From the desk of the superintendent...

Dear NCS family,

Please forgive me. Typically, I open our monthly newsletter with an amusing anecdote or make an attempt at inspiring encouragement. This month, not so. Instead, I'm giving you homework.

And, in doing so, I'm going to be blunt. (Again, I'm sorry.) Of course, you know me well enough to know that I may be blunt but never brief. No one has ever accused me of brevity.

All the same, please read this letter in its entirety and, bluntly speaking, get to work immediately on your homework.

To date, Governor Hobbs' attempts to repeal Arizona's school choice and educational freedom measures have failed. So, she's changed tact, attempting to gut the choices that parents should have with unnecessary qualifiers, suggesting that school choice costs the state money and is bad for students.

The suggestion that school choice funding mechanisms are harming public school budgets or students is simply not what the evidence shows. According to the Goldwater Institute, Arizona’s public schools are set to break the record for spending this year, nearing a whopping $15,000 per pupil, as they also receive $800 million more in state and local taxpayer funding compared to last year. This funding surge, which comes as demand for Arizona’s universal Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program continues to grow, should be a shock to naysayers who claimed that ESAs would decimate funding for public schools. Further, although the Arizona Joint Legislative Budget Committee’s latest report shows an overall deficit of more than $400 million, the AZ Department of Education reports that public education spending, including the ESA and Arizona’s other school choice programs, has a $77 million surplus. According to the Wall Street Journal and the Arizona Capital Times, school choice is saving Arizona tax-payers money: ESAs are projected to cost up to $900 million by July 2024, a mere 6% of what the state spends on public education. The savings to the state are clear when one considers taxpayers spend $14,600 per student on public education, and half that, $7,000, for an average student using an ESA. Put in plain terms, if Northwest Christian School disappeared tomorrow, Arizonans wouldn't save money--rather, they would immediately have to cover a $5.3 million bill to educate our students through May. Next year, no NCS would cost Arizona taxpayers over $11 million.

But, let's set the money completely aside. The point of school choice isn't to save money but to improve education universally, for all students, independent of the school they attend, in three ways: (1) providing students and families with more diverse choices, (2) providing a better match between school strengths and a student's individual needs, and (3) fostering competition between schools and school-types wherein the resulting free market forces universally push prices down and school quality up. Is it working? According the CATO Institute, there is substantial evidence that private choice programs have positive effects for students. A meta‐​analysis of 19 voucher experiments around the world indicates that private school choice improves student math and reading test scores. Out of 20 experimental evaluations of private school choice in the United States, only two find negative impacts on student math and reading test scores. In fact, in our nation's capitol, when D.C. implemented a school choice mechanism similar to what is being used in Arizona, high school graduation rates rose by 21%.

So, here's your homework: Right now, write or call your state legislator and urge them to oppose proposed changes to the ESA and STO programs. Personal stories always work best. And, please, be kind. You can find your state legislator, and their contact info, here.

Grateful for the opportunity to serve your family,

Geoff Brown
Northwest Christian School
(623)225-5573 (cell)

Northwest Christian School Doubles-Down on Biblical Worldview, Requires Biblical Worldview Course of Parents as Part of Re-enrollment

Beginning with the launch of re-enrollment for the 2024/2025 school year, Northwest Christian School is "requiring" parents to participate in an online Biblical Worldview foundations course.  Titled "NCS Parent University: Foundations of a Biblical Worldview", the course, consisting of all-original content wholly developed by the school, results from a partnership with the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, Summit Ministries, and Christian Family Care.

The goal for the course is to produce a three-fold advantage to re-enrolling families. First, families will have the opportunity to see and experience the wonderful Biblical truths that are being presented to their children. Second, participation within the course will allow school and home to strengthen and reinforce their vital partnership. Third, when that vital partnership is sincere and legitimately in play, it will produce a profound impact in both the school and home.

"We've reached a cultural tipping point," explains superintendent Geoff Brown, "in which Biblical literacy and meaningful investment in a local church is at historic lows. The results are dangerous and, unfortunately, the risks are wholly adverse for our kids. When they see home and school pointed in different directions regarding the fundamental truths that should be framing our lives, they wind up confused and hurt. Unapologetically, we are a Christian school with a covenant enrollment model. Given the stakes and the cultural risks in front of our students, it's time to vet and strengthen the legitimacy of our enrollment model."

In order to "require" the course of parents, Northwest Christian is doubling the annual registration fee to $400 and immediately, upon making a digital commitment within the online re-enrollment process to finish the 90-minute online course by August 1, 2024, giving an immediate $150 credit, reducing the fee to $250.

The course is hosted within the learning management system of Christian Family Care, the same LMS that houses CFC's Family Care Learning Library. "This is a treasure trove of courses and resources that we are making available for free to our families," explains Brown. "As soon as they finish the course, they have immediate access to an incredible number of tools that will further grow Biblical worldview and strengthen the home."

Watch this video for more information or visit this website.

Go Off-Road with the Red Letter Challenge! During elementary chapel on Wednesday, January 24th, Mr. Brown, Mr. Dowdle, and Mr. G launched the Red Letter Challenge. The Red Letter Challenge is an annual Bible reading plan in which students are encouraged to read through the four gospels, one chapter per day, over three months. As an extrinsic reminder that intrinsic motivation to read God's word daily is its own reward, students have the opportunity to earn rock climbing and off-road jeep trips through the program. "In chapel," explains Mr. Brown, "I explained that every once in a while, life gets a bit bumpy when we get off the road. The best way to be prepared and stay on course is daily time in God's word!" For more information, please watch this video or visit this web page.

Snow Day becomes Snow Night!

The long-standing Northwest Christian Early Education program's tradition of bringing snow to campus in January has taken a fun turn thanks to the early education center's new director, Mrs. Bree Tarbutton. Formerly, the event took place during the daytime with staff, students, and just a few parents. But moving it to the evening of Friday, January 19th meant that students had the chance to enjoy the memorable evening with their parents and families.

The evening included snowball fights, free hot chocolate, snow men, and an artificial snow hill for sledding. The event capped off two weeks of learning about seasons, weather, snow, precipitation, and words that start with the letter "S": snow, sled, snowball, and more!

STREAM THE NEW NC STUDENT FILM, "TEST TAKERS" FOR FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME AND CELEBRATE TEN YEARS OF THE NXNW FILM FESTIVAL! On Friday, January 19th, as part of the 10th Annual NXNW High School Film Festival, Northwest Christian rolled out the red carpet, fired up the limousines, and threw up the Hollywood-style sky lights (literally!) for the premiere of "Test Takers". As part of an amazing partnership with Red Five Media, and formerly Cabin Fever Films, for the past decade, Northwest Christian has created an opportunity for students to participate in the making of an actual film! This year's premiere and festival took place in three theaters at the Harkins Norterra theaters in North Phoenix. 

To celebrate ten years of great films and hard-working students, please, take a moment, click here, and enjoy this wonderfully done student-driven heist film! (Available for a limited time!)

Early Education History! This semester, the NCS Early Education program is making history with its very first chapels. The chapel experience has long been a staple of the K-12 program but January saw the first forays into a preschool-wide time of age-appropriate worship and teaching.

January and February are about to get exciting... In the next few days, the new NCS 12-room classroom building will take some exciting steps forward. Plumbing started this past week and electrical conduits go in place next week. The concrete slab will be poured on February 5th meaning that the pre-fab walls could be up as early as February 8th with trusses up by February 16th.

Phase 1 of the school's "Build Here, Build There" campus improvement plan is beginning to take shape as that behind-the-scenes and off-campus, the new classroom building has already been built. Geoff explains: "We are using a newer building technology called Hercuwall which allows for us to build with maximum efficiency." Hercuwall is an ICC-certified construction solution which far surpasses typical "stick-built" construction methods. Made of concrete, steel and EPS, everything about Hercuwall’s power is in its unique, patented structure. Hercuwall delivers R31 insulation and is three times stronger than 2 x 4 wood studs, delivering superior strength, unsurpassed energy efficiency, sustainability, fire resistance, sound rating and overall building quality. Meanwhile, planning is already underway for the next phase - the Crusader Creation Commons. A state-of-the-art technology center, the Creation Commons will house the just-announced Siemens-driven engineering partnership, robotics, audio-and-video recording studios, 3-D printing, HAM radio, and many other chances for Crusaders to enjoy university-level technology. For more information on the Build Here, Build There campaign, please follow this link.

Banner turnout for Junior Crusader Cross Country! An aspect of the ministry of the high school's cross country team, coached by Jenna Young and numerous Northwest Christian High School cross country athletes, Junior Crusaders Cross Country is the opportunity for elementary-aged students to develop stamina, athleticism, and self-discipline. Now in its seventh year, Spring 2024 is seeing the team grow to its strongest numbers yet!

Souper Bowl champions! The yearlong 2023/2024 Great Crusader Cook-Off competition continued in January with faculty and staff bringing in soups to compete in three categories: thin soup, thick soup, and international soup. The winners were Mary Hall, Debbie Yee, and Sherry Muscari.

This just in! Congratulations to the Middle School's wrestling team for winning their first state championship! More info to come as we recap winter sports next month!

A very special guest! On January 24th, when Gordon Wickert of Hope in Numbers came to speak in elementary chapel, he brought a very special guest: a Lightning McQueen-styled car that is meant to inspire scripture memorization. The car also represent the memory of Gordon's son who passed away. To hear Gordon's inspiring story, click here to hear him on the school's podcast.

The 10th annual NXNW High School Film Festival is Friday, January 19th! During various elementary chapels this month, the middle school worship team demonstrated how far they have come in just one semester. The middle school's worship arts elective is taught by Ethan Burson (pictured above) and Melissa McGuire.

Trusted Truth Transforms... It's the tagline for Northwest Christian School's foray into the realm of online education, the enrollment for which has blown up this summer. A project four years in the making, Northwest Christian School Online is not the typical online academy. Most online schools rebrand third-party digital curriculum. Instead, Northwest Christian School Online is wholly and organically developed and fully facilitated by Northwest Christian faculty. As well, the online experience is available at roughly half-the-price of other Christian online schools, a price that can be easily covered by an ESA for Arizona-based families. (To survey the price points of online Christian schools relative to NCS Online, please click here.) The most exciting aspect of Northwest Christian School Online is that some aspect of the program--Frameworks, NCS Plus, NCS Flex, and NCS Online--will ultimately impact the learning of every NCS student--whether that student is online or on-the-ground. To survey the different aspects of and opportunities within NCS Online, please follow this link. To learn more about NCS Flex specifically, please click the image below.
RightNow Media is your chance to enjoy the Northwest Christian community -- in your living room!

All free of charge and via your phone, smart television, desktop computer, or tablet. RightNow Media is the Netflix of Bible studies and family-friendly movies and children's programming. It's also the home to a huge amount of video-based Northwest Christian content. On Northwest Christian School's RightNow Media page, available at this link, you can enjoy chapels, concerts, senior graduation, eighth grade promotion, Crusader's Got Talent, missions trips, and so much more.

The NCS RightNow Media page is also providing access to the NXNW 2021 student film, "Do-Gooders", as well as all of the other NXNW student films!

Registration takes just a few minutes and is absolutely free!
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