October 2022


At LAMP, we value the power of collaboration. 

Throughout each LAMP season, participants work together on various group projects as they gain hands-on experience in their respective art disciplines (Film/TV Production, Graphic Design, Music Production, Photography). But, besides these projects, how does our LAMP staff help develop the teambuilding skills of our youth in order to strengthen their interpersonal relationships and facilitate more effective teamwork?

In this month's issue, we will discuss 5 effective teambuilding activities we use with our LAMP youth to help promote their creativity, communication, problem solving, and collaboration. Give them a try in your organization and tell us the results! 

-The LAMP Team

Teambuilding Activities

Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower

Each team has to build the tallest, free-standing structure using just the materials supplied (10 spaghetti sticks and scissors) to balance a marshmallow on top. 

We also added an element of financial responsibility into the activity by giving each team $100 of pretend money to purchase additional supplies (popsicle sticks, tape, straws, string, mini marshmallows) at a mock store.

The activity is divided into separate phases (instructions, designing, purchasing supplies, building, measuring, debriefing).

Blindfold Cup Stacking

Each team must stack 6 cups (in a 3-2-1 pyramid formation) using only a rubber band with strings tied to it (see picture). Assign a group member to each string to be String Holders, and the rest of the group is designated as Guiders.

To make things even more challenging, the String Holders are blindfolded and the Guiders can only give verbal directions. First team to make their cup pyramid wins!

Then have the participants switch roles and repeat the activity!

Best for groups with at least 6 participants.

Silent Line-Up

No materials needed!

Participants are instructed to complete this activity in total silence. The goal is for the group to line up according to a category without speaking. The category should be something objective, such as birthdays (month and day). For example, a participant with a January 1 birthday would start the line on the left while a participant with a December 31 birthday would end the line on the right with everyone else in between.

Best for groups of 8+ total participants. 

Egg Drop

Warning: This activity can get messy!

The goal is for the group to build a structure with the materials provided (unboiled egg, scissors, role of tape) that will protect the egg from a fall from a predetermined height (we use a ladder). Whichever groups' egg does not crack from the impact of the fall wins!

Just like the Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower activity, we also like to add an element of financial responsibility into the Egg Drop. Groups are each given $100 of pretend money to purchase additional supplies (bubble wrap, paper cups, straws, toilet paper) at a mock store.

Get ready for some egg-cellent fun!

Performance Games (The Mostest)

No materials needed! 

One of our favorite performances games is called - The Mostest. Divide participants into at least 2 groups (4-5 groups is best).

Each round, all groups send up 1 participant to perform the round's task. Examples of tasks that we use are Best Robot Dance, Funniest Clean Joke, Best Evil Laugh, Best Elephant Impression, etc. 

At the end of each round, judges score the participants' performances based on the task. The group with the highest score at the end of the activity wins! Get ready to laugh!

Best for groups of 12+ total participants.

FREE Youth Art Workshops

Please help spread the word!

After another unforgettable summer, LAMP is switching it up for the fall and offering FREE workshops in a variety of digital media art disciplines led by expert instructors. All workshops will be held at Long Beach CAP.

These workshops will be available to youth 18-24  years old whose household income qualifies. No experience or equipment necessary. Click the link below to apply!



(8 Days)

December 5-15, 2022




(8 Days)

December 5-15, 2022




November 18, 2022

LAMP Workshop Flyers

LAMP Youth Testimonials

What does LAMP mean to our youth?

Hear from a handful of our Summer 2022 interns about their unforgettable experiences at LAMP!

Watch Testimonials
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