January 2025 Edition





Monthly Reflection

"Grief turns to joy in moments that celebrate love."

~Julie Yarbrough: Beyond the Broken Heart

Words of Encouragement



Grief in the New Year

Grieving With Hope

A New Year and the Challenge of Grief

A New Year's Meditation

The Vision Board: Rediscovering Hope

The Land of Hope

A Life Alone: Adjusting to Being a Widower

Winter is a Widow's Season of Grief

A Serenity Prayer for Grievers

Thoughts on Valentine's Day Grief

Grief Rituals Can Help on Valentine's Day

Love Yourself

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Facing the New Year

with Hope and Love

Rhonda Abrams

Bereavement Coordinator

How very suitable that we celebrate the New Year with “Hope” and “Love”! This is in direct correlation with the papal declared Jubilee Year of Hope for 2025! Ahead of this special year of grace, Pope Francis asked that we dedicate 2024 as a Year of Prayer “to recover the desire to be in the presence of the Lord, to listen to him and adore him.” It is through this prayerful seeking, and being open to, the presence of God that we find a font of strength and grace to proceed on our grief journey from day to day.

When you grieve with faith (in God), hope follows. God’s Holy Spirit in you, connects you to a divine place of trust that God has a perfect plan for you, in spite of the despair you may be feeling. With faith in God, eyes fixed on Him, grief and hope peacefully coexist, and maybe even a bit of joy! Honor your grief and sit with it. Walk through it. The sorrow you feel from the loss, is the deep love that you carry with you in the absence of your loved one. Ponder that deep love. It is eternal and it never dies. It’s a reflection of the eternal and all-encompassing love from our Heavenly Father. Just as our Mother Mary “kept all these things in her heart” (Luke 2:51), we are also wise to take the time to sit with our grief and lovingly ask God to carry us through to a place of understanding and peace. Invite the power of God’s Holy Spirit to bring you healing and hope for this new year. “We walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Cor 5:7 and so we TRUST that God will help us face this new year equipped with all that we need, not just to survive, but to thrive. 

During the solitude of this post-holiday season, take advantage of the time it presents to slow down, rest, and reflect. The new year is an opportune time to pause and take account of all that you survived last year while envisioning what you desire for your future. It is a time to celebrate how far you’ve come and plant some seeds of hope for the next season. As Jesus did just before he embarked on a new chapter in His life, find a mountaintop location to be alone with God and your thoughts. Quiet yourself before the Lord and lean into His all-encompassing and healing love. Feel the warmth and security of the Father’s love smiling down upon both of you. There are no words, just love and healing. As you experience the comfort of His embrace, release any sorrow that you may be holding in. You are safe in His arms; safe as a babe in the arms of its mother. 

Maybe your grief is too new or too deep to even process all that is going on in your life right now. Then take a few slow deep breaths, quiet your mind, and just sit open-minded before God. Don’t ask any questions or try to figure things out. Just SIT SILENTLY in His presence and RECEIVE His unconditional LOVE. He’ll give you all that you need.  

In this month’s Bereavement Bulletin, my prayer is that you find strength through trust in a loving God who can be your anchor in the storms of life, who pours His love directly into the broken parts of your heart, and who lights every step of your way into the future.  

With that HOPE comes a peace beyond all understanding and a joy, in spite of your despair. As the first article describes, “Grief turns to joy in moments that celebrate love.” Turn to His love every day and bathe in it. Know also that we are here to walk with you into this new year, guiding you to a better understanding of your grief and a hope for a bright future. We welcome you to join us at any of our free monthly in-office Grief Support Groups or to our Virtual Grief Support. Information to register or to contact me with questions is listed in “Upcoming Events”.

The Jubilee Prayer

As we embark upon this Jubilee Year of Hope, reflect upon the Jubilee Prayer provided by our Holy Father, Pope Francis:

Father in heaven,

may the faith you have given us

in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,

and the flame of charity enkindled

in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,

reawaken in us the blessed hope

for the coming of your Kingdom.


May your grace transform us

into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.

May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos

in the sure expectation

of a new heaven and a new earth,

when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,

your glory will shine eternally.


May the grace of the Jubilee

reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,

a yearning for the treasures of heaven.

May that same grace spread

the joy and peace of our Redeemer

throughout the earth.

To you our God, eternally blessed,

be glory and praise for ever.


Featured Blog Post

New Year, TRUE You

As the clock strikes midnight and everyone shouts "Happy New Year," many people start to think about how they can change themselves. They make resolutions to lose weight, eat healthier, or read more books. But for those who are grieving, the new year feels very different. The idea of starting fresh can seem out of place when you are mourning someone you love.

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Upcoming Events

In-Person and Virtual Support Groups

The Catholic Cemeteries Association will be hosting our next in-person and virtual grief support groups on Sunday, January 19th. In-person groups will meet at 3pm, and the virtual group will meet at 5pm via Zoom.

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We offer a comfortable, private, and encouraging environment where you are free to explore your grief and all that you are feeling.

Grief support groups meet in the main offices:

  • All Saints Cemetery, Northfield
  • All Souls Cemetery, Chardon
  • Calvary Cemetery, Cleveland
  • Holy Cross Cemetery, Akron
  • Holy Cross Cemetery, Brook Park
  • St. Joseph Cemetery, Avon
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For those not able to attend our in-office grief support groups, we welcome you to join our monthly VIRTUAL grief support group. In a comfortable and supportive environment, you'll find a warm fellowship of people with similar grief experiences. You can join by computer or by phone.



Be in the presence of those who understand.

Meetings are free of charge and are open discussion format, surrounding a monthly topic or whatever is on your heart. The upcoming January 19th meeting topic is:

"Facing the New Year with Hope and Love"

Register for our Virtual Sunday Grief Support here.

Learn more about our in-person Sunday Grief Support groups here. 

Questions? Contact Rhonda at 216-930-4866 or rabrams@clecem.org

Check Out Our Podcast!

New Year's Resolutions for Grievers

Happy New Year from CCAirwaves!

In this episode, Paige Muttillo and Joel Hansel share their New Year's Resolutions and talk about a few attainable resolutions for those who are grieving.

Click here to listen!
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You can also listen to CCAirwaves on Spotify or Apple Podcasts!

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Do you have a story you would like to share for the podcast?: Click here!

Additional Grief Support Offerings

There are times when you may need more than one source of support. Please see the list below for additional opportunities for grief support.

Grieve with

Hope Retreat

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Grief Support


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Family and Adult Support

Joel's Place welcomes both children and the adults who bring them to join our grief support groups. Every session provides a warm, understanding environment with age-appropriate activities and discussions for our children and teens, and a support group specifically for adults.

Meeting Details

Location: Bay Presbyterian Church in Bay Village (No religious affiliation - all are welcome)


Every other Tuesday during the school year

6:00 - 6:30 pm Pizza Dinner

6:30 - 7:30 pm Peer-Based Grief Support Groups

Contact Joel's Place for Children if you or someone you know could benefit from their support. Please reach out at 440-248-4412 or info@joelsplaceforchildren.org.

Parish Support Groups

Saint Christopher parish in Rocky River will begin a 7-week grief support group beginning January 9th and running through February 20th from 2:00 until 3:00 pm. There is a $15.00 registration fee. If interested, contact Melissa DiFini at 440-331-4255 x105

Bereavement Resource Guide

Our Bereavement Resource Guide is a useful reference tool with information about local and online grief support resources. Click the button below to access the guide.

Bereavement Resource Guide
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