knightly knews
september 30, 2024
Saturday, Oct. 19 | 2:30–4:30 p.m. | [Laurel Lanes] in Maple Shade
Young men in grades K-5 are invited to spend an afternoon bowling with their moms, aunts, grandmothers, or other special female role models at the bowling alley! [Sign up online] to purchase your tickets. The cost is $32 for adults, $22 for one child (son) and $17 for each additional child (son). Ticket prices include 2 hours of bowling, shoe rental, pizza, drinks, and homemade ice cream. This event will take place at Laurel Lanes, 2825 NJ-73, Maple Shade, NJ 08052 [map].
Please register by Tuesday, October 8. If you have any questions, contact [ptf@tkcs.org].
From the Head of School
Honoring Commitments
This week at school the faculty and staff are talking about the importance of honoring commitments. Scripture is quite clear on this in various places, but I noticed in particular Psalm 15:4, where the Lord commends one "who honors those who fear the Lord; who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change their mind." The fact that I should be prepared to honor a commitment even though it hurts gets my attention. I should be expecting difficulty in keeping some commitments and not be surprised. Perhaps I should think and pray more before making some commitments. As parents, let's be looking for teachable moments with our children about how making a commitment to do something requires following through, even when it hurts. Children at different ages have different levels of developmental maturity, but it is never too early to learn the importance of honoring commitments.
Head of School
Steve Dill
Parent Session on Bullying Postponed
We apologize for the postponement of our seminar on bullying in schools with Paul Coughlin of The Protectors. King's receives some funding each year from the Cherry Hill School District for professional development, and this event is partially funded with those dollars. However, there are certain approvals required in advance that were delayed. TKCS will be rebooking Mr. Coughlin to present this seminar, but the new date has not been confirmed. We will communicate the new date once it is scheduled. Our hope is that this also allows more families to attend and invite others.
Senior Information Night
Tuesday, Oct. 8 | 6 p.m. | APR
The class of 2025 seniors and parents should plan to attend this informational meeting next Tuesday, October 8, at 6 p.m. We will be covering many aspects of senior year, including senior trip, fundraising, prom, baccalaureate and graduation, the college admissions timeline, ranking, transcripts, and financial aid for college. Refreshments will be provided.
Questions? Please contact Mrs. Mary Borzell [mborzell@tkcs.org].
Senior Fall Fundraiser
Order by Oct. 11, 2024
Help our seniors fund their senior class trip by supporting their Miss Chocolate fundraiser and [win prizes for yourself]! This year, friends and family can purchase from both Miss Chocolate's Gourmet Shoppe catalog and its Share the Joy catalog. All products will arrive before Thanksgiving.
There are three ways to order:
- Order on the printed order form and ship free to the school
- Order online and ship free to the school
- Order online and ship to your home (you pay shipping)
To sell online, you must first [register your student] using ID# 305212. The class that sells the most will win an ice cream or hot chocolate party, and their teacher will receive a $25 amazon gift card.
Questions? Please email Mrs. Eller [meller@tkcs.org]. With your help, we can help fund the senior class trip in 2025! [Full details]
TKCS Golf Classic and Raffle Baskets
Item collection ends on Tuesday, Oct. 15
Our annual TKCS Golf Classic is coming up on Monday, October 21, at the Little Mill Country Club in Marlton, New Jersey! As part of this fun event, participants will have the chance to bid on themed raffle baskets, which will support King's annual fund. We need your help to make this a success.
Each class has been assigned a themed basket, and we are asking for your contributions. Please send in your items or gift cards by Tuesday, October 15. There will be a designated bin in each PreK and elementary classroom to collect your items. Room parents will coordinate assembling the baskets during the week of October 14. Middle and high school students should drop their contributions into the bin located in Mrs. Khalil's office. This is a wonderful opportunity to support our school and get involved, even if you’re not a golfer. [Class basket themes]
If you have any questions about the basket raffle, contact Mimi Magill [mmagill@tkcs.org]. For questions about the Golf Classic contact Matt Baals [matthew.baals@cfamanahawkin.com]. If you have not yet registered for the Golf Classic, [register online] early to reserve your spot.
Cherry Hill Christian College Fair
Wednesday, Oct. 16 | 6–8 p.m. | APR
Join us on Wednesday, October 16, for the Christian College Fair. The TKCS fair is the only Christian college fair in South Jersey, so you won't want to miss it! TKCS high school students who attend the fair will receive a dress-down day pass.
Students must [register online] to get their barcode before the evening of the fair. [More information]
We are also in need of parent volunteers to serve as parking attendants at this event. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Mrs. Thomas [jthomas@tkcs.org].
October 8: Senior Information Night
October 11: Early dismissal (No ASC); Faculty/Staff In-Service
October 14: No School; Columbus Day
October 15: Picture Day
October 15: PTF Meeting
October 16: College Fair
October 17: Head of School Coffee
October 19: Night with your Knight
October 21: TKCS Golf Classic
October 24: NJHS and NHS Induction
October 25: High School Homecoming Dance