We are resending the January JITTI Journal as it has been revised. We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and thank you for your understanding.


Volume 11 Issue 1

January 2024


While we wish to send you all our well-wishes for the New Year, we would like to also address the tragedies that have occurred in Japan recently.

The start of 2024 was a sad one for many in Japan, with a 7.5 magnitude earthquake ending the lives of over 200 and displacing at least 26,000 on New Years Day. This catastrophe was followed by another the next evening when a runway collision occurred between a commercial plane and coast guard aircraft.

During this somber time, we wish to offer our condolences to those affected by these twin disasters. The New Year is a time for family and togetherness in Japan, and we hope to offer our solidarity with those who are grieving.

In This Issue

Feature Article:

Japan's Strategic Countermeasures against the Pirates of the Seas

by Daisuke Komatsu

Attacks by modern-day pirates are a growing issue, with sea routes and ships threatened near Yemen, Southeast Asia, and elsewhere. JITTI Maritime Security expert, Daisuke Komatsu, reviews Japan's counter-piracy measures and what work the Japan Coast Guard and the Maritime Self-Defense Force are doing to protect against this threat.

Cultural Article:

An Introduction of Japanese BBQ

by Mamiko Kim

With the forecast of a snowy winter in the Washington D.C. area this year, why not warm up by the grill? Japanese BBQ can be done eating out or at a home party, and its versatility can cater to both picky and adventurous eaters alike. Read on to learn how Japanese BBQ is different from others, and why we think it's worth giving a try.

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New Published Research

JITTI USA analysts produce reports on timely US-Japan transportation and tourism issues. These reports are now published in English on our website! Why not check them out?

Recent publication topics include:

Read the Reports

Articles of Note:

Japan Airlines' first female chief rises to meet changing times

Japanese shipping firms to temporarily avoid Red Sea

Foreign tourists spent more than 5 trillion yen in Japan in 2023

Japan makes history as spacecraft lands on the moon

Final Thoughts
Thank you for reading the JITTI Journal.
Until the next issue, whatever your mode, travel safely! 
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The JITTI Journal is a bimonthly publication of the Japan International Transport and Tourism Institute, USA (JITTI USA), in which JITTI USA shares information on transport and tourism developments in Japan and elsewhere, as well as recent JITTI USA programs. As a supplement to our regular events, we hope that the Journal likewise serves as a resource for the transport and tourism communities.