The Reliable Place For Alpha Information In GA

Vol. 5..........................................................--------------------------------------------------------------June 9, 2022

A Word From District Director Bro. Sherman Lofton

Welcome to the summer edition of The Jewel!.

Brothers of the Georgia District, we have just concluded another successful school year.

Congratulations to all of the Brothers who obtained their Bachelors, Masters degrees or PhD's! Scholarship serves as the basis of our fraternal aims. Brothers, you continue to live up to the ideals of the Fraternity.

Thank you to our Director of Educational Activities, Brother Mario Hairston, our Alpha University Deans and all of the presenters and facilitators for a successful implementation of the Virtual Spring Leadership Retreat..

--Bro. Sherman Lofton Jr.,

Georgia District Director

The objectives of this Fraternity shall be: To stimulate the ambition of its members; To prepare them for the greatest usefulness in the causes of humanity, freedom, and dignity of the individual; to encourage the highest and noblest form of manhood; and To aid down-trodden humanity in its efforts to achieve higher social, economic and intellectual status.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities. 

Brother Darryl Matthews' 50th Membership Celebration:

An Elegant Evening For The Consummate Alpha Man


Brothers from across Alphadom descended upon Atlanta on Saturday, May 21st, at the Marriott Marquis, to celebrate and honor Past General President Darryl Matthews on his 50th Year of Membership into our illustrious fraternity.

Around 300 guests attended this Black Tie affair that included Past General Presidents, Regional Vice-Presidents, the Southern Assistant Vice-President Brother, District Directors across the Southern and Southwestern Region, Past District Directors, Assistant District Director Brother Anthony Washington and a who's who of Alpha Phi Alpha membership.

The crowd witnessed an outpouring of love and admiration showered upon Brother Matthews. The Marcus Johnson Band entertained the crowd as well as DJ Charlie Mason. Proceeds from the event benefited St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

To view the video that captured the event, please click here or on the image above. More photos below.


Brothers, after speaking with our District Chair, Brother Arthur Vaughn, we appear to be behind in our fundraising efforts. Remember our March For Babies efforts should be completed by June 15th in order to reach the June 30th reporting period.

To assist with reporting and to make sure that the fraternity receives the proper credit, make sure that when you set up your teams, please register as Alpha Phi Alpha - "Chapter Name." Using names like South Fulton Alphas makes it challenging to track.

Let's continue to push to raise funds for March For Babies. Contact Bro. Vaughn at if there are questions.




Congratulations to all newly elected Chapter Officers for the upcoming 2022-2023 Fraternal Year. Please remember that you input and adjust the terms for chapter officers in AlphaMX. Please do this before the current officers expire so the chapter doesn't lose administrative access to your Chapter's profile.

Please check your AlphaMX no later than June 15th. I need all Chapters to have Chapter Officers assigned and for all College Chapters to have their Alpha Advisors assigned in AlphaMX.

If your Chapter doesn’t have officers or an Advisor assigned in AlphaMX, please let me know via email at


🤙🏿 District Board Meeting: Saturday, October 1, 2022 (Ft. Valley State University)

🤙🏿 College Brothers Empowerment Retreat - Saturday, October 1, 2022 (Ft. Valley St University)

🤙🏿 IMDP Requests for Spring 2023 - due by October 1, 2022

🤙🏿 Georgia District Convention - November 17-20, 2022 in Columbus, Georgia


IMDP Trainings will be scheduled after August 1st. Information about dates, locations (physical or virtual) and trainers will be shared in the mid-July timeframe.

If there are Brothers in your chapters that require certification or recertification please encourage them to take the IMDP Training. If your chapter is planning to have a line this Fall, sponsors and recommenders will need to be certified.

Failure to get certified affects the chapter and potential candidates. Brothers should also make sure that they are fully financial with the Chapter.

A Brother that doesn't fulfill his financial obligations to the Chapter is not eligible to be a sponsor or recommender.


From The Assistant District Director

To The Brothers of the Great Georgia District:


I hope that all is well within the Brotherhood. It gives me great joy to pen this message to you. First and foremost, I would like to extend congratulatory wishes to all college Brothers who have graduated from their perspective universities this Spring. Whether you graduated Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude, or even “Thank You Laude”, you did it!


You have done something that only 26.7% of African American men have done. You have set an example for your chapter brothers as well as your family, friends, and people in the community in which you live in.  not only for your chapter brothers. I know that you all will make an impact in your community and be successful men in your careers and all future endeavors.


Now that you have graduated, I encourage each of you to take the next step by joining a graduate chapter to further dedicate your time and talents to our beloved fraternity.


Brothers, it is election season. We must get out and practice what we preach. “A Voteless People is a Hopeless People” was initiated as a National Program of Alpha during the 1930’s when many African Americans had the right to vote but were prevented from voting for a plethora of different reasons. I charge you to support your brothers financially, emotionally, and physically. They need you. Get out and vote in your local elections because those are the politicians who will impact you the most. Most importantly, please do your research before you vote. Get to know the candidate and his platform.


Lastly, we must pray for the families of the victims in the racially motivated shooting in Buffalo, N.Y. As a community, we are saddened by the actions and how they take place. As African Americans, we must continue to let our voice be heard by voting, speaking up, and running for office.

In closing, I leave you with a quote from our beloved Rev. Bro. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He stated, “We must come to see that the end we seek is a society at peace with itself, a society that can live with its conscience.” Be safe and continue to be first of all, servants of all, and transcend all.



Bro. Anthony T. Washington, Jr.

Georgia Assistant District Director


A Community Day of Clean Up


The Jonesboro and County Commissioners sponsored a Day of Cleaning for the local area and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated, Pi Gamma Lambda (PGL) Chapter participated in a big way at the Lee Street Park.


The chapter was assigned two areas to cleanup including the Stockbridge Road going east of Jonesboro and the part of the old town Jonesboro area. The chapter provided 12 to 15 brothers plus some associates to assist in the city’s effort to beautify Jonesboro.

Several organizations such as Jonesboro High School Junior R.O.T.C. program, a boy scout troop and several youth sports teams provided hands and effort to make a positive change in the community. PGL’s efforts. The town provided large trash bags, gloves, and pick up sticks to make the trash pickup an easier operation. Our inclusion in this event further solidified the “Clayton County Alphas” as a vital cog in the county’s service portfolio.

Commissioner DeMont Davis lauded PGL efforts in the community and that the chapter is making a great difference since coming to the county. PGL worked 2.5 hours in this service project where local residents got an opportunity to see Alphas in paraphernalia doing the work of Alpha—Love for All Mankind. 


Brother Passes Gavel of CSU SGA President to Brother


Brother Jordan Allen (left) was installed as the 64th President of Columbus State University's Student Government Association. The gavel was passed to him by Brother Curtis Walker, the outgoing president for the past two years.

Brother Oz Roberts serves as Alpha adviser at Columbus State for these young leaders.


The Chapter Has Been Busy With Multiple Events; and Bro. Dasher Named Jefferson County Superintendent 


Congratulations to Brother Dr. Samuel Dasher has been selected as the Superintendent for the Jefferson County School System.


Golf committee chair Brother Gerald Tyce led the chapter's successful golf tournament that supports local youths programs in the area. 


Brother Dr. Leslie Pollard, Project Alpha Chair, and Brother Dr. Alie Brown Sr. led an impactful  Go To High School Go To College Chair with support from our law enforcement, colleges, medical professionals.


Brother Glenn Niles recognized the national blood shortage and made a call to action, of which the chapter responded. The receiving blood centers were Fort Gordon ASBP and Sheppard Community Blood Center.


Big thanks to Concerned Women Inc. for allowing us to be a helping hand in their community food giveaway.


Chapter Works With Black Voters Matter, Raises Awareness


Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Kappa Tau Lambda Chapter partnered with Black Voters Matter to host a community service event at Southside Recreation Center, in Valdosta.

A Fish Fry designed to entice community persons, not only to vote, but to ensure that they were prepared to vote at the correct precinct. Brothers were prepared to check the locations of their precincts based on addresses and present each prospective voter with a notice of where the precinct is or will be located.

They were also apprised of the need for bringing appropriate identification. Approximately 200 people attended the event.


Phi Xi and Rho Kappa Lambda

Chapters Unite To Aid Boy Scout in Park Project


Phi Xi and Rho Kappa Lambda chapters assisted Boy Scout Zander Kelly of Troop 514 complete his Eagle Scout project by helping him complete the building of benches for use at the Peachtree Ridge Park in Suwanee.


On April 9, 2022, members of Phi Xi and Rho Kappa Lambda assisted with preparation by cutting and sanding the wood for the benches. Zander’s leadership and drive were both exemplified as he directed work and delegated responsibility so that everyone was able to contribute to the finished project. A week later, the chapter began the assembly of the benches. The project was completed on April 30, 2022.

Pi Gamma Lambda

PGL Acknowledged by Clayton County Board of Education

Clayton Bd of Educ  II.jpg

Pi Gamma Lambda received a commendation from the Clayton County Board of Education for being "Committed to High Performance."


Brother Michael Byrd, on request by the National Park Service’s Martin Luther King National Historic Park, led Alpha’s support of the 54th Commemoration of the Death of Dr. King.

Bro. Byrd galvanized the Council of Presidents and Brother Sherman Lofton, Jr., the 14th GA District Director, who delivered indomitable remarks at the April 4, 2022 event.


Brothers of Alpha participated from chapters throughout metro Atlanta and surrounding counties. Brother James Rainer, president of Pi Gamma Lambda, exhibited strong leadership in organizing this special event.


Brother Earns His Wings as a Pilot For American


Spring 2021 initiate through the Upsilon Psi chapter, Brother Devin Watson, who earned a bachelors of science in Aviation Science Management, now a member of Epsilon Beta Lambda, has become a full-time commercial airline pilot for American Airlines.

He has flown numerous flights to favorite tourist spots including New York, Canada and other destinations.


Brother John H. Carter Honored In Thomaston Ceremony


Mayor J. D. Stallings presented a proclamation to Brother Dr. John H. Carter, recognizing February 15, 2022, as "Dr. John H. Carter Day" in Thomaston. Along with the city proclamation, the mayor presented a document passed by the Georgia Legislature as well.

Dr. Carter said: "Thomaston made me what I am today." His only regret, he added, was that his former influential teacher, Mrs. Green, wasn't there to see what he had accomplished. Among the long list of Dr. Carter's achievements is spearheading the effort to place the Martin Luther King Memorial on the National Mall in Washington D.C.


Talented Brothers Earn Advanced Degrees


Brother Dr. Courtlandt L. Fouche’ (left) of Rho Sigma Lambda from McDonough, completed his Doctorate of Philosophy from Jackson State University in Public Policy, and Administration.

Also, Brother Roderick Holland (right) completed his Master of Theological Studies degree this Spring from Emory University in Atlanta. 


Bro. Dan A. Sims Earns Bibb County Superintendent Role


Bro. Dan A. Sims, a former Alpha Phi Alpha National Alumni Brother of the Year, was sworn in as the new Bibb County School Superintendent in Macon.

Bro. Sims had served for six years as the Associate Superintendent of schools in Fulton County, Atlanta. Click on his photo or here to read more.


OPL's Troop 1906, which has produced the most Eagle Scouts in the southeast region, was named Troop of the Year by the Southern Crescent of the Atlanta area Council of the Boys Scouts of America, a testament to the outstanding work of OPL Brothers Gerius Patterson, Marc Gordon and Christopher Artist.


District Director: Bro. Sherman Lofton, Jr.

Assistant District Director: Bro. Anthony Washington

Immediate Past (13th) District Director: Bro. Benny G. Hand

Deputy District Director: Bro. 1st Sg (Retired) Marvin M. Jones

Executive Director: Bro. Marco A. Pitts

Recording Secretary: Bro. Joseph L. Lindsey

Treasurer: Bro. Donald E. Webster

Financial Secretary: Bro. Gerald A. Yerby

General Counsel/Parliamentarian: Bro. Ira L. Foster

Director of Conventions: Bro. Keith R. Harris

Advisor to the District Director: Bro. Charles Allen

5th Georgia District Director: Bro. Robert A. “Bob” Willis

6th Georgia District Director: Bro. Chester . Wheeler, III

7th Georgia District Director: Bro. Dr. Jerry L. Hardee

9th Georgia District Director: Bro. Joseph E. Patterson

11th Georgia District Director: Bro. Ronald M. Naston, Sr.

12th Georgia District Director: Bro. Ellis B. Albright

Senior Advisor: Bro. Robert A. “Bob” Willis

Senior Advisor: Bro. Howard Kennedy

Special Assistant—Fiscal Matters: Bro. John H. Jordan

Associate Recording Secretary: Bro. Jontae Nash

Chaplain: Bro. Rev. Benjamin E.V. Lett

Sergeant-At-Arms: Bro. Shed Dawson, Jr.

Director—Area 1: Bro. James W. Ford, II

Director—Area 2: Bro. Pierre Gaither

Director—Area 3: Bro. Patrick R. Wilkerson

Director—Area 4: Bro. Bernard Young

Director—Area 5: Bro. Vincent Jones

Director—Area 6: Bro. Alton L. West

Director—Area 7: Bro. Hilton Fordham

Director—Area 8: Bro. Stanley Doucette

Director of Education: Bro. Mario Hairston

Director of Technology: Bro. Carlton Riddick

District Chief Dean: Bro. Marcus Dumas

District Associate Editor of The Sphinx: Bro. Curtis Bunn

Chief Dean, North Cluster: Bro. Charles B. Allen, Sr.

Chief Dean, North Cluster: Bro. Earl Bray

Chief Dean, West Cluster: Bro. James Webber

Chief Dean, East Cluster: Bro. Ellis B.Albright

Chief Dean, Central Cluster: Bro. Raymond Braziel

Chief Dean, South Cluster: Bro. LaVenice Grace

Omicron Phi Lambda has been reeling from the loss of one of it Founders, Brother C. Perry Halstead (left), a most beloved Brother.

Bro. Halstead remained an active force in the chapter since its founding 35 years ago.

He served as chapter President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain and many other capacities.

Bro. Halstead presented last year to the fraternity the only recording of the voice of Jewel Henry Arthur Callis, speaking at the Theta Rho Lambda chartering service on January 30, 1965 in Arlington, Virginia.


New Blood Enters The Fraternity's New Chapter, Phi Xi


On Wednesday March 16, 2022 at 7:06 pm the initiates of Phi Xi chapter at Georiga Gwinnett College revealed themselves at their Neophyte Presentation. These brothers that were initiated are the chartering members and charting line of the Phi Xi chapter. Brother Tron Wesley Williams Jr, Brother Christopher Taylor, and Brother Alexander Quarshie.


This was an historical event because there is no presence of Greek life on Georgia Gwinnett’s College campus, and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc, was the first fraternity to be chartered at this campus.

The Phi Xi Chapter is seated at Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville, GA ; Key number 966. The chapter founders are Brothers Stanley Doucette, Brian Jackson, Toney Sanders and Maurice Thompson.


Brothers from all over Georgia, Rho Kappa Lambda, and the Divine 9 came to support and helped to welcome these new initiates into the House of Alpha. There was an immense surge of energy and passion that filled the room that night. At the closing of the presentation the Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc, closed with the fraternity Hymn.


Images From Bro. Matthews' 50th Anniversary Gala
