July/August 2024

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common Defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.



Issues & Board Meeting

1st Monday of every month

6:00pm Issues Discussion (Topic: 2024 Primary Election Results)

7:00pm Executive Board Meeting

Next Meeting: Monday, September 2, 2024

KCRP Headquarters, 6610 Kitsap Way, Bremerton, WA 98312

Special Meeting: Monday, September 9, 2024 @ 6:30pm

KCRP Headquarters, 6610 Kitsap Way, Bremerton, WA 98312

Come to hear hear from Wen Chen, who’s a civil rights activist from communist China. Please come to this event and bring your children.

23rd Legislative District Republicans Monthly Meeting

2nd Thursday of every month @ 6pm

Next Meeting: Thursday, September 12, 2024

Western Red Brewing, 19168 Jensen Way NE Poulsbo, WA 98370

Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) & Volunteer Meeting

Last Wednesday of every month @ 6pm

Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Cloverleaf Grill, 1240 Hollis St, Bremerton, WA 98310

GOTV Committee Meetings

1st Monday of every month @ 5pm

Next Meeting: Monday, September 2, 2024

(before the monthly meeting at KCRP Headquarters)

Last Wednesday of every month @ 5pm

Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 28, 2024

(before the PCO & Volunteer Meeting at Cloverleaf Grill)

KCRP meetings are open to all Republicans.

Visit our calendar to see more opportunities to meet with Republicans!


Join Kitsap Republicans at one or more events!

Upcoming events include:

 Kitsap County Fair on August 21-25

End-of-Summer BBQ Fundraiser with Candidates on September 7


Executive Board Member Reports

Juliana McMahan, Chair

Rose worked with Marty Mioni to create an easy way to volunteer for the many activities this summer. In the upper-right hand corner of our website there’s an “Event Volunteer Sign-Up” link, which takes you to all the various events.

If you hear or have about any events which you think should be on our website calendar, please let us know. On the calendar you can click on the plus sign on the calendar and can submit it to the IT folks and they’ll post it on the calendar.

Also on our website is a feature to check to see if your precinct PCO position is vacant. Then if it is, you can click on the link “Submit a PCO Application” and sign-up!

Jessica Rice is organizing doorbelling for Get Out The Vote (GOTV). She’ll train you, go with you, and/or give you a list of addresses. If you’re interested in doorbelling, please contact her.

The Chair reviewed the Mind the Gap training that multiple people attended online. She shared some slides and showed them why we have such a disconnect with some people. The basic takeaway from the training is that if you use an approach that hits the moral foundation of caring and/or fairness, you will then have a better chance of swaying someone. We’re not abandoning our issues, it’s that we’re being smart.

Wen Chen, a Civil Rights activist (who comes from Communist China), is coming to speak to us on September 9th. If you can attend it would be great. It is really worth attending!

We are all passionate people—which is why we get involved in politics. Everyone needs to be careful to separate when they represent KCRP and when they are doing things personally. If you’re doing a KCRP thing, you need to support KCRP’s position. Please respect the will of the PCOs. If you don’t support the KCRP position and don’t want to do it, I totally respect that.

The Number One thing we don’t want in November is for Bob Ferguson to be elected as governor. Ferguson opposes everything we support as a party. Even if the Republican candidate only supports us some of the time, that is better than none of the time!

Don’t be discouraged if your favorite candidate doesn’t make it through the primary election. We can’t win every election overnight. We may not get our ideal candidate, but let’s keep working to turn Washington state around. Remember, we have lots of great candidates. If your favorite candidate doesn’t make it, there are still great candidates to support who need your help.

One of our top priorities is winning the top two with the county commissioner race in District 2. We are not in a one-year fight. This is a multi-year fight to turn our county around. We are making progress! It’s an exciting time in our country!

Last month she went to a meeting in Tacoma sponsored by the Freedom Foundation. They brought in the Superintendent of Public Instructions from Oklahoma. He has taken drastic steps to turn around their failing public education system and it is working. It is possible to turn around one of the worst educational systems in our country in just 2-1/2 years. We can turn things around too. Don’t get discouraged. We’re going to take our country back one precinct at a time and one local position at a time.


Sean Murphy, Vice Chair

Marty Mioni has taken the lead on events for KCRP. She’s been everywhere getting signatures and organizing events! She put on an amazing show for the Fathoms of Fun Parade! Thank you!

There was a $35M lawsuit filed against the county from the Olalla Bay Market. This is a huge red light regarding our county’s permitting process.

It’s possible to have two Republicans on a county commissioner race in South Kitsap where we are more Republican than the rest of the county. We need to make history and get a two Republicans on the general election ballot for our County Commissioner in District 2.


John Cameron, State Committeeman

The PCO of the month for June is Patty Schlack and the PCO of the month for July is Susan Yake.

Matthew Frolich has been promoted to Executive Director for WSRP and Marion Chacon has taken his position as Political Director.

In his position as State Committeeman, he’s finding a lot of what he does is to network with other counties. 

WSRP has updated their website to

Recruit, recruit, recruit. This is the most important thing we can do. 

He will be speaking at the Kitsap Alliance of Property Owners meeting next month.


Elizabeth Doll, State Committeewoman

Looking forward to the State Committee meeting later this month.

Call all the people you know who haven’t voted yet, even if you have to take it to a ballot dropbox yourself.


Shelly McKinley-Olson, Treasurer

The LDD Committee has been looking at various venues for next year. They have the Kitsap Golf and Country Club tentatively lined up for 2025.They looked at Maynard’s Restaurant, who does catering. Right now we’re just wanting to make sure that we have a date and location, for whoever might be on the committee next year, so it makes their job a little easier.

She’s been door knocking and phone banking with Jessica Rice. She’s fabulous! We really did a great job of hiring Jessica. She’s been very motivated and a great coordinator for our volunteers.


Linda Popp, Secretary & GOTV Committee Chair

She walked her precinct twice to collect initiative signatures. It is always good to get familiar with your own precinct. She ran into a gentleman who attended our County Caucus and had the opportunity to invite him to our 23rd LD meeting that was coming up. 

There are lots of meetings going on that all of us on the board and others are attending. There’s lots of work that needs to get done, and your help is needed.

Last month she completed training thru Leadership Institute: Voter Persuasion Seminar, Mind the Gap, and Volunteer Army Builder. There’s lots of great training available, and mostly they’re all free. Take a look at Leadership Institute!

She has been creating posters/signs that address KCRP issues. We need to direct more of people’s focus to issues instead of just candidates to help get more people to vote for Republicans.

The county auditor is hoping to get the new ballot counting location near the airport open in time for the general election in in November.

We need more folks to volunteer to help do this outreach. Please consider signing up. It’s not scary to call Republicans to remind them to do things like vote.


Jamie Miles, Bainbridge Island

She is working on her campaign and believes she will make it through the primary to the general election.


John Johanson, Bremerton & Candidate Resources Committee Chair

He worked on the sample ballot mailer. He used the format as dictated in the voter pamphlet for marking ballots, so there’s no confusion.


Francis Doyle, South Kitsap & Election Integrity Committee Chair

He is trying to reach the SKSD because their website has metrics, but they’re not updated. They have some skewed data from 2021. The SKSD elected a new board director. The person is a policeman, who has good morals. He feels he’ll do a good job.

The school boards directors don’t get a say in what goes into the school curriculum. It’s from the OSPI. They solicit feedback, but it’s really a done deal. 

SKSD has a long-range goal to lift children who haven’t done well in school. How I see it, instead of helping underprivileged children inspire to be something, and meet their challenges, they are going to go about the same way they have been doing, by doing the minimum they have to do which is just enough to get them to graduation. 

While observing ballot processing today the scanning machine went down. It’s tough to get more people to vote in the primary election. We need to get our people to vote in order to win.


Volunteers Needed!

If you have been looking for opportunities to volunteer, now is a great time! We now have a special webpage where you can sign-up to help with upcoming volunteer needs. Please visit to learn about current opportunities.

Volunteer to help on one of the many KCRP Committees. Learn more about them at


Thoughts and stray input

You may have a family member at home who is "drinking the Kool-Aid"... do not despair. You have good company. One KCRP member related the following story: "My daughter-in-law asked if she and her family could move to Australia if Trump was elected. I asked her what she had against Trump (everyone else in the family likes the GOP front runner) and she is 1) concerned that Trump is a dictator and wants to take away women's abortion rights and 2) said she thought the Constitution should be thrown out and re-done. She also thinks Harris is well spoken. I explained quietly to her that Trump was for abortion rights being sent back to the states, and that was in alignment with the Constitution, because abortion is not mentioned there. And that if she needed better laws, the Constitution could be amended. She shut down after that because I wouldn't yell back at her." 

Remember... the left wing really DOES hate the Constitution. So it is being undermined by "useful idiots" the ignorant, and the lazy who won't dig deep enough to understand how the system works. Know your facts, and be prepared to defend your position, and DON'T fight!!! The loudest voice does not win the war. 


August 5th meeting at KCRP headquarters was moderately attended and many ideas were discussed, after a long and busy summer. "Get out the vote" was pressed, and as of that meeting, only 20% had voted that could as of today. Chuck DeCosta discussed the hands-on process of being a ballot observer, he mentioned they had had ballot envelopes with white powder (talcum powder) come through the mail!

Some of the postcards sent out on the GOP mailing list came back. We know the same thing happens with mail-out ballots. It is a fact that today's America is pretty mobile and folks move a lot. By this alone, common sense would dictate that the "vote by mail" system is very very very unwieldy compared to the old polling system. Chuck was very enthused by it all, and explained many things, giving us some hope that the process might actually be fairly honest this year. 

Two people spoke about medical freedom, and one (a doctor) claimed that the next "crisis" in the works (from literature she was getting) is a bird flu epidemic. Flu changes every year, which is why the vaccine is often ineffective, every time it jumps species the virus mutates and the old shot is no good anymore.


Kitsap County Commissioner meeting on August 12 was heavily attended by outraged citizenry of Olalla and was quite lively about a lawsuit pending. To read more, visit the following link:,file%20a%20tort%20claim%20for


One matter that the Trump team has taken up and is being ignored by the Democrat administration is the potential for nuclear weapons from Iran. It's a true threat, and thankfully someone is talking about it in America. By the time this newsletter reaches press, the problem may have been rendered moot by the Israelis turning the nuclear enrichment site in Iran, into a parking lot; they've done it before. BUT the best way to stay up on this is to 1) do a good website search on the subject, and 2) if it involves the Middle East, be sure to check Oh YES, _Al Jazeera_ is riddled with propaganda, but so is our media stateside. Stay informed, and do your homework.


[Regarding boys in girls' sports] "Dear Moms for Liberty: Two weeks ago, in a landmark legal ruling, Moms for Liberty secured the biggest preliminary injunction to date stopping the Biden’s rewrite of Title IX regulations from going into effect in what will ultimately be thousands – if not tens of thousands – of schools throughout our country. Since then, Moms for Liberty ... have been working ... to ensure the maximum protections possible for [us] ultimately obtaining clarification that the preliminary injunction applies to both current and future members and that Moms for Liberty can continuously update the list of schools covered by the injunction as needed.... Moms for Liberty launched a new function through its website, allowing members (current, new, and future) to opt-in to the protections secured by Moms for Liberty’s landmark legal victory. Opting your child’s school in is easy and can be done through editing your profile on our “member portal.” Detailed instructions can be found in our FAQs webpage."--Tina Descovich, Tiffany Justice, Co-founders, Moms for Liberty


Follow up on Bremerton Schools: August 8, 2024: Interim Superintendent Update: "As the 2024-2025 school year approaches, we want to provide an update on the process related to the inquiry into allegations against Dr. James Crawford, who remains on administrative leave. ...Bremerton School Board is moving forward with interviewing candidates for potential appointment of a focused interim superintendent for the start of the 2024-25 school year. This will help the district to maintain momentum on several major district initiatives....The human resources inquiry into the BSD work environment and the tenor of interactions under Dr. Crawford’s leadership remains in progress. Updates will continue to be provided to the degree we are able. Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we work to ensure an impartial, systematic, and thorough fact-finding process. Sincerely, Bremerton School District Board


Reading Recommendations

Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance. Auto-biographical. Excellent reading, falls into the "Country humor" genre. Other stories in this genre are Forrest Gump, Honky-Tonk Man, Huckleberry Finn, Reservation Dogs, and even the Outlander book series, leaning on a comic, slightly sardonic writing style, edgy (and honest) humor that came to America with the Scots-Irish, along with "the code of the hills." This book is medium-sized, it's an enjoyable read (many cuss words, not for younger children!) and also recommended for summer reading. Possibly this is the first time a popular author has run for high office in America.

In celebration of our country's 248th birthday, a patriotic read, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein. This novel is well-known by Libertarians, but it goes beyond mere philosophy, into the realm of "what if?" What exactly DOES motivate a population to turn on their corrupt leaders and rebel, despite the horrible consequences of riots, wars, and other forms of civil disobedience? It was first published in 1965, so this book was WAY ahead of its time in predicting the societal implications of AI. Robert Heinlein was a graduate of the Naval Academy, his books appeal to most sailors; he loved cats, and was fiercely patriotic. Heinlein makes excellent summer reading, and often prods the reader to re-examine their own principles about governance. Besides that, Heinlein is very very funny. Any of his sci-fi novels are highly recommended for all patriots.


Homelessness Resources

Veterans Affairs Homeless Programs:

VA Homelessness Hotline: Dial 877-424-3838 and Press 1

Narcotics Anonymous:

NA help line: 360-215-2616


Kitsap County Auditor's Office - Elections Information


School Board and City Council Notes

KCRP School District Information Page

Bainbridge Island School District

School board website:

Bremerton Bremerton School District

School board website:

Documents link:

Central Kitsap School District

School board website:

North Kitsap School District

School board website:

Advisory board website:

South Kitsap School District

School board website:

Board meetings recap:

Many parents in the South Kitsap district have found the "Parent Square" app/link to be very helpful in "being connected" with their district. See for more information. 

City Council

Video archives of city council meetings from all over Kitsap County can be found at:


KCRP Executive Board Contact Info:

Contact other conservative groups in our area:


Contact Newsletter Editor:

Note: Please put your topic in your tag line and source your articles. Thank you!



Do you have 1-2 hours a week or month to volunteer in person, at home, or virtually? KCRP needs volunteers in many areas for any skill level.

Volunteer Now!

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