AC in the OC (OCHS Choirs A Cappella):
Friday, Feb 2, 7:00pm
National Letter of Intent Signing Day:
Wednesday, Feb 7, 9 -9:40am
OCHS gym
OCHSA- A Cappella Competition
Saturday, Feb 10, 7:00pm
OCHSA- A Cappella Competition
Saturday, Feb 17, 7:00pm
Spring Sports Mandatory Meeting:
Sunday, Feb 18, 6 -8:00pm
OCHS Main Gym
Parent Teacher Conferences-In Person:
Thursday, Feb 22, 4 -7:00pm
OCFSD District Solo Ensemble Festival:
Saturday, Mar 2, 8:00am -4:00pm
Coffee with the Principal:
Wednesday, Mar 6, 7:00am
10-12 Building Office
Check out upcoming OCHS sporting events at Sporting Events Calendar.
Check out OCHS policies and procedures in the OCHS Student and Family Handbook
Attendance Line:
(414) 768-6210, Press 1
Main Office:
(414) 768-6210, Press 3
Student Services:
(414) 768-6106
Ninth Grade Center (NGC):
(414) 570-3840
OCFSD Website
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Welcome to Second Semester!
Standardized testing takes place in March, and April, depending on your student’s grade level. ACT, FORWARD, and Pre ACT dates are listed in this OCHS schedule. Regardless of your child’s grade level, please review this schedule as several dates impact in-person student attendance.
Students in grades 9 and 10 will take the Pre ACT on Wednesday, April 3 and the FORWARD Exam will be administered to students in grade 10 on Wednesday, March 20. These exams are required by Wisconsin state law. The state entered a ten year test administration contract so longitudinal data can be reported. The assessments include multiple choice and constructed response questions. Students will use their Chromebook to respond to both types of questions. Please be certain your child comes to school with a charged Chromebook.
In addition, all Wisconsin students in their junior year will take the ACT exam on Tuesday, March 12, also required by state law.
It is important that your child is in attendance, comes prepared, arrives early, gets plenty of rest the night prior, and eats a healthy breakfast. Please remind your child that during the exam, he/she will want to read the directions thoroughly, look for clues, answer all questions, and leave enough time to review their answers.
While just a part of the total picture, standardized test data provides important student achievement information. Your child’s test results, classroom assessments, work products, and teacher feedback provide a comprehensive picture of your child’s learning. Thank you for your partnership as you reinforce appropriate test prep strategies at home.
The OCHS Administrative Team
Ms. Mongan 10-12 Principal
Mr. Ruffolo NGC Principal
Ms. Leannais 10th grade Associate Principal
Mrs. Pecha 11th grade Associate Principal
Mr. Lataille 12th grade Associate Principal
Mr. Holler Athletic/Activities Director
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Congratulations Graduates!
Mr. Maier, Mrs. Stewart, Mr. Helfenbein and Mrs. Szulczewski would like to congratulate the Class of 2024 RoundTable Graduates who graduated this January. We are so proud of you, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
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The following students are January's Knights of the Month. These students have demonstrated the Knights' Code of self-management, self-awareness, responsible decision making and
social awareness making OCHS a better place!
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Attendance Updates:
Check-in/Check-Out Process: When students check in and out of the office (arriving late to school or leaving early) they will now use a kiosk system which will time stamp when they arrive and leave. Students arriving late will have a pass printed for them as they go to class. The system was implemented on Monday and we have seen students getting out of the office and to class much quicker when they are late in the morning.
Late Arrivals to School: We encourage students to be on time to school on a daily basis. When students are more than 15 minutes late for a class period, they are marked absent for the class. (per school handbook). Students should plan ahead on inclement weather days to account for slower traffic, slippery roads, etc, so they arrive on time to school.
Reporting Student Absences through the Parent Portal (COMING SOON): In the next couple of weeks, you will get a communication from the District Office regarding the ability to use the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to report student absences. This will be a district wide initiative, therefore this feature will NOT be available immediately. Once this feature is turned on, we ask that parents still call the Attendance office if you are planning on picking up your student on short notice. Extended and pre-planned absences still need to be approved by completing the Pre-arranged Absence Form (extended medical, vacations, etc).
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Student Services Updates:
Student Services Intern
Ms. Molly Moore, a graduate student at Marquette University, is interning in student services this semester. Ms. Moore has a background in non-profit and college access. She is excited to work with students, families and staff at OCHS. Welcome, Ms. Moore!
The FAFSA is currently available (https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa). All students and one parent/guardian must also create an FSA ID to be able to electronically sign their FAFSA form (https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/personal-info). Please see College Goal Wisconsin for resources on completing the FAFSA (https://collegegoalwi.org/resource-materials/).
The ACT is scheduled for March 12, 2024. All juniors are required by law to take this test. There is nothing for families to do other than to make sure that students come to school rested, fed, and with a fully charged chromebook, their charger cord, pencils, and a calculator. Phones, food and drink are not allowed in the testing rooms. OCHS will help your students create their ACT account.
Juniors interested in attending MATC for a dual enrollment academy for senior year should RSVP and attend an informational meeting - see our website for more details. Students need to complete an application as well as an OCHS contract by March 1, 2024 to be considered for this opportunity. Students are asked to copy their counselor when they send their materials to MATC.
Students Grades 9-11
All school programming will begin February 2nd. Families please have conversations with your students regarding the courses they may want to take during the 2024-25 school year and review your student's academic planner in IC. All students MUST select 8 credits as well as alternates. Junior students interested in early graduation, senior release, DEA academies, and ECCP/SCN must also select 8 credits and alternates. There are no exceptions to choosing 8 credits. Schedules will be adjusted once plans for senior year are finalized.
Any student interested in Early College Credit and Start College Now for next school year are reminded that all forms are due to Student Services by March 1st. This is a state law and there are no exceptions to this deadline. If you have any questions regarding these programs, please schedule an appointment with your student's counselor well before this deadline.
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Students Enrolled in AP Macroeconomics:
Because AP Macroeconomics is a semester 2 class, students have until March 13 to determine whether they will take the AP exam in May.
The course Join Code was provided by Mr. Kurth, the AP Macroeconomics instructor, and the exam choice is automatically set to Yes, I'm taking the exam. If you choose NOT to take the exam, you MUST inform Mr. Kurth no later than March 13. If you make a change after that date, you will be charged a $40 late fee from the College Board.
All other AP exams have been ordered and payment was due at the end of semester 1.
If you have not paid your AP fee(s), we encourage you to do so at this time.
Review the AP calendar to see if you have two exams on the same day.
Contact Ms. Wolak, k.wolak@ocfsd.org or Ms. Tenekejieva, p.tenekejieva@ocfsd.org with any questions.
View 2024 AP Exams schedules by using these links:
AP Exams- week 1
AP Exams- week 2
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23-24 High School testing starts in March. As all grades are affected, please note the schedule and special instructions by clicking on this link:
OCHS Spring Testing Schedule
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Are you looking to do your best on the ACT test this spring? Would you like some help learning test strategies? ZAPS ACT test prep class can help. If you are interested in signing up, go to www.doorwaytocollege.org to find information and enroll in classes that start the second or third week of February.
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Spring Sports:
Mandatory Spring Sports Meeting - If you are interested in playing a spring sport, please plan on attending the mandatory Spring Sports Meeting on Sunday, 2/18 at 6:00 pm in the main gym. If you already attended the fall or winter sports meeting, please arrive at 6:30 pm for your sport-specific break-out session.
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Athletic Ticket Update:
TicketSpicket is now HomeTown Ticketing!! Check out the new OCHS Ticket Link.
Anyone trying to reach events.ticketspicket.com will be automatically redirected to the new URL.
- Fans using the Ticket Spicket App will have until February 28, 2024 to download the new HomeTown Fan App to search for events, purchase tickets, and manage their tickets and passes.
- During your first login, add your email address to link any previously purchased tickets or passes to your account.
Your fans can now go to events.hometownticketing.com to search for events and manage tickets and passes on the web.
Your fans can also download the HomeTown Fan App, iOS and Android, to access all of the same features they had within the Ticket Spicket App.
- Fans who have not downloaded the HomeTown App will receive a continuous reminder in the app to download the HomeTown Fan App until February 28, 2024. At which time, fans will be directed to download the HomeTown Fan App to continue the ticket-purchasing experience.
- Seamless login: Fans will no longer be required to log in with their email address to purchase tickets.
- Simplified ticket management: Tickets and Passes will be connected through a new authentication solution based on the phone number and/or email address used on their order.
- Updated Design: Fans will now be able to use the HomeTown Fan App which has been updated to make your ticket purchase process quicker and easier!
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Attention Juniors:
Prom isn't until May 11 but if you are interested in being on the prom ballot, please be aware of the requirements:
Juniors elected to prom court:
- May not have any F’s in the most recent grading period prior to the election.
- May not have more than 5 unexcused absences and/or tardies during the current school year.
- May not be suspended out-of-school during the current school year, prior to the election.
- May not have been in the Discipline Room more than 2 times during the current school year, prior to the election.
- May not have any athletic code violations during their junior year for prom or senior year for homecoming.
- One suspension out-of-school or one assignment to the Discipline Room, from the time of the election until the event, will result in removal from court.
- Any student in violation of the above criteria will have his/her name removed from the court ballot.
- Students elected to prom Court, in their junior year, will not be eligible to be on Homecoming court during their senior year.
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Safer Choices for Students:
Whitnall High School is hosting guest speaker, Mike Domitrz, March 7th at 6:00pm in the Whitnall High School Auditorium. He will lead an interactive seminar on changing the way parents and their children are approaching, discussing, and handling decision-making regarding dating, intimacy, parties, and safety. In one hour, parents will discover essential steps for helping their students with making safer choices. All parents are welcome to attend. Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.
Click on this LINK for more information.
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Oak Creek High School | ocfsd.org/oak-creek-high-school
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