

4th Term Begins:

Monday, Apr 8

Forward Exam:

Monday, Apr 8, GoTime and

Friday, Apr 12, GoTime

Grade 10- testing, both days

Grade 9, 11, 12- regular school days

Father/Daughter Dance sponsored by OCHS Choir:

Friday, Apr 12, 6:00-9:00pm


National Letter of Intent Signing Day for Seniors:

Wednesday, Apr 17, 9:00 - 9:40am

OCHS Main Gym

Parent Teacher Conferences (Virtual):

Thursday, Apr 18, 4:00-6:30pm

OCHS Theatre Play Performance:

Friday, Apr 19, 7:00pm

Saturday, Apr 20, 7:00pm

Sunday, Apr 21, 1:00pm


Cultural Night- Multicultural Club:

Friday, Apr 26, 5:30-7:30pm

NGC Cafeteria

Festival of Bands Performances:

Saturday, Apr 27, 2:30 & 5:00pm

OCHS Main Gym

Free tickets required

Junior Reality Day:

Thursday, May 2

OCHS Main Gym

WSMA State Solo /Ensemble:

Saturday, May 4, 8:00-4:00pm

UW Parkside

Advanced Placement (AP) Testing:

Mon - Fri, May 6 -17

Check out upcoming OCHS sporting events at Sporting Events Calendar.

Check out OCHS policies and procedures in the OCHS Student and Family Handbook

April Showers Bring May Flowers! 

It is hard to believe we are embarking upon the fourth and final quarter of the 2023-2024 school year. These last months are busy, but important. Please remind your student(s) to stay on top of their assignments, prepare for tests and exams, and complete all necessary projects. Details and timelines related to events such as standardized test dates, prom, graduation, and end of year celebrations are included in this newsletter. Details will follow in the coming weeks.


Thank you for your partnership as we wrap-up the 2023-2024 school year.


The OCHS Administrative Team

Ms. Mongan 10-12 Principal

Mr. Ruffolo NGC Principal

Ms. Leannais 10th grade Associate Principal

Mrs. Pecha 11th grade Associate Principal

Mr. Lataille 12th grade Associate Principal

Mr. Holler Athletic/Activities Director   


Attendance Line:

(414) 768-6210, Press 1

Main Office:

(414) 768-6210, Press 3

Student Services:

(414) 768-6106

Ninth Grade Center (NGC):

(414) 570-3840

OCFSD Website

The following students are the March Knights of the Month. These students have demonstrated the Knights' Code of self-management, self-awareness, responsible decision making and social awareness making OCHS a better place!


Multicultural Club

Oak Creek High School's Multicultural Club will be hosting our annual Cultural Night on Friday, April 26 from 5:30-7:30pm in the Ninth Grade Center Cafeteria. Please join us as we celebrate strength in diversity through delicious food, interactive cultural performances, henna, and other activities! This year's performance lineup features Nefertari African Dance Company and Hale O Malo Hula Dance Group. This event is free to the public. We hope to see you there.

Model UN

On Thursday and Friday before spring break - the Oak Creek Model United Nations group went to Madison and represented their school and their countries well. Will Martin was a member of the International Court of Justice and was able to adjudicate several international crises. Tram Tran and Akita Taylor were on opposite sides of the Joint Crisis Committee, with this year's theme being the 1949 struggle for control of mainland China between the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist party. Zach Mannenbach took charge in the Security Council and was able to negotiate with other member nations about the future of our world resources. In the General Assembly, Miral Ossman was voted by her committee as the "Best Verbal Respondent", given out to one person from each of the committees. Congratulations to all on a job well done!

Forward Exam

Due to the technical difficulties when administering the Forward Exam for students in Grade 10 on March 20th, we have developed the following plan for the Forward Exam.

  • The Forward Exam will be given during regularly scheduled GO Time sessions on April 8th and 12th.  
  • Students in Grade 10 will take Session 1 during GO Time on April 8th
  • Students in Grade 10 will take Session 2 during GO Time on April 12th. 
  • The majority of the students should be able to complete the sessions during this time frame.
  • Students with accommodated testing will have extended testing time if needed. 
  • Students who are absent on either or both of these days will be pulled within the testing window to take the exam during the school day. 

Students in grades 9, 11, and 12 will have regular school days on April 8th and 12th.

Reporting Absences via Infinite Campus Parent Portal: 

Parents and Guardians are now able to report absences through the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus. Please review the following information for reporting absences at the high school: 

  • We ask that parents still call the Attendance office if you are planning on picking up your student on short notice. Absence requests are added to a queue and need time to be processed by the Attendance Office staff.  
  • Extended and pre-planned absences still need to be approved by completing the Pre-arranged Absence Form (extended medical, vacations, etc). 
  • Submitting an absence request through the parent portal does NOT guarantee that the absence will be marked as an excused absence. School attendance policies still apply regarding the number of excused absences and truancy.  

Attention Parents!

Did you know you can see your students' academic progress, report absences, review attendance, get school announcements and more through Infinite Campus right from your phone? Follow this Infinite Campus Parent Guide with directions to add Infinite Campus to your phone and stay in touch!

Second Semester Course fees were applied on February 19th, please log into your Infinite Campus parent portal to pay your student fees. All student registration and first semester course fees were due on September 30th and are now considered past due.  Please note that unpaid fees will result in ineligibility to purchase a parking pass and for Senior students, diplomas are held until all fees have been paid in full. Please reach out to the business office with any questions or concerns. Thank you, Kayla Lang

k.lang1@ocfsd.org or 414-768-6210

Student Services Update

  • Term 4 begins on April 8th. Student schedules for term 4 will not be changed once the term begins. Term 3 report cards will be available by April 15th. 
  • Course Changes: All Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors should review their course selections for next year. If any changes are needed, students should contact their counselor as soon as possible. All changes must be made by June 1st. 
  • Senior Release / Early Graduation: Juniors hoping to have senior release or graduate in January next school year need to make an appointment with their counselor. 


As of March 2024, a decision has not yet been made regarding if ACT/SAT test scores will remain optional for undergraduate admission for the Fall 2025 term for the high school Class of 2025.

All 13 Universities of Wisconsin are currently test-optional for students applying for undergraduate admission for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 term. We expect a decision will be made about future test requirements before summer 2024 and will communicate that decision to prospective students and their families as well as high school counselors and supporters.


With any decision, the Universities of Wisconsin is committed to holistically reviewing applicants based on all information shared with Admissions about them, their academic performance, experiences inside and outside the classroom and their academic and career interests.


The Senior Class Photo will be taken Friday, April 5th during GoTime in the main gym. Order forms are available in the office. Bring your smiles!

Cap and gown distribution will be April 16 in the vending area during lunch periods for those who ordered them. If you cannot make that date for pick up, caps and gowns will be in the office after

April 16.

If you still need to order a cap and gown, visit website: mwscholastic.com, or stop by the office to get the scan code.

Graduation Ticket orders are due April 12. Emails were sent to both the primary parent household and student graduates. Please print both the Ticket Order form and Phonetic Pronunciation form and turn them in to the main office; mail the form/payment to the OCHS office; or purchase tickets on Infinite Campus under School Store. If you have purchased tickets on Infinite Campus, feel free to email your forms to d.paulson@ocfsd.org. Only one ticket form per student will be accepted. Graduation tickets will be distributed to your graduating student on May 22 and 23.

AP Exams

Final preparations are being made for AP Exams coming up May 6-10 and May 13-17.

Students arrive @ 7:30 a.m. for the morning exam which begins at 8 a.m. Students arrive at 11:30 a.m. for the afternoon exam which begins at 12 p.m. 

Students are reminded that some afternoon exams will conclude AFTER the conclusion of the school day (Chemistry, Statistics, Computer Science A, Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, Computer Science Principles, Biology) Arrangements for transportation, sporting events, etc should be made. Students cannot be released from an exam early even if they have finished.

Students are also reminded if they cancel their exam or do not show up to their exam, they will be assessed a $40 fee by the College Board. This fee will be applied to Infinite Campus. Please contact Ms. Wolak, k.wolak@ocfsd.org or Ms. Tenekejieva, p.tenekejieva@ocfsd.org in advance if you have a conflict or cannot take an exam. We will work with you to schedule a late exam on May 22, 23 or 24 according to the College Board schedule of late exams.

Check HERE for a list of articles allowed and not allowed in the testing room.

Students are encouraged to ask their AP teacher or the AP coordinators any questions they may have prior to exam day to ensure a thorough understanding of test day procedures. Good luck students!

Attention Students!

If you are looking for a summer job, click HERE to find opportunities for student outdoor maintenance employment.

Knight Skills

The Knight Skills lessons for April will focus on Interpersonal Effectiveness skills and ABC skills. 

Interpersonal skills include:

  • asking for what one needs
  • saying no
  • coping with interpersonal conflict
  • maintaining relationships and self-respect.

Students will be shown multiple strategies to help build interpersonal relationships and the relationship they have with themselves. One skill is the DEAR MAN strategy which can be used to effectively ask for things. 

Click HERE for visual guides to strategies.

Oak Creek High School | ocfsd.org/oak-creek-high-school

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