First Reconciliation Prayer Service
This morning, Friday April 5th, our Catholic students from 2nd Grade class and some older students received their First Reconciliation with Fr. Paul!

Loving God, we come together to celebrate your love and forgiveness.
You sent us your Son, Jesus, to wash away our sins,
to teach us your ways, to show us your love.
Bless us with your Spirit, God,
so that we may be like your Son –
Making choices that bring your Light, your Love, to our world.
We pray this in the name of Jesus, our friend and savior.
-Fr. Paul

Our children explored several important aspects of responsibility, relationships, freedom, conscience, sin, forgiveness, and the truth, goodness and beauty which God wants to share with us. Congratulations to all of our students who have received their First Reconciliation!

Click Here to watch a video recording of the event.
Upcoming Dates

Friday, March 12th - Early Dismissal @ 11:30am; Afterschool Available; Professional Development for Teachers; Pi Classroom Bee Contest!

Monday, March 15th - Pi (π) Day

Wednesday, March 17th- Happy St. Patrick's Day - wear GREEN!

Wednesday, March 24th- BSS will be CLOSED

Saturday, March 27th - Summer Uniform Swap Shop sale at 10:00am in school parking lot-Venta de Uniformes de Verano en el Parking de la escuela

March 22nd thru 26th - Scholastic Book Fair (Online and In-Person)

Wednesday, March 31- Jasleene Guido Day! Wear her favorite color-red for
$1.00 donation or more.

April 1st - April 11th - Eastern Break-School Closed- Vacaciones de Pascua-Escuela Cerrada

Monday, April 12th - Transition into Summer Uniforms
Knight's News
Art Walk Scheduled!

Mrs. Lee and her students have been working all year on beautiful artwork! They are excited for an opportunity to show it to parents, grandparents and siblings. We invite you to join us on the back lawn for an evening of art and fellowship. Artwork will be displayed on the fence around the perimeter of the lawn. Cookies and lemonade will also be available. Stop by the deck and grab your refreshments before taking an “Art Walk”! We can’t wait to make this a new tradition at BSS!

*All visitors must wear a mask when not eating or drinking.*
Date: Wednesday, April 28th @ 5pm

In addition, we are offering a Corporate or Family Sponsorship opportunity to support the Art Department.

Your $250.00 sponsorship will help:

  • Provide refreshments at the event.
  • Cover costs of supplies needed for the event.
  • Purchase new supplies for the Art Department. 

With your sponsorship, you will receive:

  • 3x6 banner with your logo/family name on display at the event.
  • Your logo/family name will be posted on our Facebook page and in our Weekly Newsletter.

Please contact Beth Fitzgerald to become a sponsor! or (336)570-0019 x215
Easter Vacation

As a school we cannot dictate your outside activities. We do ask to please be mindful if you plan to travel or be with family/friends outside your core.

  1. If you plan to travel for the 13 days of vacation-April 1-April 11, your child must quarantine from April 12-18 and return to school on Monday, April 19, with a negative COVID test.
  2. If you travel/be with other family members and are home by Wednesday, April 7, your child may be return to school on Monday, April 12.
  3. The critical number of days of any activities is five days before school starts which would be Wednesday, April 7.

When we returned from Christmas, I said our goal was March 31 and we have 23 school days left until our goal. I deeply appreciate your transparency and cooperation.

Mrs. Gomez
Vacaciones de Pascua

Como escuela, no podemos imponer sus actividades externas. Le pido que tenga en cuenta si planea viajar o estar con familiares / amigos fuera de su núcleo.

  1. Si planea viajar durante los 13 días de vacaciones, del 1 de abril al 11 de abril, su hijo debe estar en cuarentena del 12 al 18 de abril y regresar a la escuela el lunes 19 de abril con una prueba de COVID negativa.
  2. Si viaja o está con otros miembros de la familia y está en casa antes del miércoles 7 de abril, su hijo puede regresar a la escuela el lunes 12 de abril.
  3. El número crítico de días de cualquier actividad es cinco días antes del comienzo de clases, que sería el miércoles,7 de abril. 

Cuando regresamos de Navidad, dije que nuestra meta era el 31 de marzo y que nos queda 23 días escolares para nuestra meta. Agradezco profundamente su transparencia y cooperación.

Señora Gomez
Pie in the Face for Pi Day!!

On Monday, March 15th at 12:00, we will hold a Pie in the Face for Pi Day event! Parents and grandparents are invited to join us on the back lawn! We will also be live on Facebook for anyone not able to attend. 

Next week, students and staff will have the opportunity to vote for the staff members they'd like to see get "pied". Voting tickets will be $0.25 cents each. 

Students and staff will also have the opportunity to enter for a chance to throw a pie! Two winners will be drawn on Friday, March 12th. Tickets to enter this contest will be $1.00 each.

NJHS members will be selling tickets and helping students vote all next week (3/8/21-3/12/21). They will be set up in the main hallway from 7:20-7:50 each morning.  All money collected will go towards our STREAM program
Pi (π) Day

The Knights have been working hard studying the first 300 digits of Pi (WOW) and on Friday, March 12, students in grades 3 through 8, will be able to demonstrate how all their hard work has paid off by participating in Blessed Sacrament School’s first Pi Bee! During Study Hall (9:00 - 9:55), Mrs. Hipps, Mr. Jodino, Mrs. Champion, and others will visit each upstairs classroom and call on individual students to recite Pi. Each student will get one restart. The student in each classroom who has memorized the most digits of Pi will have an opportunity to participate in the school wide bee on Monday, March 15.

The winner will be announced live right before two of our beloved teachers get a pie in their face!!


Little Portion Food Pantry Distribution Scheduled!

The purpose of this message is to inform you that the next food distribution for the Little Portion Food Pantry sponsored by Blessed Sacrament Church is scheduled. Please share the information with your congregations, clients or any person in need.

MONDAY – February 8th – 11:30 AM – 5:00 PM

The food pantry is located at 408 West Davis Street, Burlington, NC. 27216

The streets are cordoned off to allow easier access for guests. Please encourage attendees when possible to arrive earlier in the day when the selection of fresh produce and other limited products is greater.

The distribution is open to anyone regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, etc. No proselytizing of any sort permitted.

Volunteers to help with the distribution efforts are always welcome and appreciated! 

We need all the help we can receive!

Fr. Paul
Face Masks Sponsored!

As you all know, students and staff must wear a mask while at school. We've noticed that a lot of students only have one or two masks to rotate between. The Troutman family and their business, Troutman Family Dentistry, have very graciously donated a new cloth mask with adjustable ear straps to every student in the school. In addition, they made a monetary donation to BSS. Students will receive these masks on Friday, March 5th.

Thank you Troutman Family Dentistry for always supporting Blessed Sacrament School!

**Parents, once your children get their masks, please mark on them with their name**

Contact Beth Fitzgerald to discuss other Corporate Sponsorship opportunities! or (336)570-0019 x215
Tuesday, March 2-Dr. Seuss Birthday

March 2nd is Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss’s birthday! So many books were read throughout the day! 📚🎂

Our 6th grade students wore their Thing 1, Thing 2 shirts from Homeroom Wars for the occasion. They also conquered some big fears by reading to all classes! Speaking in front of others, isn’t always easy. We are proud of all of our 6th grade students! They did a great job!
Scholastic Book Fair!

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting the Scholastic Book Fair this year. It will be held in person during the week of March 22nd. There will also be the option to purchase online! March 17th - 30th will be the online. More details to follow.
Dancing with Butterflies by Adrienne Barr

We are excited to announce that at 9:00 on March 12th, we will have a local author read her new children's book to our students. She will come to the school and read the book over a Google Meet. Afterwards, we will have a book signing station set up on the back deck. Order forms are attached here. Paper copies are in yellow folders that go home on Friday. Please note, order forms are due by Monday, March 8th. 
The Revolution is Inclusion

March 3rd is Spread the Word Day. The Special Olympics started this movement in 2009. Per their website, “we believe that the world would be better if all people were valued, respected, embraced, and included in our schools, workplaces, and communities.”

Blessed Sacrament participated in "The Revolution is Inclusion" by the Special Olympics. We took the Inclusion Pledge and we invite you to join us! #choosetoinclude

I pledge to look for the lonely, the isolated, the left out, the challenged and the bullied.

I pledge to overcome the fear of difference and replace it with the power of inclusion.

I choose to include.

Thank you to Mrs. Champion for organizing this event for our school!

CLICK HERE to watch the video Mrs. Champion put together.

Mr. Champion's Social Studies class were tasked to create a map showing the locations of 5 major battles in the Civil War and their outcomes. The maps also include information about the total number of troops for each side, how many casualties for each side, which side won that battle, and the generals or commanders of each side.

Their work is on display outside their classroom.
5th Grade African-Americans Newspaper Musicians Project

During the month of February, Mrs. Clemmons's 5th grade Language Arts students researched and learned about famous African-American musicians. Students learned about finding appropriate websites and how to take notes from their reading. They practiced being able to paraphrase what they've read into their own words. Students chose four subtopics about their musician to focus their writing. Finally, the students put their writing into a newspaper format with images from the internet. Enjoy reading about all of these amazing musicians throughout history!
Swap Shop for Summer Uniforms Scheduled!

Remember that on April 12th, we will be transitions to Summer Uniforms. Our next Uniform Sale will be held on Saturday, March 27th @ our school's parking lot. We need volunteers to help sort and organize the items in the swap shop for the next sale. Items are located in a part of the building not used by children. Due to this, the sale prep can be done during school hours.
If you would like to help, please contact Beth Fitzgerald.

All contracts were emailed for parents not requesting aid in February. If you received a contract, kindly review it and sign it. We still have some families who have received it and have not signed it. If you have not received yours, please let Mr. Rico know ASAP. If you prefer a paper contract, please let Mr. Rico know you are coming to have your contract ready at the front office.

We will start emailing contracts for parents applying for the Opportunity Scholarship starting March 1st. If your family is requesting one of these scholarships, do not forget to renew/apply for your scholarship in order to get a contract for re-enrollment/enrollment and secure your spot for the next school year. More information, visit the admissions section here or scroll down.

Families who have requested financial aid via our FACTS system/Diocese of Raleigh Scholarships will start to receive their contracts once their application has been completed and reviewed, this will happen by the second week of March. More information, visit the admissions section here.

If your family is confused about this process or there are some concerns about a scholarship or contract, please contact Mr. Rico at or via phone at 336-570-0019 extension 212.

Comenzaremos a enviar contratos por correo electrónico para los padres que soliciten el Opportunity Scholarship a partir del 1 de marzo. Si su familia está solicitando una de estas becas, no olvide renovar / solicitar su beca para obtener un contrato de reinscripción / inscripción y asegurar su lugar para el próximo año escolar. Más información, visite la sección de admisiones aquí.

Las familias que hayan solicitado ayuda financiera a través de nuestro sistema FACTS / Becas de la Diócesis de Raleigh comenzarán a recibir sus contratos una vez que se haya completado y revisado su solicitud, esto sucederá en por segunda semana de marzo. Más información, visite la sección de admisiones aquí.

Si su familia está confundida sobre este proceso o si tiene alguna inquietud sobre una beca o contrato, comuníquese con el Sr. Rico en o por teléfono al 336-570-0019 extensión 212.
Teacher's Spotlight
Since we are unable to do many activities inside the school where parents can meet and get to know Blessed Sacrament School's teachers or staff members, we are going to bring them to you through our Teacher's Spotlight Section here!

Each week, we will feature a teacher or staff member and they will share a little about themselves. This week, we will have our coding instructor Mrs. Hiroko Solari!
Mrs. Hiroko Solari has been our Middle School coding teacher since 2015. She teaches Javascript to our 5th, 6th & 7th graders and HTML/CSS for Web Design to our 8th graders; she has also served as our Lego Robotics Club instructor! Mrs. Solari has more than 15 years of experience teaching Japanese for both native and non-native speakers in the Japanese Saturday School in Raleigh and in Richmond, Va public schools. 

Before coming to BSS, Mrs. Solari has been a substitute teacher for various schools, a play facilitator at the Children's Museum in Graham, and has served as a judge for elementary and middle school science fairs in High Point. Mrs. Solari graduated from Chikushi Jogakuen University in Fukuoka, Japan and received a BA in Japanese & Japanese literature. Mrs. Solari also holds an Associates's degree in Business from J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College in Richmond, VA. She is a self-taught coding teacher and started coding as a hobby 8 years ago!

When Mrs. Solari isn't teaching, she enjoys spending time with her beautiful family, reading, playing the piano, or coding. Mr. & Mrs. Solari have 3 children: BSS AlumnKnight Alex and students Will (6th) & Jay (8th).
Birthday: April 6
My favorite places to eat: Sal's
My favorite place to get coffee: Anywhere
My coffee order is: Caramel mocha or Green Tea, Frappuccino
When I go to Biscuitville, I order: Bacon, egg & cheese
I love to shop at: Amazon, Wal-Mart
My favorite colors are: Red, navy blue, gray
My favorite candy/snack is: Anything chocolate
My favorite drink is: Tea
T-shirt size: S
monogram (first, middle, last) HYS
Hobbies: Reading, coding, play piano

CLICK HERE to find out about other teachers and school staff.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for:

Mrs. Byerly’s father, Ronnie Brewer and her father-in-law, Darryl Byerly for good health. 

Jasleene Guido, (7th) for her recovery and good health.

Our world, to slow the spread of COVID-19. Protect all of us from harm and be their comfort in this time of uncertainty.
Principal's Message
Dear BSS Community,

It was so wonderful to hear Fr. Paul talk to the students at the Reconciliation Prayer Service. It made me realize how much we miss him and his sermons every Friday. Let us hope we can have Mass next school year so we can hear “my kingdom for a horse.”

Mrs. Gomez
From the Office of Admissions
Next School Year

We are pleased to announce the tuition rates for the 2021-2022 school year! CLICK HERE to access the letter for parents. CLICK HERE to access our enrollment timeline.

Enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year for returning families has begun. All existing families who have not requested financial aid in the past have received a contract via DocuSign. Space is very limited for rising 1st, 4th, 7th & 8th graders and priority will be given to all returning families. Please do not delay in signing a contract once you receive it to secure a spot for your child. After signing, the system will ask you to pay the $265 enrollment fee. Review the letter above for deadlines. You will receive a call/email from Mr. Rico if you choose to do monthly tuition payments through FACTS to confirm enrollment commitment in the month of May.

If a family would like to add a new student/sibling, please let Mr. Rico know so he can adjust your contract accordingly. Remember, we will need the following documents for all new students:
  • Copy of the student's birth certificate
  • Copy of the student's immunization records
  • If the family is Catholic, a copy of the student's certificate of baptism.

Contracts for families requesting financial aid will be sent after their applications for aid has been processed and a scholarship amount is known. This will be communicated around March 15th.
For families who applied for the Opportunity Scholarship, we will begin to send contracts starting March 1st.

If you have any questions about this process, you can contact Mr. Rico at
Próximo Año Escolar

¡Nos complace anunciar las tarifas de matrícula para el año escolar 2021-2022! HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para acceder a la carta para los padres.
HAGA CLICK AQUI para acceder el cronograma de inscripción.

La inscripción para el año escolar 2021-2022 para las familias que regresan comenzará el 20 de enero de 2021. Todas las familias existentes que no hayan solicitado ayuda financiera en el pasado, comenzarán a recibir un contrato a través de DocuSign. El espacio es muy limitado para los estudiantes que ingresan a 1º, 4º, 7º y 8º grado y se dará prioridad a todas las familias que regresen. No se demore en firmar un contrato una vez que lo reciba para asegurar un lugar para su hijo. Después de firmar, el sistema le pedirá que pague la tarifa de inscripción de $ 265. Revise la carta para los padres de arriba para conocer los plazos/fechas importantes. Recibirá una llamada del Sr. Rico si decide hacer los pagos de matrícula mensuales a través de FACTS para confirmar el compromiso de inscripción.

Si una familia quisiera agregar un nuevo estudiante / hermano, infórmeselo al Sr. Rico para que pueda ajustar su contrato en consecuencia. Recuerde, necesitaremos los siguientes documentos para todos los estudiantes nuevos:
  • Copia del acta de nacimiento del estudiante.
  • Copia de los registros de vacunación del estudiante.
  • Si la familia es católica, copia del certificado de bautismo del estudiante.

Los contratos para las familias que soliciten ayuda financiera se enviarán después de que se procesen sus solicitudes de ayuda y se conozca el monto de la beca. Esto se comunicará alrededor del 31 de marzo.
Las familias que solo hayan aplicado al Opportunity Scholarship empezaran a recibir sus contratos a partir del 1ro de Marzo.

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este proceso, puede comunicarse con el Sr. Rico por correo electronico al o por telefono al 336-570-0019 extension 212. Recuerde que el Sr. Rico solo esta los miercoles, jueves y viernes en la oficina.
Financial Aid Applications Have Opened Up for 2021-2022 School Year!

Blessed Sacrament School has opened up the FACTS Grant & Aid application for the 2021-2022 school year. You can access the application by logging into your FACTS account. The application will be open until March 31st, 2021.

FACTS Payment Plans and Grant & Aid Financial Needs Assessment on the same platform. CLICK HERE to access the letter for parents.

Simple Steps to Enroll in a Payment Plan and/or Apply for Financial Aid Online

1. If you have an existing Tuition Payment Plan through FACTS and have already created a user account, please enter your existing username and password and click “Sign In”. If you are a New FACTS User please select “Create a username & password” to begin.

2. Then click on the ​Start Application link to apply for financial aid.

3. Select the appropriate school year: 2021-2022.

4. Complete the steps as prompted.

CLICK HERE to access FACTS or create a new account.

*The Diocese of Raleigh does not award to Little Knights students.
2021-22 Scholarship Applications are Open!

Opportunity Scholarship Program
Provides scholarships up to $4,200 per student per year ($2,100 per student per semester) and covers tuition and fees
For students who attend a NC public school or will attend one the Spring semester before the scholarship would begin.
There are exceptions, including rising kindergartners and rising first graders. This is an excellent opportunity to engage your Pre-K and Kindergarten parents. Don't let them miss out!
Families must meet the income requirements for this program.
NOTE: Income eligibility has changed for 2021-22. MORE families with HIGHER incomes may be eligible!

Opportunity Scholarships Renewals
Renovaciones de la beca del Opportunity Scholarship

Opportunity Scholarship applications will open for the 2021-2022 school year on February 1 - March 1st, 2021. If your family is currently a recipient of an opportunity scholarship, you are eligible for a scholarship for the next school year! Make sure you apply early since scholarship monies are given on a first-come-first-served basis. Follow THIS LINK to access the Opportunity Scholarship website.

Important Dates:

February 1: Applications for new scholarships open. Current scholarship recipients may renew their scholarship for this coming school year. They must check their MyPortal account.

February 1 - March 1: Scholarship awards are chosen in a lottery for families who apply between these dates.

We highly recommend that families apply during the priority period. All applications submitted between February 1 - March 1 will be considered in the lottery.

After March 1: For families who apply after March 1, awards are offered from a waitlist, as funds are available.

Families checking to see if they may qualify is not the official application. They MUST officially apply for a scholarship through the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority website.

CLICK HERE to access your Opportunity Scholarship MyPortal account. If you need help with the application process, please contact Mr. Rico.

Las solicitudes de becas del Opportunity Scholarship ya empezaron para el año escolar 2021-2022 del 1 de febrero al 1 de marzo del 2021. Si su familia actualmente recibe una beca de oportunidad, ¡usted es elegible para una beca para el próximo año escolar! Asegúrese de presentar la solicitud con anticipación, ya que el dinero de las becas se otorga por orden de llegada. Siga ESTE ENLACE para acceder al sitio web de la beca Opportunity Scholarship, no se le olvide!

**SI necesita ayuda en re-aplicar, porfavor haga una cita con Mr. Rico!
School Tours

We are limiting the number of people inside our building this year. If you would like to schedule a tour, please contact Mr. Rico--We are allowing tours in a limited capacity after school hours. We are still enrolling students for the current school year, but space is limited!

Mr. Rico will be available at the office Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for any questions or concerns related to admissions. You can reach Mr. Rico at 336-570-0019 ext. 212 or by email at Hablamos Español!

Here is a link to our admissions page:
From the Office of Advancement
A note from Mrs. Fitzgerald:

You can reach Mrs. Fitzgerald at 336-570-0019 ext. 215 or by email at 
Link your AmazonSmile

AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support Blessed Sacrament School every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available at on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to BSS. Just make sure you choose Blessed Sacrament Church/School as the charity organization you select.

Remember, only purchases made at, (not or the mobile app,) generate AmazonSmile donations.

CLICK HERE to find out more about AmazonSmile
Box Tops For Education

No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit Blessed Sacrament School's Box Tops earnings online. Click here for a video of how it works.

Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs! If you see this label, use the new Box Tops app to scan your receipt. Box Tops are still worth 10¢ each for your school. CLICK HERE
Link your Lowes Card

With Cart to Class, Lowes Foods will give up to a quarter of a million dollars to local schools this year. To participate, just enroll Blessed Sacrament School on your Fresh Rewards card, and start earning for our school. Click Here
Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card

When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to Blessed Sacrament School if your VIC card is linked.
You link your card online (CLICK HERE), or you can ask your cashier to link your VIC card by providing our TIE code 1704.
Reocurring Information
Order Your Yearbook!

We only about 30 books left!

There's nothing else like BSS yearbook. Get your hands on the limited edition collection of our stories from the year. Share it with your friends today and hang on to it for years to come!

Presione en el enlace de arriba para que ordene El Yearbook Escolar para su niño.
Remote Learners Policy Change

After reviewing our policies and consulting with the Diocese of Raleigh, students may continue remote learning if:

  1. There is a medical issue to your child or family.
  2. If you are employed as a health care essential worker.
  3. If in-school learning would cause anxiety in your child. 

If you plan to continue with remote learning, please read and sign the agreement form as there are a few changes.

CLICK HERE to access and review our entire policy agreement.

Do not forget to review BSS uniform guidelines. As a reminder, the only jacket students are allowed to wear in class is the navy blue fleece jacket with the school logo and can only be purchased through Land's End-find the link below.

If you have not gotten your winter uniforms, please reach out to the school to see if we have some on our Swap Shop. If you would like to donate your used uniforms, please bring them to the school.

We have transitioned into our Winter Uniforms.

Hemos empezado a usar los uniformes de invierno. Como un recordatorio, la única chaqueta o abrigo que los estudiantes pueden usar dentro de la clase es la chaqueta o abrigo de lana azul marino con el logo de la escuela. Esta chaqueta solo se puede comprar en línea por la página de Land’s End, presione el enlace de arriba para hacer su orden. Tambien, asegurese de revisar las pautas de uniformes de la escuela.
Lunch Information

My Hot Lunchbox is excited to be partnering with Blessed Sacrament School again this year as the hot lunch provider. To begin ordering lunches, click the link below to log in or follow the instructions on the attached registration letter to create your free account!

Important Note: You will need to Update Your Profile with the student's correct teacher to view the meal calendar.

Starting January 4, this will be the participating restaurants schedule:
Monday: Chick-Fil-A
Tuesday: Cici’s Pizza
Wednesday: Subway
Thursday: Smithfields Chicken ‘N Bar-B-Q
Friday: Moe’s

If you have any questions, please give us a call at (888) 894-8295 or email us at We are looking forward to serving your school!
If you are bringing lunch to your child, please make sure it is labeled with your student's name and grade level and leave it on the table just outside the front door of the school--Do not forget to buzz the office to let us know you dropped by.
  1. If you or someone has been exposed and are being tested, please have your child stay home until the test results are returned.
  2. If you are asked to quarantine, please keep your child home.
  3. If you travel, socialize with people outside “your core” for long periods of time, please keep your child at home.

Not only is it unfair to the parents who are following policy but you are putting in danger the health of the other students and teachers/staff. Thank you for your cooperation so we can all avoid the virus and continue with in-person learning.
  1. Si usted o alguien ha estado expuesto y está siendo examinado, haga que su hijo se quede en casa hasta que se devuelvan los resultados de la prueba.
  2. Si se le pide que se ponga en cuarentena, mantenga a su hijo en casa.
  3. Si viaja, socializa con personas fuera de “su núcleo” durante largos períodos de tiempo, mantenga a su hijo en casa.

No solo es injusto para los padres que siguen la política, sino que también pone en peligro la salud de los demás estudiantes y maestros / personal. Gracias por su cooperación para que todos podamos evitar el virus y continuar con el aprendizaje en persona.
What if My Child Gets Sick in School/Home?

Please, review the What if My Child Gets Sick in School/Home? For information about school guidelines in case your child gets sick.

Presione aqui para que revise los procedimientos a seguir si su hijo se enferma en la escuela o en su casa:¿Que Pasa si Mi Niño se Enferma en la Escuela/Casa?
Remote Learners/Estudiantes Aprendiendo Remotamente

Drop-off and Pick-Up for remote learners in grades K through 8th, will begin Friday after 4:00, February 26 - February 28. Little Knights drop-off and pick-up is every other week. Families work will be clipped together and will be in the crate of the oldest child.

Es la hora de recoger y dejar el trabajo de su hijo, estudiantes de aprendizaje remote. Las mesas estarán al aire libre y el trabajo se colocará en contenedores. Coloque el trabajo de su hijo en una carpeta / sobre de papel manila etiquetado con el nombre de su hijo. Puede dejar / recoger a partir de las 4:00 del viernes. Los contenedores estarán afuera desde el sábado y domingo, 27 - 28 de febrero. El trabajo de los Little Knights se dejara y recogera cada otra semana. El trabajo por familia se colocara engrapado junto en el contenedor del hijo mayor.

CLICK HERE to access a reminder presentation for remote learners
Support BSS Retail Cards Sales!
What are Retail Cards? Retail cards are store certificates (plastic cards) that our school purchases at a discount and sells to you at face value for a school profit. The discount given is different with each vendor. BSS has used the profit money in the past for school technology and current needs of the school.

Why should you buy Retail Cards with BSS?
The profits from this program make up an important part of our fundraising budget. It is an easy and great way to help BSS earn fundraising dollars and not spend an extra dime. Everyone buys groceries and gas, and may occasionally eat out. Before your next trip to the gas station, grocery store, or restaurant, please consider purchasing Retail Cards with us.

Where can I buy these Retail Cards?
You may purchase the Retail Cards in the school office any day during school hours. CLICK HERE to access the order form.
Please make check payable to BSS HSA Scrip. Returned check fee is $35.
Thank you for participating in our school fundraiser.
Visit https:/ for all participating vendors.

Community Announcements
Cuddle with Sweet Bunnies this Spring!

March 12th thru 15th
Spring is on the way!
Daffidol's are peaking thru and it won't be long
and everything will be in full bloom!
We have TWO sets to pick from this year to
celebrate spring with the bunnies.
Choose either
"The Secret Garden" - spring garden patio setting with flowers
"Mr. McGreggor's Barn"- country barn theme with garden harvest.

Cristo Rey Research Catholic High School

On December 2, WRAL it was announced that Cristo Rey Research Triangle High School will be opening the Fall of 2021. Here is the link to that story, High school for underserved students opening at American Tobacco Campus in Durham ::

CLICK HERE to access Cristo Rey's press release.

Employment Opportunities!
Cristo Rey Research Triangle High School is currently hiring a school counselor and founding faculty in the following disciplines: math, history, science, English, theology, and physical education. For more information and application instructions, visit:

The Cristo Rey Network is an entrepreneurial network of Catholic high schools that uniquely integrates four years of rigorous academic curricula, four years of professional work experience, and robust support to and through college. Comprised of career focus, college preparatory schools serving students from families of limited financial means, the Cristo Rey Network’s formational model opens doors to fulfill dreams.

Villain Walks 2021
A Villain Walk is a chance to walk through the Bishop McGuinness campus. Parents and students will have an opportunity to learn more about academics, clubs, athletics, campus ministries, college counseling, and other campus activities. We begin with a welcome in the Library followed by group tours. Please call the Admissions Office for your reservation.
Private and Small Group Tours are available. Please call the Admissions Office for an appointment. There is no better way to see Bishop McGuinness than to walk the halls to experience our friendly culture.

Applications for the 2021-2022 school year are currently available on-line

Placement Test
Pre-registration is required- See application for more information
Test dates are Saturday, March 6th  9:00-11:30am
Make Up Placement Test is Wednesday, April 21st  3-5:30pm

Financial Assistance
Application Deadline: April 1, 2021
New Villain Night
Thursday, May 20th 6-7pm
A pre-orientation for the Class of 2025

Please contact Kim Knox, Director of Admissions
336.564.1011 or
Visit our website