It was an ordinary Friday as I headed into work to start what I thought would be an ordinary day.
As I walked in the door of my work place I received a gift. I didn't see it that way at the time, but eventually I did. That gift was change - a really big change that altered my world forever.
This is what happened... The CEO of the company asked me into his office and within 20 mins I was being escorted out of the building. I had been made redundant (such an interesting turn of phrase) my position was redundant and I was redundant. I was in tears, my world had suddenly changed and everything I knew I could rely on, everything I had planned was turned on its head.
I came home and began the next sensible step. I put my resume together and applied for position after position, went for interviews and applied some more. This continued for 3 disheartening months. Here I was a 37 year old, highly experienced professional with no offers of employment. It seemed I really was redundant.
One day I made a call to a friend. The conversation sparked something. It was the seed of an idea and that idea began what is now Balance Central.
In that conversation I casually said "I wonder if I could use RAW (Rekindled Ancient Wisdom, a technique I had been practicing and learning for about 9 years) to create my own business? After all I have been running everyone else's business for years - surely I could run my own." From that simple statement the idea began to grow.
I started with google "What do I need to do to start my own business" to find out how to start a business. I completed the paperwork, I paid my fees and got to work designing my own business cards. I felt so proud I had a business - now what next?
Within days of stepping up and creating my business I was offered a part time position with a company 5 mins down the road with lots of flexibility around the days they needed me to work. I really needed the stability of a job so I took the position and I started focusing my energy of the work they needed me to do. This greatly affected the focus on my own business and I lost my momentum. For the first 12 months I did absolutely nothing as far as my business was concerned. I continued to work on myself (periodically) and on others (friends and family) but that was it. What I thought was going to be easy turned out to be something I really knew nothing about. I had no idea what it took to have, run or develop my own business.
Again a timely conversation with a friend jolted me into action. It made me pay attention and to realise I needed help, I needed people around me who had been there, done that so that I could learn to do the things that I didn't even know that I needed to know. By working with the right support and guidance I gained amazing insight into myself, my strengths and my talents. This also revealed a healthy dose of reality, which was that I couldn't be all things to my business. I really needed to know when to ask for help. I also started to help myself, I started to use RAW on myself regularly and everything started moving within just a few months.
In fact less than 2 years after I came up with the original idea of Balance Central I was working full time in the business - helping clients and making a real difference in their life.
Balance Central came into being through my belief that I could help others with a technique that I knew had helped me. I have had many challenges around believing in myself. At every step I have taken in my business I have had to take stock and move myself out of the way so I can continue to step up and continue to achieve things I never thought possible.
I now use RAW daily for myself and I continue to surround myself with the support and guidance of others who help me and my business to prosper.
Balance Central was created in 2009 and over the years I have seen amazing outcomes for clients - I am exceptionally proud to be part of their journey . Their achievements make it all worthwhile - it makes my soul sing! All the achievements - big and small - are significant and simply make me smile.
So what is RAW and how does it help?
Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW) is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional energy balancing system. It looks at unlocking the healing potential within, so that you are able to heal yourself through all parts of the Being and dimensional pathways. We have an innate healing mechanism within us. We see this when we cut ourselves, our physical body just goes about repairing it. We all want to be well and have our life flow in all areas, but sometimes healing pathways can become blocked, which can create imbalances emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually or on any level of the Being. RAW looks at identifying programming that is blocking your self healing mechanism and is holding you back and then replaces this old programming with new programming.
And what makes working with Balance Central such a unique experience?
Balance Central offers the RAW technique but it offers so much more. Through Balance Central I combine RAW with my personal strengths of consistency, reliability and compassionate listening. With all of the components combined I offer various programs to ensure all aspects of my client's life are balanced and aligned. Here are some testimonials from clients who have experienced life changing moments while working with
Balance Central
Ultimately the thing that helps me sleep at night is knowing I have made a difference to someone's life. As one person's life changes so does others around them. Healing change has a flow on effect that keeps rippling out through the world. I love the idea of a more balanced world - if we all could feel a little lighter, a little calmer, a little more at ease imagine what amazing things manifest!
Chris Wildeboer
Balance Central
0423 607 047