See Our Calendar

 First Full Week Done!

This is the first full week of school for our Knights and we enjoy having them in our buildings. There is lots of learning, laughter, and community in our school. Remember that today, Friday, August 30th is early dismissal at 11:30 am and we will not have classes Monday in observance of Labor Day. BSS students, enjoy the long weekend!

Esta es la primera semana completa de clases para nuestros Knights y disfrutamos tenerlos en nuestros edificios. Hay mucho aprendizaje, risas y comunidad en nuestra escuela. Recuerde que hoy viernes 30 de agosto hay salida temprana a las 11:30 am y no tendremos clases el lunes por conmemoración del Día del Trabajo. Estudiantes de BSS, ¡disfruten el fin de semana largo!

Upcoming Dates

Friday, August 30 - Early Dismissal @ 11:30am-Afterschool Care Available

Monday, September 2 - School Closed-Labor Day 🇺🇲 

Friday, September 6 - 8th Grade Commissioning Service prayer 📿🙏; Cross Country Meet at Blessed Sacrament Church @ 4:00pm 🏃 🏁

Saturday, September 7 - Away Volleyball Game vs. OLM 🏐

Monday, September 9 - Food Pantry Distribution 🍉🍊🌽🍞🍖🍚; Cross Country Meet at Cedar Rock Park @ 3:30pm 🏃 🏁

Wednesday, September 11 - Away Soccer Game vs. OLM ⚽; Wednesday Early Dismissal Begins @ 1:45pm

Friday, September 13 - School Closed-Diocesan Professional Day-Day Camp Available-Sign Up at the Office

Saturday, September 14 - Home Volleyball Game vs. (TBD?)🏐

Monday, September 16 - Soccer Game Away vs. OLG

Tuesday, September 17 - Fall Ballet Classes Begins! 🩰 Register HERE.; Cross Country Meet at Camp Deer Lake in Mebane, NC @ 4:00pm 🏃 🏁

Wednesday, September 18 - Away Soccer Game vs. Clover Garden

Friday, September 20 - 8th Grade Walks to Downtown for Lunch 🍽️🥘🥗🥐

Saturday, September 21 - Away Volleyball Game vs. SLS🏐

Saturday, September 23rd - Out of Uniform Day-Wear a birthday hat! 🎩; BSS 89th Birthday Party on the back lawn! @ 1:30 pm 🍨🎂🍭🎉🎊🎈

Pick up MS at the Main Campus. ; Cross Country Meet vs. OLG at Ivey Redmond @ 4:00 pm 🏃 🏁

Wednesday, September 25 - Home Soccer Game vs. SH

Click here to see the official BSS calendar: BSS Calendar
Knights' News

Kindergarten & Pete the Cat

This week in Kindergarten, our students worked on reading about Pete the Cat and then created their own Pete. Ms. Tonya & Mrs. Cruz enjoy teaching our kids. Their work is currently on display just outside their classrooms.

ABC boot camp - Kindergarten

A message form Ms. Tonya: "This week in the Kindergarten Panda class, we began ABC boot camp and NUMBER boot camp. Each day of the week is focused on one letter and one number. The children are learning sign language for each letter, the sounds of the letter and a concrete visual to associate with the letter sound. This helps with phonemic awareness and lays the groundwork for learning to read. And we played and had fun while learning! Thursday, August 29th was letter D so we colored a picture of a disco ball, attached the picture to a headband and disco danced around the room."

Self-Portraits by PreK

On Thursday, Mrs. Glenn & Mrs. Kelso's PreK students worked on their self-portraits! The students worked very hard cutting and pasting their creations. They are on display just outside their classroom.

Preschool Learning to Spell Their Name

Ms. Asmar & Ms. Corradini's preschool students are learning to trace the first letter of their names and color their school. Every day is a new day to learn something new.

Stock the Teacher's Lounge

Hi BSS Families, 

We hope everyone is adjusting to the new school year. To start the school year, let's stock the lounge with our staff's favorite snacks and drinks! Please only send in individually wrapped items.

Donated items will be divided between the lounge areas at both campuses. This makes it easy for staff to easily grab a snack or drink when they need to refuel!

CLICK HERE to donate items to the Elementary & Little Knights' Teachers.

CLICK HERE to donate items to the Middle School Teachers.

Thank you for your support!! We love our teachers!! 🍎 📚 

4th Grade Learning the SmartLab Process

On Thursday, August 29th, Mrs. Kennedy worked with our 4th grade class on the SmartLab Process. Students were building bridges, triangles, and shapes to get familiar with the equipment at our SmartLab. We can't wait for what comes next for our students!

It's Hot Out There!

This week has been one of the hottest days in the summer, and we had to keep the students in for recess. They still had lots of fun playing inside our gym and MPR rooms. Below is the 5th grade & 3rd grade on their recess time on Thursday, August 29th.

8th Grade at Pink & FIERCE

Last Wednesday, August 28th, our 8th-grade class visited the Pink and Fierce Women's Self-Defense Studio for a private lesson from Instructor/Owner Shannon Marshall-Hughes. The students learned many things about self-defense tactics and techniques. Thank you, Mrs. Bost, Mrs. Champion, Mrs. Gomez, and Mr. Morrison for making this happen for our students.

Le Petit Ballet Co.

Miss Linda & Miss Jenny are coming back to BSS this Fall for Ballet classes! Classes will start on September 17 and will take place every Tuesday until December 3rd. CLICK HERE to get your child registered for Ballet!

If your child already stays for afterschool care at BSS, Miss Linda will pick up and drop off your child at afterschool care right after her Tuesday class (3:15 - 4:00 pm).

Classes de Ballet para los estudaintes de PreK-2do Grado

¡Miss Linda y Miss Jenny regresarán a BSS este otoño para clases de ballet! Las clases comenzarán el 17 de septiembre y se llevarán a cabo todos los martes hasta el 3 de diciembre. ¡HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para registrar a su hijo o hija en Ballet! 

Si su hijo/a ya se queda para el cuidado después de la escuela en BSS, Miss Linda recogerá y dejará a su hijo en el cuidado después de la escuela inmediatamente después de su clase del martes (3:15 - 4:00 pm).

Carline Etiquette

Dear BSS Families,

Please be mindful when picking up or dropping off your children at school. In the morning, students K-8th grade families must use the carline to drop off students. Only Little Knight Parents are required to park their cars and walk their children to the front door. If you arrive after 7:45 am at the Main Campus, you must park your car and sign your children in as they will be tardy. Do not just leave your children after that time as there are no teachers outside and poses a security concern to your children. If you arrive after 7:55 am at the Middle School Campus, you must do the same, and sign your children in as they will be marked as trady.

When picking up, dismissal at both campuses is at 3:00 pm; unless we have an early release day. Every parent must use the car line. Please, do not park your car and come to the door to pick them up. If you must pick up because of a planned doctor's appointment or other reasons, kindly do so by 2:30 pm so the carline process is not interrupted. We also provided all parents with a couple of car tags, please use them as this will make the car line go faster as we call your children to a dismissal spot. Our teachers and staff will learn the vehicles you usually pick your children up with and the car line will be faster in the coming week.

If you are picking up your children from after-school care, please know that the students will be at the Main Campus at either the cafeteria or the back lawn. If the back gate is open, then the students will be at the back lawn and you will pick up your child from there; otherwise, they will be in the cafeteria and you must ring the bell to let the afterschool care staff let you in. You must sign your child out with the afterschool care staff. Please watch out for parents entering and exiting the cafeteria door when driving away or arriving in your car.

We appreciate parents who follow these procedures, are courteous to other parents, and are mindful of our students and staff as we all try to keep our community safe during carline. Thank you for your cooperation and continued support! 💙💛

Etiqueta en la Línea de Autos

Estimadas familias de BSS, 

Tenga cuidado al recoger o dejar a sus hijos en la escuela. Por la mañana, las familias de los estudiantes de K a 8.º grado deben usar la línea de automóviles para dejar a los estudiantes. Sólo los padres de Little Knight deben estacionar sus autos y acompañar a sus hijos hasta la puerta principal. Si llega después de las 7:45 am al campus principal, debe estacionar su automóvil y registrar a sus hijos ya que llegaron tarde. No deje a sus hijos y se vaya después de esa hora, ya que no hay maestros afuera y representa un problema de seguridad para sus hijos. Si llega después de las 7:55 am al Campus de la Escuela Secundaria, deberá hacer lo mismo y registrar a sus hijos ya que serán marcados como trady. 

Al recoger, la salida en ambos campus es a las 3:00 pm; a menos que tengamos un día de salida temprano. Todos los padres deben utilizar la línea de automóviles. Por favor, no aparques el coche y acércate a la puerta a recogerlos. Si debe recogerlo debido a una cita médica planificada u otros motivos, hágalo antes de las 2:30 p. m. para que no se interrumpa el proceso de línea de automóvil. También proporcionamos a todos los padres un par de etiquetas para el automóvil; úselas ya que esto hará que la fila de automóviles vaya más rápido cuando llamamos a sus hijos a un lugar de salida. Nuestros maestros y personal aprenderán los vehículos con los que normalmente recogen a sus hijos y la fila de autos será más rápida la próxima semana.

Si va a recoger a sus hijos del centro de cuidado después de la escuela, sepa que los estudiantes estarán en el campus principal, ya sea en la cafetería o en el jardín trasero. Si la puerta trasera está abierta, entonces los estudiantes estarán en el jardín trasero y usted recogerá a su hijo desde allí; de lo contrario, estarán en la cafetería y usted deberá tocar el timbre para que el personal de cuidado después de la escuela le deje entrar. Debe firmar la salida de su hijo/a con el personal de cuidado después de la escuela. Tenga cuidado con los padres que entran y salen por la puerta de la cafetería cuando se alejan o llegan en su automóvil.  

Apreciamos a los padres que siguen estos procedimientos, son corteses con otros padres y son conscientes de nuestros estudiantes y personal mientras todos tratamos de mantener segura a nuestra comunidad escolar durante la línea de automóviles. ¡Gracias por su cooperación y continuo apoyo! 💙💛

Some friendly reminders:

  • Please note of a dismissal time change every Wednesday beginning on September 11 for both campuses. To have more professional time with the faculty/staff, and in the fact that we do not have teacher workdays, dismissals on Wednesday will be at 1:45pm. Schedules were created to make sure students would not lose one hour of academic instruction of core classes. Students will be dismissed at 1:45. At two o’clock, students not picked up will go directly to afterschool. Students already enrolled in afterschool will have no extra fee for the extra hour. 
  • Make sure that you review our Club Knight Afterschool Care Services and CLICK HERE to sign your child up for afterschool care services.
  • CLICK HERE to access a welcome letter Mrs. Gomez sent on August 9th introducing our 2024-2025 School Faculty.
  • The traffic pattern at the Main Campus (515 Hillcrest Ave.) is as follows: You enter the parking lot through High Street, park, and then exit the parking lot through Hillcrest Ave. High Street is a two-way street, and Hillcrest Ave becomes a one-way Street between 7:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Algunos recordatorios amistosos:

  • Tenga en cuenta que habrá un cambio de horario de salida todos los miércoles a partir del 11 de septiembre para ambos campus. Para tener más tiempo profesional con la facultad/personal, y debido a que no tenemos días laborales para maestros, las salidas los miércoles serán a la 1:45 p.m. Se crearon horarios para garantizar que los estudiantes no perdieran una hora de instrucción académica de las clases básicas. Los estudiantes que ya estén inscritos en afterschool no tendrán ningún cargo extra por la hora extra.
  • Asegúrese de revisar nuestros Servicios de Cuidado Después de la Escuela de Club Knight y HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para inscribir a su hijo en los servicios de cuidado después de la escuela.
  • HAGA CLIC AQUI para acceder una carta que la Directora Gomez mando el 9 de Agosto intriduciendo a la Facultad del Año Escolar 2024-2025.
  • El patrón de tráfico en el campus principal (515 Hillcrest Ave.) es el siguiente: ingresa al estacionamiento por High Street, estaciona y luego sale del estacionamiento por Hillcrest Ave. High Street es una calle de doble sentido y Hillcrest Ave. se convierte en una calle de sentido único entre las 7:00 am y las 4:00 pm. ***Vea la foto de arriba.***

BSS Sports

Falls Sports

Let us welcome our new Athletic Director, Mr. John Morrison! He will also be the middle school PE teacher and will be the point person for everything related to sports this upcoming school year. Here is a message from him:



below is our meet schedule for this fall. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out

Physical copies of the schedule will also be handed out at practice. 

Reminder: NO PRACTICE this Friday(8/30) due to half day of school. There will be an OPTIONAL practice Monday (9/2) from 3-4pm at Blessed Sacrament Church (1620 Hanford Rd. Graham, NC 27253)




 9/6 (Fri.) BLESSED SACRAMENT 4:00 PM 

 9/9 (Mon.)CEDAROCK PARK 3:30 PM 

 9/17 (Tues.) CAMP DEER LAKE (Mebane) 4:00 PM 

 9/23 (Mon) OLG (Ivey Redmond) 5:00 PM Admission fee $10/car or $5/person (runners free)

10/4 (Fri.) PECSAA MEET (Sacred Heart) 4:00 PM 


Monday 8/26 Home vs SPX *4:30pm

Wednesday 9/11 Away vs. OLM

Monday 9/16 Away vs OLG

Wednesday 9/18 Away vs Clover Garden *@ SPRINGWOOD PARK IN BURLINGTON

Wednesday 9/25 Home vs. SH. 4:00pm

Monday 9/30 Home vs IHM.  4:00pm

10/7 and 10/9- PECSAA Tournament (Gibson Park)

Volleyball- Weekday games begin at 4pm. Weekend games begin at 9:30am

Thursday 8/29 home vs IHM (double header)

Saturday 9/7 away @ OLM

Saturday 9/14 Home

Saturday 9/21 away @ SLS

Saturday 9/28 away @ SPX

Saturday 10/5 away @ SH

We are still finalizing cross country meets. For tennis the club schedules our meets and it's not finished yet.




Thursday 8/15

JV: 3:30-5:30pm

Varsity: 5:30-7:30pm


***Starting on 8/20 practices will be Tuesday and Thursday

JV: 3:30-5:00pm

Varsity- 5:00-6:30pm


Cross Country

Monday and Friday 3:00-4:00pm

*Practices will begin and end at the Middle School, unless notified otherwise



*Beginning August 26th

Mondays: 4:00-5:00pm (Burlington Tennis Center)


Elementary Running Club

Tuesdays 3:00-4:00pm at the Main Campus

*Beginning on September 17th



Boys Soccer

Tuesday and Thursday (Beginning August 20th)

3:30-5:00pm (Main Campus)



First practices: 9/3 and 9/4- 3:30-5pm (Elementary building Multi Purpose Room)


Tryouts: 9/5- 3:30-4:30pm (Elementary building Multi Purpose Room)


Practices (beginning Tues 9/10) : 

        Tuesdays 3:30-5pm (Elementary building multi purpose room)

        Wednesdays 3:30-5pm (MS gym)


**Starting on 10/15** both cheer practices (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) will be at the MS gym from 3:30-5pm


Friendly reminder: all practices are for coaches and players only and not open to parents. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.


If you have any questions please let me know.

Sign up for Fall Sports here if you haven't already:



  • Runners should be able to run at least 1 mile without stopping at the start of the season. 
  • Hydrate well prior to practice. I recommend electrolyte drinks (Gatorade, Pedialyte, Liquid IV) for after practice. 
  • Wear good running shoes.

You can email any questions about cross country to

Sports Reminders:

***All athletes must have their "Athletic Permission and Emergency form for 2024-2025" and the "Athletic Physical Form" completed at the time of their first tryout/practice or they WILL NOT be able to participate. No exceptions.***


All athletes should come in proper clothing and footwear for their respective sport and bring a water bottle.


If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail


**BSS is still in need of an Assistant Tennis Coach. If you are interested please contact Mr. Morrison.


If you have not signed up for fall sports please do so here :

Deportes de Otoño

¡Démosle la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo Director Atlético, el Sr. John Morrison! También será el maestro de educación física de la escuela secundaria y será la persona clave para todo lo relacionado con los deportes este próximo año escolar. Aquí hay un mensaje de él:

Hola padres de BSS,






jueves 8/15

JV: 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Varisty: 5:30-7:30 p.m.


***A partir del 20/8 las prácticas serán los martes y jueves.

JV: 3:30-5:00 p.m.

Varisty: 5:00-6:30 p.m.



Lunes y Viernes 3:00-4:00pm

*Las prácticas comenzarán y finalizarán en la Escuela Secundaria, a menos que se notifique lo contrario.



*A partir del 26 de agosto

Lunes: 4:00-5:00 p.m. (Centro de tenis de Burlington)


Club de correr de escuela primaria (K al 4to grado)

Martes 3:00-4:00pm en el Campus Principal

*A partir del 17 de septiembre



Futbol Masculino

Martes y jueves (a partir del 20 de agosto)

3:30-5:00 pm (Campus principal)


Primeras prácticas: 9/3 y 9/4- 3:30-5pm (Salón de Usos Múltiples del edificio de primaria)

Pruebas: 9/5- 3:30-4:30pm (Sala de usos múltiples del edificio de primaria)

Prácticas (a partir del martes 9/10):

Martes 3:30-5pm (salón de usos múltiples del edificio de primaria)

Miércoles 3:30-5pm (gimnasio MS)

**A partir del 15/10** ambas prácticas de porristas (martes y miércoles) serán en el gimnasio de MS de 3:30 a 5 p.m.

Recordatorio amistoso: todas las prácticas son solo para entrenadores y jugadores y no están abiertas a los padres. Agradecemos su cooperación en este asunto.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, hágamelo saber.


Regístrate aquí si aún no lo has hecho:



  • Los corredores deberían poder correr al menos 1 milla sin detenerse al inicio de la temporada.
  • Hidrátate bien antes de la práctica. Recomiendo bebidas con electrolitos (Gatorade, Pedialyte, Liquid IV) para después de la práctica.
  • Use buenos zapatos para correr.
  • Puede enviar cualquier pregunta sobre cross country a

***Todos los atletas deben tener su "Formulario de permiso y emergencia atlético para 2024-2025" y el "Formulario físico atlético" completados en el momento de su primera prueba/práctica o NO podrán participar. Sin excepciones.***

Todos los deportistas deberán acudir con ropa y calzado adecuado a su respectivo deporte y traer una botella de agua.


Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, envíe un correo electrónico a


**BSS todavía necesita un entrenador asistente de tenis. Si está interesado, comuníquese con el Sr. Morrison.**


Si no se ha inscrito en los deportes de otoño, hágalo aquí:

Prayer Requests

Please pray for:

Please remember in your prayers, David, brother of Abby (1st and Lizzie, Class of 2021) for his health.

Please keep Mrs. Corradini in your prayers as she recovers from surgery.

Princial's Message

Dear Parents,

Great start to the first full week of school! Have a memorable Labor Day weekend!

Mrs. Gomez

From the Office of Admissions

Welcome to Blessed Sacrament School!

We are excited for another school year. Thank you for choosing Blessed Sacrament School for your children's education.


José Rico Benavides

School Tours

Mr. Rico will be available at the office on Mondays & Wednesdays for any questions or concerns related to admissions.

You can reach Mr. Rico at 336-570-0019 ext. 212 or by email at Hablamos Español!

Here is a link to our admissions page:

Lunch & Uniforms Information

Summer Uniforms

Friendly reminder, we will be wearing our Summer Uniforms once we start the new school year!

Summer uniforms begin next Wednesday, August 21. Just a few reminders:

  1. French Toast items run very differently in sizing from Lands End. Sounds like the tops are much smaller.
  2. Review our Uniform Guidelines by CLICKING HERE.
  3. If you order any logo items and they are the wrong size, they CANNOT be returned.
  4. Orders are arriving in about a week. So if you need new shirts, you should order them as soon as possible to receive them in time.
  5. Graham Sporting Goods is the ONLY provider of PE shirts. French Toast will not be offering them.

Recordatorio amistoso: ¡usaremos nuestros uniformes de verano una vez que comencemos el nuevo año escolar!

Los uniformes de verano comienzan el próximo miercoles 21 de agosto. Solo algunos recordatorios:

  1. Los artículos de French Toast tienen un tamaño muy diferente al de Lands End. Parece que las tapas son mucho más pequeñas.
  2. Revise nuestras Pautas Uniformes HACIENDO CLIC AQUÍ.
  3. Si solicita algún artículo con el logotipo y tiene el tamaño incorrecto, NO SE PUEDE devolver.
  4. Los pedidos están llegando en aproximadamente una semana. Entonces, si necesita camisetas nuevas, debe pedirlas lo antes posible para recibirlas a tiempo.
  5. Graham Sporting Goods es el ÚNICO proveedor de camisetas de educación física. French Toast no los ofrecerá.

Lunch Information

My Hot Lunchbox is excited to be partnering with Blessed Sacrament School again this year as the hot lunch provider. To begin ordering lunches, click the link below to log in or follow the instructions to create your free account!

Important Note: You will need to Update Your Profile with the student's correct teacher to view the meal calendar.


Lunch Ordering is Now Open for Blessed Sacrament School for August – December 2024

Monday: Chick-Fil-A

Tuesday: Cici’s Pizza

Wednesday: Danny’s Cafe

Thursday: Zaxby’s

Friday: La Fiesta Mexican Restaurant

If you have any questions, please give us a call at (888) 894-8295 or email us at We are looking forward to serving your school!

If you are bringing lunch to your child, please make sure it is labeled with your student's name and grade level and leave it on the table just outside the front door of the school--Do not forget to buzz the office to let us know you dropped by.

PE Uniforms:

You can still purchase PE uniforms locally at Graham Sporting Goods. They have yellow PE shirts, solid sweatpants, and zip-up jackets. You do NOT have to get the logo on the sweatpants, but it must be on the jacket and sweatshirt.

PE pants need to be solid navy. There should not be any lines down the sides or decals on them.

Let me know if you have any Winter Uniform questions!

BSS Spirt Wear

Choose from hundreds of spirit wear designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days. Don't miss it! **This is NOT part of BSS uniforms**
From the Office of Advancement
Box Tops For Education

No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit Blessed Sacrament School's Box Tops earnings online. Click here for a video of how it works.

Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs! If you see this label, use the new Box Tops app to scan your receipt. Box Tops are still worth 10¢ each for your school. CLICK HERE

Link your Lowes Card

With Cart to Class, Lowes Foods will give up to a quarter of a million dollars to local schools this year. To participate, just enroll Blessed Sacrament School on your Fresh Rewards card, and start earning for our school. Click Here
Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card

When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to Blessed Sacrament School if your VIC card is linked.
You link your card online (CLICK HERE), or you can ask your cashier to link your VIC card by providing our TIE code 1704.

Community Announcements

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