August 9, 2024

The Joy of Serving

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35

If you’ve ever spent time serving people who are in need of care, love, or tangible items, you’ve probably personally experienced that blessing of giving. 

There are countless stories of folks who have gone on mission trips, expecting to help those who are in need, but instead are forever changed by the joy and blessings that came from serving. We realize we are also in need. Maybe not of tangible items, but of community, contentment, and the joy that only graces us from heaven.

The past several years have been tough on our churches. Separation from COVID, division within denominations, and cultural shifts that have left our churches feeling strained. The focus is on all the things that separate us.

But, what if we focused on something that brings us together: Being the hands and feet of Jesus, and showing God’s love in a practical way.

At Midwest Mission, we are firm believers that serving together brings people together. We’ve seen it over and over again in teams who come together to serve at Midwest Mission, at churches that hold serving events, and even in our own staff as we unite for a common cause: to meet the tangible needs of those in crisis so they may have hope for their future, and be empowered to build a better life, all in the name of Jesus.

We want to be a resource for you. 

Our hands-on mission opportunities can unite your congregation and bring the joy of serving to your community.

On Sunday, September 15, we celebrate Midwest Mission Sunday: a day to reinvigorate your congregation by getting them excited about serving and making a difference around the world and around the corner.

You and your church are relevant to God's Great Commission. Midwest Mission helps people in their times of crisis, but we also use our mission to revitalize congregations through service. We have easy and accessible opportunities to show God's love in a practical way and get people involved who may or may not know Jesus personally. This is a great opportunity for you and your congregation to try a hands-on activity and right where you are.

Although we celebrate the joy of serving on this day, it doesn’t stop here! We want you to see how you can get involved in mission all-year round.

Visit to see all the ways you can get involved.

In times like these, we must come together. There is so much joy to be experienced when we serve alongside one another, and do life with one another. 

Our prayer is that your communities are strengthened and united. We pray that you will deeply know the truth that we are more blessed to give than to receive, and that it will magnify through your community, and change lives around the world and around the corner.

Learn More

Thank You Lucas and Katy!

Today was Lucas' and Katy's last day with us at Midwest Mission for the summer.

Lucas was the Communications Intern, but also was a great asset in the polyurethane room. His great attitude and smile is contagious! Thank you, Lucas, for being willing to do whatever was asked of you!

This was Katy's third year of working with volunteers. We are always so blessed by her leadership, hard work, and smile! We look forward to having her back soon. Thank you, Katy!

Please be praying for these two as they head back to college.

It's Back-To-School season, which means school supplies are on sale! While you're out shopping for your kiddos, or if you miss the days of buying school supplies, pick up a few items for Student Kits!

Visit to see what all is included in the Student Kit.

Right now, Walmart has these items at a great price:

- Boxes of 24 crayons

- Boxes of 12 colored pencils

- Boxes of 24 unsharpened wood pencils

- Notebooks

Prayers to Lift Up

This week, pray that we will all feel the nudge to serve when needed, to see the needs of others and act, and to encourage others in their time of crisis.

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" 

Acts 20:35

Our 2023 Impact Report is available for download! Using the button below, you can download the report and share with someone you know!


August Church Bulletin Insert

We offer monthly church bulletin inserts that you can slide in your church's bulletin. These inserts keep your congregation up-to-date on our current needs and upcoming events!

Download August Bulletin PDF
  • Receiving Blankets
  • Must be 28"x28" to 32" x 32" and made out of new flannel
  • Our goal is 1,000 Receiving Blankets!

Click here to purchase these items online.

You can bring items to Midwest Mission or a Permanent Collection Site near you — or send them through the mail to 1001 Mission Drive, Pawnee, IL 62558.

Midwest Mission Weekly Projects

Work of the Mission Volunteers

Work Done

  • 960 Hygiene Kits
  • 10 Personal Dignity Kits
  • 2 Bed Packs

  • Poly Shop
  • Desk Shop
  • Cleaning
  • Bike Shop
  • Groundskeeping
  • Bag Wipes
  • Trace Patterns
  • Off-Site Pack Preparation

Off-Site Events

  • 600 Rice Meals — Macon UMC, Macon, IL


  • Ball Chatham CUSD, Chatham, IL: School supplies Value: $304.00
  • Springfield School District 186, Springfield, IL: Redirect food items Value: $445.50
  • Beacon of Hope, Fort Dodge, IA: Hygiene supplies Value: $24.00
  • Catholic Charities of Green Bay, Green Bay, WI: 720 Hygiene Kits Value: $8,640.00
  • Michigan UMC Conference, Southgate, MI: 312 Hygiene Kits and 300 Menstrual Hygiene Kits Value: $10,944.00
  • Beardstown and Cass County Food Pantry, Beardstown, IL: Redirect food items Value: $556.50

Midwest Mission is able to do this work because of your generous donations and willingness to volunteer. Thank you!

Share some GOD news with those you love!

Do you have family or friends that need some GOOD News - GOD News - to uplift them? If so please click on the button below and share the link provided. The more we can spread the word about the work God is doing here, the more we can make the world a happier place.

Link to Share the Midwest Mission Newsletter

Ready to Get Involved?

Here are three ways you can get involved at Midwest Mission:

1. Host an Off-Site Event

We have several hands-on mission opportunities you can host at your location! Visit to learn more. Contact Melissa Brookens at 217-483-7911 or to book your event or for questions.

2. Serve From Home

You can serve people around the world from right at home! From sewing, to assembling kits, there's something for everyone. Learn how at

3. Volunteer at Midwest Mission

We have dates available in 2024 and 2025! Have questions or need assistance in booking? Contact Pat Wright at or 217-697-4063. 

Click here to check calendar openings and to reserve your spots.

2025 and 2026 Volunteer Calendar is open for dorm reservations!

Go to our Reservation Calendar, log in, reserve your rooms, and submit payment for your Non-refundable Reservation Fee via credit card or electronic check. We will email you the Access Code to reserve Volunteer Shifts for your team. You must complete this step for your team to volunteer at Midwest Mission.

For local teams and individuals: Volunteer Shifts will only be available 3 months ahead of time. For example, December 1, 2023 you will be able to reserve Volunteer Shifts for March of 2024.

Midwest Mission Iowa

If you would like to do the Midwest Mission Experience at our Jefferson, IA location, visit - or reach out to Melissa Brookens.

Volunteers at Work

August 5-9, 2024

Volunteers Leaders

Mark and Mary Grant

Trenton, TX

Howard Orndorff

Nebraska City, NE

Illinois Teams

Community UMC

La Moille, IL

Cardington Mission Team

Cardington, OH

Athens UMC

Athens, IL

Fairbury UMC

Fairbury, IL

Beardstown First UMC

Beardstown, IL

Oakwood / Catlin UMCs

Oakwood and Catlin, IL

Monticello UMC

Monticello, IL

First Methodist Church

Flora, IL

Grace UMC

Jacksonville, IL

Iowa Teams

The Survivors First UMC

Omaha, NE

We are so grateful for all our local and regular volunteers, and the time they give towards volunteering at Midwest Mission. We appreciate their passion and dedication to the ministry!

Click Here for the UMVIM NCJ Newsletter
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