The JL POA Chronicle
    ALERTS                                                  3/7/19

As you are now aware, our current General Manager, Beth Kelso, is retiring effective April 1, 2019.

The JL POA Board is interested in assembling a Search Committee to assist the Board in selecting a replacement. We are looking for JL Residents with Human Resource and Business Operating backgrounds and experience to volunteer for the committee. We expect this committee to consist of three to five members to review the job description, manage the search process and make recommendations.

If you are interested, please send us your CV (Curriculum Vitae) or other background and resume not later than March 11, 2019. You may send it via email to or JL POA Board of Directors, 3755 Barrow Island Road, Jupiter FL 33477. After the Board reviews the submissions, the Search Committee will be selected and you will be notified.

The JL POA Board of Directors
JL POA Proposed Amendment Summary
** To change/amend the Jonathan’s Landing POA’s Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, a two-thirds affirmative vote is required of all those voting.
Below, you will find four proposed amendments to the current JLPOA Covenants and Restrictions. The formal amendment ballot will be included in your Annual Meeting packet and can be returned to the POA before or at the Annual Meeting on March 19, 2019. The purpose of this is to merely provide a brief overview to help understand the “why” behind these proposed changes:


1.  Currently you receive a bill from JLPOA for your general quarterly assessment. Additionally, a separate bill from JL Cable is sent out for your basic Hotwire cable/internet services. If you have anything beyond the basic Hotwire package, such as additional boxes or other premium services, Hotwire will send a second bill to you directly for these optional services. Currently, the POA documents only allow for assessments that are equal to each member. This amendment will allow the POA to include the basic JL Cable/Hotwire services fee to be included in the quarterly POA assessment, thereby saving a significant portion of the overhead fee.

2.  The second amendment is similar to the first but does not specifically refer to any one item. The idea is that if other charges might apply to only a specific group of homeowners and the service was coordinated by the POA, the charges could be billed through the POA. An example of this could be the recent dredging of the salt waterways. Each homeowner that wanted additional dredging had to deal with the contractor individually. If this amendment had been in place, the POA could have handled it for all homeowners who desired such additional dredging and billed each accordingly.

  3.  If a particular village or group of homeowners desires additional services, maintenance or landscaping from a current contractor, which are at a higher level than such provided by the Association, this amendment allows only those hiring such additional services to be billed accordingly on an equal basis.

4.  This amendment is to provide for a contribution to capital upon the transfer of any property within Jonathans Landing. The amount is fixed at one quarter of the annual POA dues (currently this amount would be $685). At present there is no fee for transfer of property.

There will be roadwork activity in the Hidden Cove Village tomorrow (Friday, March 8, 2019). Automobile access to the neighborhood will be restricted from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM that day.

Golf cart access to the path to the JL Golf Clubhouse via the street will be possible, but periodic stoppages will likely occur depending on equipment placement and work crew activity.

Please avoid using the Hidden Cove roadway on
Friday, March 8, 2019.