affordable. Terra State offers twenty-two Applied Degrees and Certificates to students.
Husted Announces TechCred Awards, Program Changes to Support COVID-19 Economic Recovery
Lt. Governor Jon Husted announced that 150 Ohio companies have been approved for TechCred funding, which will help them upskill their current and incoming workforce to meet the needs of the increasingly tech-focused economy, particularly amid the COVID-19 health crisis.
The next application period of the TechCred program will open June 1st and run through June 30th, allowing for another opportunity for companies to train current and/or incoming employees.
In order to support the changing needs of Ohio businesses and workers during the economic recovery, following the COVID-19 crisis, the following changes have been made to the TechCred program:
  • To make TechCred more flexible for upskilling new hires, employers are no longer required to list employee names when applying for TechCred. Instead, they will identify the number of current or prospective employees they will upskill.
  • To account for possible staffing changes, employers who were awarded in the October 2019, January 2020, and March 2020 rounds of TechCred may now substitute employees listed in their original application.
  • Employers awarded in October 2019 and January 2020, who had credential programs interrupted by the crisis, may request to extend their 18-month award eligibility timeline.
  • Employees can now earn multiple credentials during each application period.
The last round of TechCred applications closed at the end of March 2020. Today, 150 Ohio employers were approved, which will result in up to 1,045 credentials to upskill Ohio workers. With the approvals announced today, a total of 500 Ohio employers have been approved for reimbursement, which will result in the earning of up to 4,232 technology-focused credentials by Ohio employees.
Virtual Credentials: Many of the TechCred pre-approved credentials can be completed 100 percent virtually! Examples of these credentials and training providers can be found at
Visit TechCred.Ohio.Gov for more information.

SCEDC Investor Radio Spots
The SCEDC is working with BAS Broadcasting to spotlight some of our investor companies.  We will be promoting 2 companies a month at no cost to those companies participating.  Each featured ad will air approximately 47 times in the one month time frame.  Each company ad will be 30 seconds long with the following opening and closing that will be recorded by Beth (1 minute total).

If you have something that you would like to promote on the radio during a specific time frame, please let us know and we would be happy to help promote your company, open positions or event at no cost!
Stay Connected
 2511 Countryside Dr. Suite C. 
Fremont, OH 43420 · 419.332.2882