The LINK Volume 1 | December 2020
MSPTI Grant Renewal
MS Parent Training and Information Center (MSPTI) is excited to announce that we have been awarded a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Education to continue our service as Mississippi's Parent Training and Information Center supporting families of children from birth to 26 with disabilities and professionals to navigate the early intervention, special education, and disability services systems throughout the state of Mississippi.
RSA Grant Awarded
Independent Futures that Work!
Independent Futures that Work! is a joint project of the Parent Training and Information Centers in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas. The purpose of this 5-year project is to build the competence and confidence of young adults with disabilities. By increasing competence and confidence, they will be able to access independent living and employment services and be more successful in transitioning from the youth entitlement system to the adult eligibility system.
Meet the Project Team!
Leslie Junkin
Project Director
Jennifer Johnson
Parent Educator
Northeast and
Northwest Region
Hollie Hood
Parent Educator
Southwest Region
Nellie Alliston
Parent Educator
Southeast and
Coastal Region
Mickey Alford
Office Manager
Brittany Greer
Project Support Coordinator
Get to know these new MSPTI Projects
MSPTI has a new project called Meet Up Monday, a virtual hangout giving parents the opportunity to engage with one another, ask questions, and learn something new. These short 30-minute sessions will highlight important topics you want to hear about. Meet Up Monday is held every other Monday and is hosted through Go to Webinar. Participants can grab a bite to eat and join in on the conversation.

MSPTI has a new social media project called Informed in 5, a 5-minute Zoom recording that is posted on Facebook. Guests get to share facts, tips, and information that are important to the individuals and families that follow MSPTI on social media. Our goal is to offer 5 minutes of information that will guide individuals with disabilities and their families to available resources in the state.

MSPTI is creating a Statewide Parent Advisory Council
(PAC), with parents from each of our five regions. The PAC will provide an opportunity for parents to come together and learn about programs, resources, and services for children and youth with disabilities in MS and how to access them. The council will also allow parents the opportunity to share what works, what doesn’t work, and what changes they would like to see.

FEBRUARY 25, 2020
(601) 969-0601 - Office