The key to business success? Your heart!
Hello Karina,

The secret’s out! Not only is your heart a vital organ and the international symbol for love, but did you know that it’s also what will help you have a successful business? Heart-based coaching is the newest method of continuous improvement to be introduced in the workplace; it goes beyond the traditional goal-directed strategies and forces us to address the patterns that keep us stuck in behaviours which negatively impact our focus on work.
Meeting Tip >> Consensus 
Not everyone has to agree 100%. If this was the case, nothing would get done. Instead, have everyone agree to at the beginning of the meeting to the following: “I may not agree 100% but I can and will live with, support and carry through with the group’s decision” . This is a great way to keep the meeting moving.

Read more of my meeting tips>>
Service Spotlight >> Project Mgmt
90% of experts say good project management is key to delivering successful results and gaining a competitive edge. At CSD we guarantee the projects we run are effective, efficient, and well run. We create customized plans that drive your project forward. We'll be your unfair advantage!

Learn more about project management at CSD>>
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Adriana in the News
Did you catch my feature in the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers magazine? >>  Unproductive? If your meetings are a joke, it's time to change the punchline.
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