knightly knews
november 4, 2024
Sale Deadline: Wednesday, Nov. 6 at 11:59 p.m.
The spirit store is now open! This is an opportunity to purchase items for PE class, hoodies, t-shirts, sweatpants, etc. All items are made-to-order custom apparel. Show your school spirit and [order today]! The store will close on November 6 at 11:59 p.m.
Please remember these are custom orders and once purchased they cannot be returned. Please check the size charts provided on the spirit store website or contact Mr. Jim Griffin, our sales contact from Sports Paradise [jgriffin@sportsparadise.net]. Orders will be delivered approximately four weeks from the store closing date. Items shipped to the school will be sent home with your student. If you are purchasing items as Christmas gifts, we highly encourage you to have the items shipped directly to your home.
From the Head of School
Unbiblical Division Does Not Glorify God
I am glad that the election season ends tomorrow, as I am weary of television advertising (from both sides) that distorts the truth, tells outright lies, and contributes to further divisions in our society. Both political parties express that if the other side wins, it will be the end of our country as we know it. Yet there have been more divisive periods in American history, especially during the American Civil War when over 600,000 people (2% of the population) died in the conflict. Fortunately, the Lord has brought us through very divisive times in our history. Scripture tells us that there can be times when divisiveness is biblical, such as when there is willful sin, doctrinal heresy, or self-centered pride that overcomes commitment to Christ. But as we have noted in past weeks, unity in Christ is what glorifies God. Preferential treatment and/or blanket exclusion in the body of Christ on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, culture, age, ability, personal convictions, or wealth/status are prohibited by scripture. (James 2:1-12, Rom. 2:11, Gal.3:1-6, I Cor. 12, Acts 6 and 10, Col.2:21-23). It is true that God can use division to accomplish his work, with the best example being the sharp division between Paul and Barnabus (Acts 15:36-41). Because Paul and Barnabas were both committed to Christ as Lord and to the gospel, God used both of them to accomplish His purposes in different geographical regions. Our divisions today are rarely about gospel strategies; unfortunately they are often about unbiblical division. May The King's Christian School be a place that models unity in Christ and not unbiblical division.
Head of School
Steve Dill
The TKCS library policy requires that a library committee be in place each year and that it include at least three members of our school family. The purpose of the committee is to ensure that the library collection is both relevant and appropriate for our students. Members of the committee assist the librarian in reviewing selected library materials for inclusion in the collection and help to reach a consensus in the event of a challenge to a particular work. Because the committee holds no regular meetings, it might be the perfect fit for a parent who would like to volunteer at school but finds it difficult to do so due to scheduling conflicts.
If you think you might be interested in serving on the committee this year, please contact Lorraine Scaffidi at [lscaffidi@tkcs.org].
Order Pickup for the Miss Chocolate Fundraiser
Tuesday, Nov. 12 | 1–3:30 p.m. | APR
Our Miss Chocolate fundraiser orders will arrive on Tuesday, November 12, between 1–3:30 p.m. Large order pick-up will be in the APR, and small orders will be sent home with students. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Eller [meller@tkcs.org]. Thank you for ordering!
Head of School Coffee
Wednesday, Nov. 13 | 8–9 a.m. | MS/HS Library
The Head of School Coffees provide a forum for open-ended conversations about any matter of interest to you as well as an opportunity to provide direct input to the Head of School. Join us next Wednesday, November 13, at 8 a.m. in the MS/HS library when Dr. Dill will give a brief presentation on the strategic plan adopted by the Board of Directors with plenty of time for Q&A. Please check in at one of the two school entrances before coming to the library.
Elementary Grandparents Day Breakfast
Friday, Dec. 6 | 8:30 a.m. | APR | Free
The King's Christian School cordially invites all grandparents of students in Pre-K through 5th grade to our Grandparents Day program on Friday, December 6. The morning will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a complimentary breakfast and student program. Please note that grandparents will not be eating breakfast with their grandchild/grandchildren but will have the opportunity to visit them in their classrooms beginning at 10:30 a.m. and will be able to shop with them at the book fair until dismissal at 11:45 a.m. Please [RSVP] by Friday, November 29. This event is for grandparents of our elementary students only. Our MS/HS grandparents day will be held later in the year.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Rachel Lea [rlea@tkcs.org] in the elementary office.
NHS Red Cross Blood Drive
Monday, Nov. 11 | 9:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. | Elementary Library
The TKCS Chapter of the National Honor Society will be sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, November 11. Help save lives by donating blood between 9:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. in the elementary library. [Register to donate]. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Smith [dsmith@tkcs.org].
Spiritual Emphasis Week
November 11–15
Next week is Spiritual Emphasis Week, and The King's Christian School community will be blessed by the ministry of Mr. Jerry Nelson, Chief Ministry Officer of the Association of Christian Schools International. Before joining the ACSI staff, Jerry headed an urban Christian school in Miami, Florida, for many years while also serving on his church staff. Head of School, Steve Dill, worked with Jerry closely during his time with ACSI.
Students in grades 3–5, 6–8, and 9–12 will have separate challenging sessions with Mr. Nelson during the week, as students make up his favorite audience. Parents are invited to come out on Tuesday evening, November 12, at 7 p.m. to think together with Jerry regarding biblical handling of diversity issues as believers. Jerry will also lead a faculty development workshop on Wednesday, November 13. Pray that the Holy Spirit will be at work through Jerry during Spiritual Emphasis Week!
Yes! Tutoring SAT Course at King's
Begins Nov. 18 | 3:30–5:30 p.m. | TKCS Room 108 | $299
Calling students in 9th–12th grade who are looking to get the most scholarship money possible! Join us for our SAT course where you will learn specific SAT test-taking strategies!
Sessions begin on November 18 and will continue on November 20, 25, and December 3 and 4. If you will be taking the SAT within the next few years you won't want to miss this! The deadline to register is Monday, November 11. [Register online] [More information]
Parent Seminar on Bullying in Schools with Paul Coughlin
Wednesday, Nov. 20 | 7 p.m. | APR
Paul Couglin from The Protectors will be coming to King's on Wednesday, November 20, following the same schedule we had planned for his previously postponed visit. He will speak to students in the morning, to faculty in the afternoon, and to parents in an evening session at 7 p.m. in the APR. Registration not required. Please feel free to invite friends to this parent seminar!
Thanksgiving Feast
Tuesday, Nov. 26 | APR | $7
All students in Pre-K through 12th grade are invited to join us for a Thanksgiving feast. This traditional Thanksgiving meal is provided by Gerogetti's Catering. The cost is $7.00 per student ordered via the MealManage lunch program. Please order by Friday, November 22. If you have questions or problems with MealManage, please email Laura Whiteman [laurawhiteman@tkcs.org] in the business office.
If you do not wish to order this meal, please be sure to send in a lunch with your child, as this will be the only hot lunch option that day. If you have any questions, please contact [ptf@tkcs.org].
[More information] [Food and allergy information]
Association Meeting Date Change for January
January 21, 2025 | 7 p.m.
The Board of Directors has approved a change of date for the winter TKCS association meeting from January 13 to January 21. The focus of the meeting will be the future of King's, including details from the recently approved TKCS strategic plan and campus development plans. A vote will also be taken on the 2025-2026 school budget. All association members and TKCS parents are invited to join us at 7 p.m. in the APR. Only association members will be permitted to vote. [More information about the TKCS Association]
A reminder regarding a previously announced change included in the revised TKCS Constitution last year: The end-of-year association meeting has been moved from June to March 24, 2025. A key component of this meeting each year is the election of board members. Association members are invited to recommend board candidates by emailing [board@tkcs.org] by Friday, November 1. The board will interview all potential candidates and bring a recommended slate of candidates to the spring association meeting.
Costa Rica House Build Fundraiser
We are thrilled to announce a unique opportunity for our school community to make a lasting impact in the lives of two families in Costa Rica. On November 7, twenty-six TKCS students and seven faculty members will be heading to Costa Rica to help build houses for the Quintero Calero family and the Smallville family. As they prepare for this mission, we are reaching out for your support to help raise funds to meet [specific needs] of these two families.
Every donation, large or small, will make a tangible difference. Together, we can not only build homes but build hope for these families. Please consider how your family can partner with us in this mission to bring comfort, dignity, and joy to the Quintero Calero and Smallville families. If you have any questions or would like to contribute, please reach out to our team coordinator Bart Welsh [bwelsh@tkcs.org].
Thank you for being a part of this life-changing opportunity! [Donate]
November 7-14: Costa Rica mission trip
November 7-8: No school; Parent Teacher Conferences
November 11: NHS Red Cross Blood Drive
November 12: Parent Seminar on Biblical Unity, Diversity, & Social Engagement
November 13: Head of School Coffee
November 19: PTF Meeting
November 20: Parent Seminar on Bullying in Schools
November 25: Picture Retake Day
November 27-29: No school; Thanksgiving break
December 6: Elementary Grandparents Day Breakfast