Catholic Schools Week 2025! | |
Thank you to our Student Council members for planning another great Catholic Schools Week for our students and staff!
Throughout the week, students participated in the daily out of uniform themes. We loved seeing all of the fun and creative outfits!
Students also celebrated the National Catholic Schools Week themes! To Celebrate Our Community, students delivered cookie platters and gifts to Meals On Wheels, The Women’s Resource Center, Front Street United Methodist Church and Paul’s Pasty Shop.
To Celebrate Our Students, Mrs. Gomez treated everyone to donuts! Students were given extra recess and a night off from homework!
To Celebrate Our Nation, students delivered cookie platters to the Police Department, Fire Department, Post Office and Municipal Building. We are lucky to be close enough to walk to all of these locations!
To Celebrate Vocations, students made cards for the priests at our parish. They also delivered cookies to the church office.
To Celebrate Our Staff, students were encouraged to make cards for their teachers. Mrs. Gomez treated the staff to lunch!
To end the week, there was a friendly Homeroom War! Students, teachers and parents worked hard all week to help their homeroom win! We were blown away with the creativity from all classes!! Please watch the videos on our Facebook page!
Thank you to everyone for a great week!
Here is the video that was played after mass last Sunday. Thank you, Ms. Carnahan, one of our 4th-grade teachers, for putting the video together, it is great!💙💛
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Saturday, February 1 - Home Basketball Game vs. SPX @ 9am 🏀
Wednesday, February 5 - Dismissal/Hora de Salida at 1:45pm
February 6 - February 9 - PECSAA TOURNAMENT 🏀
Friday, February 7 - School Mass @ 8:30 ⛪
February 10 - February 12 - Valentine's Sale at the Main Campus. Details to follow.
Monday, February 10 - Shamrock Parent Meeting at 5:15pm @ the Gym
Wednesday, February 12 -Valentine Dances-Mrs. Gomez, Mrs. Bolen, Mrs. Fitzgerald and Student Council will chaperone. More details to follow.
Dismissal/Hora de Salida at 1:45pm
February 14 - February 16 - Shamrock Tournament Weekend🍀🏀-Parents of athletes, please be at the MS to decorate cars at 10:00 on Friday, February 14th. Then we will ride by the elementary building at 10:30. See you in Charlotte.
Friday, February 14 - Valentine's Day! ❤💞; Out of Uniform Day - Bring Spaghetti Sauce/Pasta for food pantry; 2nd Trimester Ends; Early Dismissal @ 11:30 am-Afterschool Care Avaiable
Monday, February 17 - School Closed - Observance of Presidents’ Day
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Home Basketball Game tomorrow!
We will have a home basketball game tomorrow against St. Pius at 9 am at the Knight's Castle. Cheer team and players, be sure to arrive no later than 8:45 am. Go Knights! 💙💛
Order a box of 3 heart-shaped cookies
for your favorite Valentine!
Cookies will be delivered to students on February 13th.
Orders are due by Thursday, February 6th!
$5.00 per box
CLICK HERE to access the Order Form
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Homeroom Wars!
This morning, Friday, January 31st, we held our traditional Homeroom Wars! Right after school mass, elementary students had the opportunity to visit the middle school building and see what our middle school students did! CLICK HERE to see a video recording of their visit.
Right after that, our middle school students also went to the elementary school and toured the building to see the work that the elementary school students did! CLICK HERE to see this video.
In the end, the middle school students visited the Little Knights & Kindergarten. What a wonderful day the students had! CLICK HERE to see this last video.
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Mass 01-31-2025
This morning, we celebrated mass with Fr. Vincent. He talked to our students about their feelings and mentioned that the example from St. Thérèse’s ‘Little Way’ of love is a great way to live our lives.
Thank you, students, who led us in prayer, read the scriptures, sang, and served the altar. Right after the service, the students who made cards to our parish priests gave them to Brother Edgar.
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Shamrock Parent Meeting
BSS will have a Shamrock Parent Meeting on Monday, February, 10th at 5:15 pm at the gym. All parents with student-athletes please attend this meeting as we will go over logistics and expectations.
BSS tendrá una reunión de padres de Shamrock el lunes 10 de febrero a las 5:15 pm en el gimnasio. Todos los padres con estudiantes-atletas por favor asistan a esta reunión ya que repasaremos la logística y las expectativas.
2025 - Shamrock Snacks
Shamrock Basketball Parents!
Let's make sure all of our athletes have snacks in their hotel rooms to grab between games at Shamrock. We plan to fill 40 Shamrock-themed bags to give to each of them before the trip to Charlotte! This will include all Cheer and Basketball players attending. Please sign up if you are able and send items into the school by Wednesday, February 12th. Please label items SHAMROCK ATHLETES.
Thank you!
Beth Fitzgerald
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Middle School Field Trips!
Dear Parents,
A friendly reminder that the permission slip/registration form for the MS trip and $100.00 deposit are due. Send it to the office ASAP. If your child is not going on the MS trip, we will still need the slip checked stating that my child will not be attending the trip. Thank you!
Estimados padres,
Un recordatorio amistoso de que se debe entregar el formulario de permiso/inscripción para el viaje a MS y el depósito de $100.00. Envíalo a la oficina lo antes posible. Si su hijo no irá al viaje de MS, aún necesitaremos que se revise el comprobante que indica que mi hijo no asistirá al viaje. ¡Gracias!
Our 8th-grade students will have an opportunity to travel to Lancaster, Hershey, and Monticello which will take place on May 8-10, 2025. CLICK HERE to access the draft itinerary for the 8th-grade trip.
Our 6th & 7th grade students will have an opportunity to travel to Atlanta, GA which will take place on May 19-20, 2025. CLICK HERE to access the draft itinerary for the 6th & 7th grade trip.
You should have received a copy in your yellow folder communicator or look below for a form to fill out and return to your child's homeroom teacher:
CLICK HERE to access the Registration Form/Permission Slip for the 8th Grade Trip.
CLICK HERE to access the Registration Form/Permission Slip for the 6th & 7th Garde Trip.
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Payment for the trip
Once you have returned a signed document to your child's homeroom teachers, please submit payment to our school office or you can make an online payment(s) via the following links:
CLICK HERE to pay in FULL ($560) for the 8th-grade field trip for a student to Hershey, PA.
CLICK HERE to pay in FULL ($336) for the 6th & 7th-grade field trip for a student to Atlanta, GA
CLICK HERE to make your $100 DEPOSIT payment if you are not paying for the trip in full. DUE by January 30th.
CLICK HERE to make the first or second PARTIAL payment of $230 for the 8th-grade field trip for a student to Hershey, PA DUE February 13th & March 13th respectively.
CLICK HERE to make the first or second PARTIAL payment of $118 for the 6th & 7th grade field trip for a student to Atlanta, GA DUE February 13th & March 13th respectively.
Do you want to come on the trip with your child? You must be a Chaperon
CLICK HERE to pay in FULL ($702) for an adult to accompany a student-SINGLE ROOM for the 8th-grade trip to Hershey, PA.
CLICK HERE to pay in FULL ($618) for an adult to accompany a student-DOUBLE ROOM-Please indicate who you would like to room with. This is for the 8th-grade trip to Hershey, PA.
CLICK HERE to pay in FULL ($488) for an adult to accompany a student-SINGLE ROOM for the 6th & 7th grade trip to Atlanta, GA.
CLICK HERE to pay in FULL ($392) for an adult to accompany a student-DOUBLE ROOM-Please indicate who you would like to room with. This is for the 6th & 7th grade trip to Atlanta, GA.
CLICK HERE to make your $100 DEPOSIT payment if you are not paying for the trip in full. DUE by January 30th
CLICK HERE to make a PARTIAL PAYMENT SINGLE ROOM for an adult to accompany a student for the middle school trip (any amount-WE WILL KEEP TRACK FOR YOU).
CLICK HERE to make a PARTIAL PAYMENT DOUBLE ROOM for an adult to accompany a student for the middle school trip (any amount-WE WILL KEEP TRACK FOR YOU).
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Seat Cushions for Sale-Fundraiser
Have you ever gone to a sporting event and the seat was either wet, too cold, or just very uncomfortable? Suffer no more! BSS will be selling seat cushions for families who would like to purchase one. These are portable, durable, and easy to clean! Mrs. VanWeest will be making them and part of the proceeds will help the BSS athletic department!
CLICK HERE to place an order online! *Please allow about a month to get yours as they will be custom ordered. Spread the word and support our Knights!
Thank you for your support and Mrs. VanWeest for spearheading this fundraiser. 💙💛
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It's hard to believe we are almost through the winter and into spring sports. If your child will be playing a sport this spring, please sign up using the link below. Please note that the girls' soccer sign-up will end much sooner than the other sports. Our conference directors need to know if we are having a team by 1/27 so they can make the game schedule. If you have any questions, please feel free to email
If your child has not participated in a sport this year, you will need to fill out the required paperwork and return it to school before sports begin. A physical is also required before participation if there is not one on file with the school within the last calendar year (12-month period). This paperwork can be found on the BSS website under Athletics Documents.
Link to sign up for spring sports:
Than you,
Mr. Morrison
Make sure you follow our BSS Athletics Facebook Page for the latest sports announcements.
The PECSAA website has directions to all game locations at this link:
CLICK HERE to access the winter practice schedule.
CLICK HERE for a list of Basketball Games & PECSAA Rules.
If your child did not play a sport in the fall, please email for the required paperwork.
Thank you!
Mr. John Morrison
Athletic Director
Sports Reminders:
***All athletes must have their "Athletic Permission and Emergency form for 2024-2025" and the "Athletic Physical Form" completed at the time of their first tryout/practice or they WILL NOT be able to participate. No exceptions.***
All athletes should come in proper clothing and footwear for their respective sport and bring a water bottle.
If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail
***Todos los atletas deben tener su "Formulario de permiso y emergencia atlético para 2024-2025" y el "Formulario físico atlético" completados en el momento de su primera prueba/práctica o NO podrán participar. Sin excepciones.***
Todos los deportistas deberán acudir con ropa y calzado adecuado a su respectivo deporte y traer una botella de agua.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, envíe un correo electrónico a
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Please pray for:
Please continue remembering in your prayers those affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.
Please pray for the residents of California affected by the intense fires.
Please pray for Philip Boettcher, grandfather of Andrew (6th) and father of Mrs. Tichy, who is recovering from surgery.
Prayers for our BSS Community for an awesome 2025 year!
Please pray for Joe Charamut as he recovers from a back injury.
Please pray for Don Glenn grandfather of Christopher(7th) for his health.
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Dear Parents,
It was a great Catholic Schools Week! The Homeroom Doors were amazing. Your children did a great job. Have a great start to February!
Mrs. Gomez
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From the Office of Admissions | |
2025-2026 Tuition Rates Published!
Dear BSS Families,
Please review the 2025-2026 Tuition Rates for the upcoming school year! We have only increased the K-8 Tuition. The Little Knights's tuition, enrollment fee, and STEAMM Fees will remain the same. If you believe that your family will need a scholarship, please apply for an NC Opportunity Scholarship, which will open applications for new families on February 1st, 2025. CLICK HERE for more information. Your family is also welcome to apply to our BSS Scholarship via the FACTS Grant & Aid determination process-We just ask you to apply for an Opporutnity Scholarship first.
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¡Se publicaron las tarifas de matrícula para 2025-2026!
Estimadas familias de BSS,
¡Revise las tarifas de matrícula 2025-2026 para el próximo año escolar! Sólo hemos aumentado la matrícula K-8. La matrícula, la tarifa de inscripción y las tarifas STEAMM de Little Knights seguirán siendo las mismas. Si cree que su familia necesitará una beca, solicite una Beca de Oportunidad de Carolina del Norte, que abrirá las solicitudes para nuevas familias el 1 de febrero de 2025. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para obtener más información. Su familia también puede solicitar nuestra beca BSS a través del proceso de determinación de subvenciones y ayudas de FACTS.-Solo le pedimos que aplique a una beca de la opotunidad antes de solicitar un abeca a BSS.
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Enrollment Timeline for the 2025-2026 School Year
CLICK HERE to access the BSS enrollment timeline we will follow this Spring. Our admissions office will begin sending re-enrollment agreements to families who usually do not apply for a scholarship next week. Families with a scholarship will receive their re-enrollment agreement towards the end of January. If your family will be adding a sibling, make sure that you let Mr. Rico know so he can add the new student to your contract and reserve his or her seat in the class roster for the upcoming school year. Remember, all new students must apply to our school, and submit a copy of their birth certificate, immunization records, and baptismal certificate if the family is Catholic. You can contact Mr. Rico at for any questions.
Cronograma de inscripción para el año escolar 2025-2026
HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para acceder al cronograma de inscripción de BSS que seguiremos esta primavera. Nuestra oficina de admisiones comenzará a enviar acuerdos de reinscripción a familias que normalmente no solicitan una beca la próxima semana. Las familias becadas recibirán su acuerdo de reinscripción a finales de enero. Si su familia agregará un hermano, asegúrese de informarle al Sr. Rico para que pueda agregar al nuevo estudiante a su contrato y reservar su asiento en la lista de clase para el próximo año escolar. Recuerde, todos los estudiantes nuevos deben aplicar a nuestra escuela y presentar una copia de su acta de nacimiento, registro de vacunas y certificado de bautismo si la familia es católica. Puede contactar al Sr. Rico en por culaquier pregunta.
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Spring Endorsements for Opportunity Scholarships Families
BSS families who are recipients of an NC Opportunity Scholarship, make sure you ENDORSE that your child is attending BSS this Spring so the NCSEAA releases the SPring portions of the scholarship to us. Any questions, contact Mr. Rico at Thank you!
Respaldos de primavera para familias con becas de oportunidad
Las familias de BSS que reciben una beca de Oportunidad de Carolina del Norte, asegúrese de ENDROSAR que su hijo/a asista a BSS esta primavera para que NCSEAA nos entregue las partes de la beca de primavera. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el Sr. Rico en ¡Gracias!
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Welcome to Blessed Sacrament School!
We are excited for another school year. Thank you for choosing Blessed Sacrament School for your children's education.
José Rico Benavides
School Tours
Mr. Rico will be available at the office on Mondays & Wednesdays for any questions or concerns related to admissions.
You can reach Mr. Rico at 336-570-0019 ext. 212 or by email at Hablamos Español!
Here is a link to our admissions page:
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Lunch & Uniforms Information | |
Summer Uniforms
Friendly reminder, we will be wearing our Winter Uniforms on Monday, November 4th!
Winter uniforms begin next Monday, November 4th. Just a few reminders:
French Toast items run very differently in sizing from Lands End. Sounds like the tops are much smaller.
- Review our Uniform Guidelines by CLICKING HERE.
- If you order any logo items and they are the wrong size, they CANNOT be returned.
- Orders are arriving in about a week. So if you need new shirts, you should order them as soon as possible to receive them in time.
Graham Sporting Goods is the ONLY provider of PE shirts. French Toast will not be offering them.
Recordatorio amistoso: ¡usaremos nuestros uniformes de Invierno el proximo Lunes, 4 de Noviembre!
Los uniformes de verano comienzan el próximo lunes, 4 de noviembre. Solo algunos recordatorios:
- Los artículos de French Toast tienen un tamaño muy diferente al de Lands End. Parece que las tapas son mucho más pequeñas.
- Revise nuestras Pautas Uniformes HACIENDO CLIC AQUÍ.
- Si solicita algún artículo con el logotipo y tiene el tamaño incorrecto, NO SE PUEDE devolver.
- Los pedidos están llegando en aproximadamente una semana. Entonces, si necesita camisetas nuevas, debe pedirlas lo antes posible para recibirlas a tiempo.
Graham Sporting Goods es el ÚNICO proveedor de camisetas de educación física. French Toast no los ofrecerá.
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Lunch Information
My Hot Lunchbox is excited to be partnering with Blessed Sacrament School again this year as the hot lunch provider. To begin ordering lunches, click the link below to log in or follow the instructions to create your free account!
Important Note: You will need to Update Your Profile with the student's correct teacher to view the meal calendar.
Lunch Ordering is Now Open for Blessed Sacrament School for August – December 2024
Monday: Chick-Fil-A
Tuesday: Cici’s Pizza
Wednesday: Hursey's Bar-B-Q
Thursday: Zaxby’s
Friday: La Fiesta Mexican Restaurant
If you have any questions, please give us a call at (888) 894-8295 or email us at We are looking forward to serving your school!
If you are bringing lunch to your child, please make sure it is labeled with your student's name and grade level and leave it on the table just outside the front door of the school--Do not forget to buzz the office to let us know you dropped by.
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PE Uniforms:
You can still purchase PE uniforms locally at Graham Sporting Goods. They have yellow PE shirts, solid sweatpants, and zip-up jackets. You do NOT have to get the logo on the sweatpants, but it must be on the jacket and sweatshirt.
PE pants need to be solid navy. There should not be any lines down the sides or decals on them.
Let me know if you have any Winter Uniform questions!
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From the Office of Advancement | |
Box Tops For Education
No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit Blessed Sacrament School's Box Tops earnings online. Click here for a video of how it works.
Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs! If you see this label, use the new Box Tops app to scan your receipt. Box Tops are still worth 10¢ each for your school. CLICK HERE
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Link your Lowes Card
With Cart to Class, Lowes Foods will give up to a quarter of a million dollars to local schools this year. To participate, just enroll Blessed Sacrament School on your Fresh Rewards card, and start earning for our school. Click Here
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Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card
When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to Blessed Sacrament School if your VIC card is linked.
You link your card online ( CLICK HERE), or you can ask your cashier to link your VIC card by providing our TIE code 1704.
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We are currently working on a touring day of Bishop McGuinness Catholic HS in Kernersville, NC for our 8th grade class. However, if you already know you are interested in getting information, please check out the following links and be mindful of dates. We have had many BSS students graduate or are currently attending BMHS. All of this information is currently available in your child’s Executive Function Google Classroom. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you, Mrs. Champion
BMHS Website Link Virtual Tour Link
A Villain Walk is a great way to get a feel for the Bishop experience during the school day. They will begin with a welcome session, followed by a group tour from 9-10AM. You must sign up in advance. Spots close quickly.
Jan 30
Feb 6 & 20
March 6 & 20
Application Link
Applications for the 2025-2026 school year will open on November 1, 2024.
Financial Aid Applications will be available November 22, 2024 for the 2025-26 School Year
Placement Test Dates:
- Saturday, February 22, 2025 9:00am-12:00pm
- Saturday, March 15, 2025 9:00am-12:00pm
- Placement Tests are required for ALL grade 9 applicants. Pre-registration is required-see application for more information.
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