

AP (Advanced Placement) Exams:

Mon-Fri, May 1-12

WSMA State Solo/Ensemble:

Sat, May 6, 8:00-4:00pm

UW- Parkside


Sat, May 13, 5:00-10:30pm

Italian Community Center

NHS Induction Ceremony:

Thurs, May 18


Junior Reality Day:

Thurs, May 18

Final Band Concerts:

Sat, May 20, 6:00pm


OCHS Community Scholarship Program:

Wed, May 24, 7:00pm


OCHS Choir Spring Concerts:

Thurs, May 25, 7:00pm


Memorial Day- No School

Monday, May 29

Final Jazz Knight:

Wednesday, May 31, 7:00pm


Spring Art Show:

Thurs, June 1, 5:00-6:30pm


Check out upcoming OCHS sporting events at Sporting Events Calendar.

Check out OCHS policies and procedures in the OCHS Student and Family Handbook

April Showers Bring May Flowers!

As the weather grows warmer, we are reminded that the end of the school year is nearing. This is a fun-filled and rewarding time as we look forward to events such as prom, prom spirit week, and graduation. In addition to extra-curricular, social, and sporting events, summative testing and end of the year academic tasks also need to be completed. Please continue to emphasize with your student(s) that persistence and perseverance by maintaining a scholastic focus is very important.

Thank you for your partnership!


The OCHS Administrative Team

Ms. Mongan 10-12 Principal

Mr. Ruffolo NGC Principal

Ms. Leannais 10th grade Associate Principal

Mrs. Pecha 11th grade Associate Principal

Mr. Lataille 12th grade Associate Principal

Mr. Holler Athletic/Activities Director        



Attendance Line:

(414) 768-6210, Press 1

Main Office:

(414) 768-6210, Press 3

Student Services:

(414) 768-6106

Ninth Grade Center (NGC):

(414) 570-3840

OCFSD Website

Outstanding Knights

The Outstanding Knights Recognition Program acknowledges excellence in Academics, Behavior, and Attendance. Quarterly Posters display the names of students achieving each level of GPA that also corresponds to Zero Behavior Referrals and at least 90% Attendance. In addition, students are recognized each year for annual awards, as well as 4-year awards for soon-to-be graduates of OCHS. Well done! Click on the link to see our Term 3 Outstanding Knights award winning students. 

Term 3 22-23 Outstanding Knights

Peer Tutoring is available on Tuesdays in room 162 and Thursdays in room 165 after school from 2:50pm-3:45pm in the 10-12 building. There are tutors available for English, science, math, social studies, foreign languages, and electives. Students from both the NGC and 10-12 building are welcome! We are always looking for new tutors. Tutoring is a fulfilling and fun way to earn service hours! Please contact Mr. Dennis Raynor with questions. d.raynor@ocfsd.org

Term 3 Honor Roll

Congratulations to students who earned Term 3 Honor Roll status! Click on the link to find your student's name. 

Term 3 22-23 Honor Roll

Student Services Update

Senior Scholarship Night

If a senior has been awarded a scholarship from a business or organization, please let student services know by Friday, May 12 using the Google Form (FORM LINK). We want to include your recognition in the OCHS Community Scholarship Program at 7pm on Wednesday, May 24. Those who completed the OCHS Multiple Scholarship Application and were chosen by a local donor for a scholarship will also be invited to the program in early May. 

Senior Tasks

Seniors have tasks they need to complete before graduation. They need to request transcripts, move documents on their school account to their personal account, make a document with all of their usernames and passwords, pay any fees, and for males, register with the Selective Service.

CAPP Courses

CAPP courses are classes that are taken concurrently at UW-Oshkosh and OCHS. These classes at OCHS are Advanced Speech Communication, AP Biology, AP English Language & Composition, AP Environmental Science and Music History. If your student has signed up for one or more of these CAPP classes for the 2023-24 school year, they will be invited to a meeting on May 23rd or May 24th during Go Time to learn what CAPP courses are and the process of applying, registering and taking CAPP course(s). This is the presentation that will be shown to the students.

Summer School

Summer school runs from June 19th until July 27th with no classes on Fridays or July 4th. Students enrolled in summer school and their families will receive emails with more details closer to the end of the school year.


Juniors please make sure you sign up for your Parchment account using your personal email. This will allow you to send your transcript to colleges that you may apply to over the summer and next year. There is a short video on this site that will explain how to set up your account and how to request transcripts. Students may be able to send transcripts for free through their Infinite Campus account, but will need their Parchment account for their final transcripts after senior year. 

AP Exams

Students are reminded to check the AP Exam Schedule to double check they do not have a conflict (2 exams at the same time). If they do, they should contact Mrs. Wolak immediately, k.wolak@ocfsd.org, so a late exam can be ordered. As with any standardized exam, the only items that are allowed in the testing room are pencils, blue/black pens, an acceptable calculator (if applicable), a government issued ID or school idea and a fully charged Chromebook if taking the AP US History or AP Computer Science Principles exams.

Students interested in playing 2023 OCHS Knights Football

If you are interested in joining the football team this fall, please fill out the following form so you get the most up to date football information. The first meeting is Wednesday, May 17 at 8:00 PM in the 10-12 cafeteria. You will be given important information regarding the upcoming season. Click on the link below:


Knight Skills

The Knight Skills for May will finish up Distress Tolerance and move on to Interpersonal Effectiveness. With Distress Tolerance, students will be reminded to pay attention to their thoughts. Thoughts such as “why me?” or “this isn’t fair!” are indicators that students are struggling to accept reality. Students are reminded to observe their thoughts, be curious about them, remember they are not their thoughts and to try not to suppress them (because that never works!).  

Interpersonal Effectiveness is about how to have better communication with others. Students will learn ways to say “no” to others, to ask for what they want from others, to cope with conflict, maintain their relationships and their self-respect.

One skill that students will learn is “Dear Man.” This skill focuses on how to ask for what they want and to say no effectively. GIVE skills help individuals build and maintain relationships as well as focusing on how we interact with others. Finally, FAST skills help students maintain their self-respect.

HOSA Blood Drive

Thank you to everyone who helped make OC HOSA-Future Health Professional’s Spring Blood Drive a success! Our goal was 48 whole blood donors and we received 49 as well as 10 double red donors. This means OC students, staff, and community members will help save over 100 lives! We also had so many volunteers who worked tirelessly all day with set up/take down and making sure things run smoothly. The OC HOSA-FHP chapter & Versiti are incredibly grateful to all those who offered their time! You are all lifesavers! 


OC HOSA-Future Health Professionals

Semester 2 Final Exams

Semester 2 final exams are scheduled for June 7 and 8. OCHS will utilize this final exam schedule. All students, grades 9-12, will follow the same final exam schedule. 

As tradition, senior students will participate in a brunch following their last exam which will take place June 8, from 11:00-12:00 in the cafeteria. Students will have the opportunity to sign yearbooks, say goodbye to teachers, and receive pertinent information regarding the graduation ceremony.

Following the breakfast, senior students will be dismissed and will not be able to regain access to classrooms or lockers, Students are more than welcome to participate in the annual graduation walk by wearing their graduation gowns and visiting their elementary school of which they attended. More information will be forthcoming.

2023 OCHS Seniors / Graduation Information

Congratulations to all OCHS graduates! Enclosed in THIS LINK is valuable graduation ceremony information. Please take the time read it to help ensure your students and their families and guests can enjoy the event.

Locker Clean-Out

All hall lockers must be completely emptied immediately after the last exam on Thursday, June 8, 2023. If an emergency or absence occurs, please call the school to ensure the safety of your belongings.  The school is not responsible for any items left in lockers after this time. Immediately after the last exam on the final day of school in the Spring, lockers are cleaned by the maintenance staff and items remaining are either donated to charity or disposed of. Students (Sophomores and Juniors) returning in the Fall should leave their locks on their lockers (as shown in the picture) over the Summer.

  • All Freshmen should take their locks home and utilize them next year when they are at the 10-12 building.
  • Graduating Seniors, clean your lockers out and take your locks home.

Oak Creek High School | ocfsd.org/oak-creek-high-school

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