The KIT ─ Knowledge & Information Technology
No. 190 - 17 April 2017
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In This Issue
IT Strategy and Enterprise Architecture
Berners-Lee on the Future of the Web
NTIA Green Paper on IoT
ACM Turing Award 50th Anniversary
Cloud Management Platforms
Meetings during OMG Week
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Claude Baudoin

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IT Strategy and Enterprise Architecture
The Cutter Consortium's Mexico office is offering a four-day "bootcamp" on the above subject on May 23-24 and 30-31 in Mexico City. The event will be led by Claude Baudoin and Bob Benson, alternating between Spanish and English. Register here or let your friends in Mexico and other parts of Latin America know!
The Future of the Web
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web (and not the Internet, as some rather uninformed journalist recently wrote) explained in a recent interview to radio station WBUR, broadcast on National Public Radio in the U.S., his worries about how his invention, which was supposed to connect everyone seamlessly, has led to silos of opinion (or what some call "echo chambers" in which you hear only your own voice or that of similar-minded people). He's also written about the main issues he sees with the current trends on the Web (personal data privacy, the spread of misinformation and the lack of transparency in online political advertising) in this open letter.
NTIA "Green Paper" on the Internet of Things
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), part of the United States Department of Commerce, has issued a "green paper" entitled "Fostering the Advancement of the Internet of Things." The U.S. chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) issued comments on the NTIA paper. The comments are generally supportive of the government's stance that the IoT should provide digital inclusiveness, accessibility, and usability.
ACM Turing Award Celebration
The ACM has been giving its annual Turing Award, named after British scientist Alan Turing (whose team cracked the Enigma code during World War II), since 1967. This is often called the "Nobel Prize of Computer Science." The organizers of the 50th anniversary celebration in San Francisco on June 23-24 failed to plan for the size of the interested audience, and the event has been sold out since it was announced. To make up for this, the event will be live-streamed. Mark your calendars: Friday, June 23 from 8:30 a.m. to 6:15 p.m., Pacific Daylight time (GMT-7), and Saturday, June 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Cloud Management Platforms
CMPs are a new type of management tools that will be particularly important in hybrid cloud of multi-cloud environments. They provide a unified view of the set of resources available through cloud solutions from multiple vendors.

To help cloud customers understand what CMPs do and how to select and use them, the Cloud Standards Customer Council (CSCC) has launched an effort to issue a new paper on this topic. This initiative is led by Lockheed Martin. KIT readers will be informed when the paper is published. If you would like to get involved in the writing, please contact us for more information.
See you in Brussels
The following special meetings will take place during the Object Management Group's next quarterly technical meetings in early June in Brussels: There will also be a half-day tutorial on OMG's modeling and middleware specifications on Monday morning, June 5. Non-OMG members can register for any of these events separately.
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"As software becomes more important in the world, the practice and art of software is becoming more important too."
-- A great contender for the "most unnecessary article introduction" prize,
by Will Larson, introducing a new magazine called Increment in a Stripe blog post.
Let's hope the magazine is more original than its announcement.
"For the first time last year, I heard more leaders talking about technology and workers' happiness at the same time, in the same conversation."
-- Dion Hinchcliffe, interviewed in Marginalia, the Future of Work magazine