The vast majority of licensed child care programs in Michigan include schoolage care. Since 2018, programs that were strictly licensed to serve schoolagers only could participate in Great Start to Quality to support program quality improvement. Until now, there has not been a opportunity to include all licensed schoolage care.
What happens on February 1?
Programs that serve schoolagers, and that engage with the revised model of Great Start to Quality, will receive Quality Indicators specific to schoolage care in their Self-Reflection.
The revised model for GSQ is all about quality improvement. Remember, there are no longer points during the validation process so working on quality improvements in schoolage programs will not keep your program from moving forward in the process.
Also, remember that the first time a schoolage classroom in a program that serves other ages has a Social Emotional Learning Program Quality Assessment (SEL PQA) completed for the On-Site Observation, it's okay if threshold scores are not met. Coming through the process will just give the program the data needed to continue the quality improvement efforts.