The LC-LG Regional Bulletin
Volume 1, August 2020
Lake Champlain - Lake George Regional Planning Board
Sustainable Economic Development that Strengthens and Preserves Our Communities
$400,000 EDA Grant Awarded
A $400,000 grant has been awarded to the LCLGRPB by the Economic Development Administration (EDA). The grant will be used to create a five-county Recovery and Resiliency Plan, and strengthen community programs in response to COVID-19.

2020 Watershed WaveMaker Award
The Upper Hudson River Watershed Coalition, which the LCLGRPB was a founding member of, was awarded a Hudson River Watershed Alliance’s 2020 WaveMaker Award for their work to improve the water quality and natural resources in the Upper Hudson River Watershed. The award was accepted remotely by LCLGRPB Director Beth Gilles and livestreamed on July 23, 2020 during the Alliance’s Toast to the Tribs event.

Request for Proposals: GIS and Design Services
The LCLGRPB has been awarded a grant from the Lake Champlain Basin Program to complete a Village of Whitehall Green Infrastructure Plan (GIP). The LCLGRPB is seeking professional services for GIS mapping and green infrastructure design.

Proposals must be received no later than 4:00 pm (EST) on August 26, 2020.

Questions should be directed to Allison Gaddy, Senior Planner, at 1 (518) 668-5773.

Proposals will be received at:

Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board
PO Box 7656
Lake George, NY 12845

For complete RFP information, click here.
PPP Loans in the Region
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Revolving Loan Fund
COVID-19 Small Business Interruption Micro-Loan Program

Through September 30, 2020, the LCLGRPB is offering up to $25,000 in working capital loans to assist small businesses within Clinton, Essex, Hamilton, Warren and Washington Counties that have been negatively affected by COVID-19.

For more information, call Andrea Palmer, Economic Development Coordinator at (518) 668-5773.
Open Grant Opportunities
The Northern Borders Regional Commission is currently accepting Letters of Interest for the Regional Forest Economy Partnership Program. The purpose of this grant program is to address the economic shift produced by the chronic and consistent decline of the forest product industry. The Commission will fund projects that, when completed, will increase the ability of the four-state region to attract new opportunities that leverage significant additional investments and have a transformative impact on community economic revitalization.

Required Letters of Interest are due by 5:00 on August 28, 2020 to A portion of the projects from the submitted letters will be chosen to submit full grant proposals.

Additional information on the program can be found on the Northern Borders Regional Commission website at

Please contact LCLGRPB Director Beth Gilles at (518) 668-5773 for program and application assistance.
Census 2020
Please respond to the Census by September 30, 2020.

Your response helps shape the way federal dollars are allocated for schools, libraries, emergency services and infrastructure throughout our communities for the next ten years.

Respond now at:
Did you complete the 2020 Census online this year?
I have not yet completed the 2020 Census.
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to promote sustainable economic development that strengthens our communities, provides quality jobs and preserves the unique natural, historical and cultural characteristics of the region.