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Obligations in Handling Personal Information  
How strict are Japanese privacy laws? As a business, what are our legal obligations on establishing a company privacy policy? --Change Management Consultant

Japan Ranked as Costliest Place in Asia Pacific to Send Employees

Japan is the most expensive country in the Asia Pacific region for a company to send a worker abroad due to the cost of housing, education and pay, as well as a host of other factors, research shows.

Japan Offers Highest Expatriate Packages in Asia 

Expatriates in Japan turned out to earn the highest expat pay and benefits packages in all of Asia, with expatriate manager getting a package of up to USD375,000, a survey conducted by ECA International showed.

Japan's jobs-to-job seekers ratio at 23-year high  

The average ratio of effective job openings to job seekers rose 0.14 point to 1.11 in fiscal 2014, hitting the highest level since fiscal 1991 - 23 years before - when the ratio stood at 1.34, the government announced on Friday.


A growing number of Japanese businesses are testing out robots as a possible solution to the country's shrinking workforce. They're appearing in stores, banks and soon even hotels.


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Enduring and Emerging Leadership Qualities: Which one will Work in Japan? --HR Manager, Leading Japanese Retailer


10 Ways to Spot Your Top Performers  

Top performers at any organization are highly engaged, flexible, reliable, eager to improve, and in tune with your corporate culture. They're the ones that can inspire your business to grow and change for the better.
Combatting disengagement certainly calls for a recognition program, but unfortunately a Do-it-yourself (DIY) program won't suffice. DIY recognition programs exacerbate the issues of unequal access and recognition inconsistency, and over time lose momentum.


Optimized Competency Management
Inside you'll find three steps to help ensure that your competencies are aligned with your key business drivers and demonstrate impact to key stakeholders.


Three Steps to a New and More Effective Interview 

Off-the-wall interview questions, lengthy printed job descriptions and rounds of repetitive interviews are a very 1989 - or even 2003 - way of recruiting. Gerry Crispin, Principal of CareerXroads, says it's high time for a change. "For many years we've had a pretty bad approach in general to recruiting and we continue to have a bad approach."



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Japan's Aging Society and Future Economy 


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The Japan HR Society
is a community of Japan-focused HR professionals worldwide and business leaders doing business in Japan.


We envision JHRS to become an exponent in advancing the HR management practices in Japan.


For more info and membership, please visit our website at http://www.jhrs.org.

This newsletter is published by the HR Learning & Publishing Practice of HR Central K.K. for The Japan HR Society (JHRS), its members, friends, and supporters. All materials and contents copyright 2007-2015 by The Japan HR Society (JHRS). All Rights Reserved. For advertising, email [email protected]. For other inquiries, comments, or suggestions, email us at [email protected].