Happy New Year!
Welcome back to school Knights! After a hard 2020 year, we start 2021 Knight Strong! We hope you all had a wonderful time with the family. As we return from our break, we will continue practicing and enforcing the 3 W’s- wearing masks, washing hands and maintaining distance from each other. In addition:
Face Masks Changes- Anyone in PreK who is five years old, must wear a mask and not a face shield. Mrs. Glenn sent a message to her class. 

Testing: If someone is exposed or being tested in your household, please do not send your child to school until the testing results are confirmed. Thank you.

Thank you for your honesty, transparency, and cooperation throughout the first half of the school year. We also welcome many news students that have joined BSS this week!

Let us pray for a safe and healthy 2021!
St. Joseph Prayer Service - The Year of St. Joseph - Our Theme: One Word - Which Word Defines You?

St. Joseph. Pope Francis has declared this year: In Honor of St. Joseph!

"In a new Apostolic Letter entitled Patris corde (“With a Father’s Heart”), Pope Francis describes Saint Joseph as a beloved father, a tender and loving father, an obedient father, an accepting father; a father who is creatively courageous, a working father, a father in the shadows.

The Letter marks the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pope Pius IX’s declaration of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. To celebrate the anniversary, Pope Francis has proclaimed a special “Year of St Joseph,” beginning on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 2020 and extending to the same feast in 2021." -Vaticannews.va

At the end of his letter, Pope Francis ads a prayer to St Joseph, encouraging us to pray together:

Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To you God entrusted his only Son;
in you Mary placed her trust;
with you Christ became man.

Blessed Joseph, to us too,
show yourself a father
and guide us in the path of life.
Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage,
and defend us from every evil. Amen.

Blessed Sacrament School held a prayer service this Friday morning in honor of St. Joseph. Our students were tasked to write a word that defines their class and share it with our school community. Take a look ate their work:

CLICK HERE to access our video for the prayer service.
Upcoming Dates

Monday, January 11th - Little Portion Food Pantry Distribution

Friday, January 15th - Early Release Day @ 11:30 - Progress Reports sent home - There is afterschool available-11:30-6:00

Monday, January 18th - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day- SCHOOL CLOSED

Friday, January 22nd - Out of Uniform - Favorite Team or College ($1)

Friday, January 29th - Out of Uniform - Wacky Tacky Day ($1)

Sunday, January 31st - Catholic Week Begins

Monday, February 1st - Out of Uniform - Pajama Day ($1)

Wednesday, February 3rd - Wear PE Uniform with Favorite Hat and Fun Socks (FREE)

Friday, February 5th - Out of Uniform - Homeroom Wars (one canned good)

Knight's News
Blessed Sacrament Church - Little Portion Food Pantry Distribution

The next food distribution for the Little Portion Food Pantry sponsored by Blessed Sacrament Church is scheduled. Please share the information with your congregations, clients or any person in need.

MONDAY – January 11th – 11:30 AM – 5:00 PM

The food pantry is located at 408 West Davis Street, Burlington, NC. 27216

The streets are cordoned off to allow easier access for guests. Please encourage attendees when possible to arrive earlier in the day when the selection of fresh produce and other limited products is greater.
The distribution is open to anyone regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, etc. No proselytizing of any sort permitted.

Volunteers to help with the distribution efforts
are always welcome and appreciated! 
We need all the help we can receive!

Pax et bonum….

Fr. Paul

Our Kindergarten class had fun with this Go Noodle video about syllables today! It’s always nice to find ways to learn while having fun!

CLICK HERE to access the video of their dance!
5th Grade: Understanding the Main Idea

Our 5th graders read this week a nonfiction article titled, "Don't Pet This Shark," from Storyworks Magazine. Then, they worked on identifying the main idea and supporting details from the article. Next, they used that information to write a summary of the article in their own words. Finally, they searched the web for shark photographs and added their own captions. They learned that photographs with captions are an important text feature to help them understand nonfiction text.

Our fifth graders are developing strong reading skills to help them comprehend a variety of text. You can see their work on display:
Our 5th graders also worked on a book project. They read the historical novel "The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963," written by American writer Christopher Paul Curtis and published in 1995. Enter the hilarious world of ten-year-old Kenny and his family, the Weird Watsons of Flint, Michigan. There's Momma, Dad, little sister Joetta, and brother Byron, who's thirteen and an "official juvenile delinquent." When Momma and Dad decide it's time for a visit to Grandma, Dad comes home with the amazing Ultra-Glide, and the Watsons set out on a trip like no other. They're heading South to Birmingham, Alabama, toward one of the darkest moments in America's history.

Our students were tasked with writing a biography of important figures during the civil rights movement. Their work is on display on the first floor of the school's hallway:
Dress Down Days

This year instead of 5 straight dress down days for Catholic Schools Week, they will be scattered over a 3 week period! We hope the students enjoy having these days over an extended period of time! 

Student Council worked hard to come up with the themes this year. They are most excited about Homeroom Wars! Each homeroom will work together to decide on their class theme for the day. It can not be one that's already been done. The class with the highest participation will receive a donut party that afternoon! If all classes have 100% participation, the whole school will have a donut party!

More details about Catholic Schools Week will go out soon!
Hosted a party or attended one? Please be extra cautious!

Our teachers have been extra cautious as number of infections is higher throughout the country. If you had a celebration or any gathering outside of the people you live with that might compromise the health of our students/ faculty/staff, please keep your child home. Remote learning is available. Please send an email to your child’s homeroom teacher and the office if you need to inform us of your need to go remote because of potential exposure. Is always a good idea to be on the side of caution.

Please, remind your child to must wear masks properly- nose and chin and when they do not have masks on they must stay in their seats. As always, social distancing is a must. We only have 5 more days of school this year and pray that God keeps us all safe and sound! It is a festive time of the year at school.


Nuestros profesores han sido muy cautelosos ya que el número de infecciones es mayor en todo el país. Si tuvo una celebración o cualquier otra fiesta que pudiera comprometer la salud de nuestros estudiantes / profesores / personal, por favor mantenga a su hijo en casa. El aprendizaje remoto está disponible. Envíe un correo electrónico al maestro de aula de su hijo y a la oficina si necesita informarnos de su necesidad de ir al control remoto debido a una posible exposición al virus. Siempre es una buena idea estar del lado de la precaución.

Por favor, recuérdele a su hijo que debe usar máscaras correctamente, nariz y barbilla y cuando no tengan máscaras deben permanecer en sus asientos. Como siempre, el distanciamiento social es imprescindible. ¡Solo tenemos 10 días más de escuela este año y oramos para que Dios nos mantenga a todos sanos y salvos! Es una época festiva del año en la escuela.
Remote Learning Usage

Remote learning is for the students who have opted for this option or in the case of quarantine. The students have all the necessary material for classes. If your child is an in-person student and they are sick/ on vacation, they should not join the classroom meets.

Uso del aprendizaje remoto: El aprendizaje remoto es para los estudiantes que han optado por esta opción o en el caso de que el estudiante este en cuarentena. Los alumnos disponen de todo el material necesario para las clases. Si su hijo/a es un estudiante que esta viniendo fisicamente a la escuela y está enfermo / de vacaciones, no debe unirse a las reuniones de classroom meet.
Teacher's Spotlight
Since we are unable to do many activities inside the school where parents can meet and get to know Blessed Sacrament School's teachers or staff members, we are going to bring them to you through our Teacher's Spotlight Section here!

Each week, we will feature a teacher or staff member and they will share a little about themselves. This week, we will have Coach Marcie Letvak!
My name is Marcie Letvak. I grew up here in Burlington, NC and I am a BSS alumni. BSS is so much more than a place where I work. It’s a home and a family. Some of our teachers (and current principal) taught me, and others, I grew up with their children. I have two awesome kids. Nora who is in first grade and Archer who is in preschool. As most know, my husband, David, passed away 3 years ago. He and I attended BSS together, and have always held a special place in our hearts for the school we both loved. I am beyond blessed to be in this place where my husband and I met, and to have our children growing up in the same atmosphere along with so many people who knew their father.

Currently, I am the full time Kindergarten Assistant and Athletic Director. When I am not at work I enjoy exercising, and relaxing at home with my kids. We have a Black Lab named Wren and a big orange cat named Peanut. 
Birthday: November 15th
My favorite places to eat: Chick-fil-a
My favorite place to get coffee: Salvation
My coffee order is: Anything with Caramel or Hazelnut
When I go to Biscuitville, I order: Bacon, Egg and Cheese Biscuit
I love to shop at: Target/TJ Maxx
My favorite colors are: Hot pink, purple, teal
My favorite sports team is: Duke Blue Devils
My favorite candy/snack is: Pretty much anything chocolate
My favorite drink is: Cherry Coke
Other information: Back to the Future is my favorite movie!
T-shirt size: Large
monogram (first, middle, last): MRL
Hobbies: Exercising
Classroom/Office Wishlist: Gift Cards: Walmart, Target, Academy Sports
CLICK HERE to find out about other teachers and school staff.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for:

Mr. Kevin’s family as they mourn the loss of Mrs. Semidey’s mother and Itzyana (2nd) grandmother, 
Juanita Rodriguez.

Our world, to slow the spread of COVID-19. Protect all of us from harm and be their comfort in this time of uncertainty.

Principal's Message
Dear BSS Families,

Happy New Year! I hope it has been a great start for you and may 2021 bring all of us peace, joy and great health. May God’s blessings and protection keep us safe throughout the year. 
Mrs. Gomez

Re-Enrollment Time
It is that time of the year! Mr. Rico is preparing the paperwork for the 2021-2022 school year. The timeline and re-enrollment forms will be out in the next two weeks. Please adhere to the timeline as we have a few classes are at capacity. If you are in need of financial aid for the 201-2022 school year, please look in today’s KC for the link. Thank you.

Mrs. Gomez
From the Office of Admissions
Financial Aid Applications Has Opened Up for 2021-2022 School Year!

Blessed Sacrament School has opened up the FACTS Grant & Aid application for the 2021-2022 school year. You can access the application by logging into your FACTS account. The application will be opened until March 31st, 2021.

FACTS Payment Plans and Grant & Aid Financial Needs Assessment on the same platform. CLICK HERE to access the letter for parents.

Simple Steps to Enroll in a Payment Plan and/or Apply for Financial Aid Online

1. If you have an existing Tuition Payment Plan through FACTS and have already created a user account, please enter your existing username and password and click “Sign In”. If you are a New FACTS User please select “Create a username & password” to begin.

2. Then click on the Set Up a Payment Plan link or ​Start Application link to apply for financial aid.

3. Select the appropriate school year: 2021-2022.

4. Complete the steps as prompted.

CLICK HERE to access FACTS or create a new account.

*The Diocese of Raleigh does not award to Little Knights students.
Opportunity Scholarships

Opportunity Scholarship applications will open for the 2021-2022 school year on February 1 - March 31, 2021. If your family is currently a recipient of an opportunity scholarship, you are eligible for a scholarship for the next school year! Make sure you apply early since scholarship monies are given on a first-come-first served basis. Follow THIS LINK to access the Opportunity Scholarship website.

CLICK HERE to access your Opportunity Scholarship account. If you need help with the application process, please contact Mr. Rico.
Next School Year

We are in the process of determining tuition rates for next year. We will be sending parents a letter this month once this process is finalized.

We are limiting the number of people inside our building this year. If you would like to schedule a tour, please contact Mr. Rico--We are allowing tours in a limited capacity after school hours.

Mr. Rico will be available at the office Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for any questions or concerns related to admissions. You can reach Mr. Rico at 336-570-0019 ext. 212 or by email at admissions@bssknights.org Hablamos Español!

Here is a link to our admissions page: https://www.bssknights.org/admissions
From the Office of Advancement
A note from Mrs. Fitzgerald:

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break. Things are already in full swing here at school! We welcomed several new students this week and are happy to see the BSS family growing. Do not worry, we are following all the same safety protocols and doing all we can to keep our students and staff safe. 

A few things to consider as we start this new year! 

1- Now may be a good time to go over the school supply list that we used to start this school year. Make sure your child still has all of the supplies they need. A few teachers have mentioned that students are out of wide rule paper and pencils.

2- Remember that for safety, students are not allowed to drink out of the water fountain or refill their bottles in the sink. Please send a full water bottle with your child each day. We always accept and appreciate donations of small waters.

3- All students have a snack break at some point during the day. Please be sure to send your child a snack in addition to their lunch. Most teachers like to keep a box of extra crackers, goldfish or crackers in their classrooms for students that forget. Feel free to send in individually packaged snacks that teachers can use in their classrooms.

4- If you shop at Harris Teeter, don't forget to link your VIC card to our school! At this time, we only have 33 accounts linked. You can link your account online with the code 1704 or you can give this code to your cashier in the store. This is an easy way to earn free money for our school!

5- Amazon will also donate a percentage of your purchases, if you register your account with AmazonSmile. Under your account, look for "Settings" and then select "AmazonSmile". You will then be able to link your account to Blessed Sacrament School/Church. So far this year, they have donated over $1,500 to Blessed Sacrament!

6- Catholic Schools Week begins on Sunday, January 31st! More details will be sent out next week!

7- Our Swap Shop is running low on white long sleeve shirts with the logo, ties, jumpers and PE shirts. Please let me know if you have anything to donate or if you need to look at the clothing we do have.

8- Items needed for donation: water bottles, hand sanitizer, clorox wipes, wide ruled paper and individually packaged snacks! 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
You can reach Mrs. Fitzgerald at 336-570-0019 ext. 215 or by email at bfitzgerald@bssknights.org 
Link your AmazonSmile

AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support Blessed Sacrament School every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available at smile.amazon.com on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to BSS. Just make sure you choose Blessed Sacrament Church/School as the charity organization you select.

Remember, only purchases made at smile.amazon.com, (not www.amazon.com or the mobile app,) generate AmazonSmile donations.

CLICK HERE to find out more about AmazonSmile
Box Tops For Education

No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit Blessed Sacrament School's Box Tops earnings online. Click here for a video of how it works.

Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs! If you see this label, use the new Box Tops app to scan your receipt. Box Tops are still worth 10¢ each for your school. CLICK HERE
Link your Lowes Card

With Cart to Class, Lowes Foods will give up to a quarter of a million dollars to local schools this year. To participate, just enroll Blessed Sacrament School on your Fresh Rewards card, and start earning for our school. Click Here
Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card

When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to Blessed Sacrament School if your VIC card is linked.
You link your card online (CLICK HERE), or you can ask your cashier to link your VIC card by providing our TIE code 1704.
Reocurring Information
Order Your Yearbook!

We only about 40 books left!

There's nothing else like BSS yearbook. Get your hands on the limited edition collection of our stories from the year. Share it with your friends today and hang on to it for years to come!

Presione en el enlace de arriba para que ordene El Yearbook Escolar para su niño.
Remote Learners Policy Change

After reviewing our policies and consulting with the Diocese of Raleigh, students may continue remote learning if:

  1. There is a medical issue to your child or family.
  2. If you are employed as a health care essential worker.
  3. If in-school learning would cause anxiety in your child. 

If you plan to continue with remote learning, please read and sign the agreement form as there are a few changes.

CLICK HERE to access and review our entire policy agreement.

Do not forget to review BSS uniform guidelines. As a reminder, the only jacket students are allowed to wear in class is the navy blue fleece jacket with the school logo and can only be purchased through Land's End-find the link below.

If you have not gotten your winter uniforms, please reach out to the school to see if we have some on our Swap Shop. If you would like to donate your used uniforms, please bring them to the school.

We have transitioned into our Winter Uniforms.

Hemos empezado a usar los uniformes de invierno. Como un recordatorio, la única chaqueta o abrigo que los estudiantes pueden usar dentro de la clase es la chaqueta o abrigo de lana azul marino con el logo de la escuela. Esta chaqueta solo se puede comprar en línea por la página de Land’s End, presione el enlace de arriba para hacer su orden. Tambien, asegurese de revisar las pautas de uniformes de la escuela.
Update on COVID-19

We have been doing a great job on keeping us healthy. In the past week, the numbers have started to spike, once again.

As there continues to be a spike of Covid-19 across the country, please be very conscientious to your vacation and holiday plans. Effective immediately, any families that travel to hot spot zones, uses airplanes as a mode of transportation, are out of school for more than 4 days due to vacation plans/family events, or find themselves in a large gathering event where social distancing/masks is minimal, then the student needs to have a COVID-19 test before returning back to school and these results must be presented to the school. We ask for your honesty and cooperation. BSS needs to keep ensuring the health and safety of the school community.

Hemos estado haciendo un gran trabajo para mantenernos saludables. En la última semana, el número de contagios por el Covid-19 han comenzado a aumentar otra vez.

Como siguen incrementando los contagios de Covid-19 en todo el país, sea muy consciente de sus viajes y planes de vacaciones. Con vigencia inmediata, cualquier familia que viaje a zonas de alto contagio, use aviones como medio de transporte, esté fuera de la escuela por más de 4 días debido a planes de vacaciones / eventos familiares, o se encuentre en un gran evento de reunión donde el distanciamiento social / máscaras es mínimo, entonces el estudiante debe tener una prueba COVID-19 antes de regresar a la escuela y estos resultados deben presentarse a la escuela. Les pedimos su honestidad y cooperación. BSS debe poder seguir garantizando la salud y la seguridad de la comunidad escolar.
Lunch Information

My Hot Lunchbox is excited to be partnering with Blessed Sacrament School again this year as the hot lunch provider. To begin ordering lunches, click the link below to log in or follow the instructions on the attached registration letter to create your free account!

Important Note: You will need to Update Your Profile with the student's correct teacher to view the meal calendar.

Starting January 4, this will be the participating restaurants schedule:
Monday: Chick-Fil-A
Tuesday: Cici’s Pizza
Wednesday: Subway
Thursday: Smithfields Chicken ‘N Bar-B-Q
Friday: Moe’s

If you have any questions, please give us a call at (888) 894-8295 or email us at info@myhotlunchbox.com. We are looking forward to serving your school!
If you are bringing lunch to your child, please make sure it is labeled with your student's name and grade level and leave it on the table just outside the front door of the school--Do not forget to buzz the office to let us know you dropped by.
What if My Child Gets Sick in School/Home?

Please, review the What if My Child Gets Sick in School/Home? For information about school guidelines in case your child gets sick.

Presione aqui para que revise los procedimientos a seguir si su hijo se enferma en la escuela o en su casa:¿Que Pasa si Mi Niño se Enferma en la Escuela/Casa?
Remote Learners/Estudiantes Aprendiendo Remotamente

Drop-off and Pick-Up for remote learners in grades K through 8th, will begin Friday after 4:00, January 8 - January 10. Little Knights drop-off and pick-up is every other week. Families work will be clipped together and will be in the crate of the oldest child.

Es la hora de recoger y dejar el trabajo de su hijo, estudiantes de aprendizaje remote. Las mesas estarán al aire libre y el trabajo se colocará en contenedores. Coloque el trabajo de su hijo en una carpeta / sobre de papel manila etiquetado con el nombre de su hijo. Puede dejar / recoger a partir de las 4:00 del viernes. Los contenedores estarán afuera desde el sábado y domingo, 8 - 10 de enero. El trabajo de los Little Knights se dejara y recogera cada otra semana. El trabajo por familia se colocara engrapado junto en el contenedor del hijo mayor.

CLICK HERE to access a reminder presentation for remote learners
Support BSS Retail Cards Sales!
What are Retail Cards? Retail cards are store certificates (plastic cards) that our school purchases at a discount and sells to you at face value for a school profit. The discount given is different with each vendor. BSS has used the profit money in the past for school technology and current needs of the school.

Why should you buy Retail Cards with BSS?
The profits from this program make up an important part of our fundraising budget. It is an easy and great way to help BSS earn fundraising dollars and not spend an extra dime. Everyone buys groceries and gas, and may occasionally eat out. Before your next trip to the gas station, grocery store, or restaurant, please consider purchasing Retail Cards with us.

Where can I buy these Retail Cards?
You may purchase the Retail Cards in the school office any day during school hours. CLICK HERE to access the order form.
Please make check payable to BSS HSA Scrip. Returned check fee is $35.
Thank you for participating in our school fundraiser.
Visit https:/www.scripzone.com for all participating vendors.

Community Announcements
Cristo Rey Research Catholic High School

On December 2, WRAL it was announced that Cristo Rey Research Triangle High School will be opening the Fall of 2021. Here is the link to that story, High school for underserved students opening at American Tobacco Campus in Durham :: WRAL.com.

CLICK HERE to access Cristo Rey's press release.

Employment Opportunities!
Cristo Rey Research Triangle High School is currently hiring a school counselor and founding faculty in the following disciplines: math, history, science, English, theology, and physical education. For more information and application instructions, visit: https://www.cristoreyrt.org/employment-opportunities

The Cristo Rey Network is an entrepreneurial network of Catholic high schools that uniquely integrates four years of rigorous academic curricula, four years of professional work experience, and robust support to and through college. Comprised of career focus, college preparatory schools serving students from families of limited financial means, the Cristo Rey Network’s formational model opens doors to fulfill dreams.

Villain Walks 2021

January 21st   January 28th   February 4th    February 11th
9:00am welcome followed by group tours
A Villain Walk is a chance to walk through the Bishop McGuinness campus. Parents and students will have an opportunity to learn more about academics, clubs, athletics, campus ministries, college counseling, and other campus activities. We begin with a welcome in the Library followed by group tours. Please call the Admissions Office for your reservation.
Private and Small Group Tours are available. Please call the Admissions Office for an appointment. There is no better way to see Bishop McGuinness than to walk the halls to experience our friendly culture.

Shadow Experiences are not available at this time.

Applications for the 2021-2022 school year are currently available on-line

Placement Test
Pre-registration is required- See application for more information
Test dates are Saturday, February 27th and March 6th  9:00-11:30am
Make Up Placement Test is Wednesday, April 21st  3-5:30pm

Financial Assistance
Application Deadline: April 1, 2021
New Villain Night
Thursday, May 20th 6-7pm
A pre-orientation for the Class of 2025

Please contact Kim Knox, Director of Admissions
336.564.1011 or kknox@bmhs.us
Visit our website www.bmhs.us