| | We want to welcome Regina Moffett from Northeast Mississippi to the MSPTI team. Advocacy and supporting families of children, youth, and young adults with disabilities is important to Regina because she believes God created everyone in their own unique way. Her oldest son was not diagnosed with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia until he was 16 ½ years old. As a parent, she had to become his advocate to ensure he received the services that were required for his education. It is her passion to help other parents advocate for their children and young adults to achieve their dreams of furthering their education or obtaining a part-time job. Knowledge to activate for their children with disabilities whether physical or learning, and their children learning to advocate for themselves is very important to Regina. Her goal is to work with parents to provide guidance, support, and resources to help them navigate the challenges of raising children to be happy, healthy, and well-adjusted children, youth, and young adults.