Stay in the Loop with GSQ's Continuous Quality Improvement Newsletter


  • GSQ Quality Connection
  • Indicator Spotlight: Developmental Screening Tools
  • What Do My On-Site Observation Scores Mean?
  • OST Corner: Summer Learning
  • Like and Follow!

What's New?

The latest news to help support your program

GSQ Quality Connection

Licensed child care providers and partners: Join us on August 14 for our bi-monthly Quality Connection webinar, where the ECIC GSQ team will share updates and answer your questions about the quality improvement process!

Wednesday, August 14, 1-2 p.m. ET 

Register Now

Indicator Spotlight

Indicator CIL7: Program shows that it completes a developmental screening tool annually from the list. The screening tool used must be appropriate to the license type and ages of children served.  

Developmental screening tools collect current information about children’s overall development. Staff and families can use the data to identify strengths, areas of concern, and find the right services for the child. When thinking about what evidence you might upload to show you are meeting the intent of this indicator, you will want to start by thinking about the following questions.  

  • Who completes the developmental screening? 
  • Some programs may work with an outside entity to complete developmental screenings. If you are working with an outside entity, it is important to have a plan for how children will be screened if their family does not complete the screener. 
  • Other programs may have paper copies of a screening tool, which they ask families or staff to complete. If families or staff complete the developmental screening, programs should still make a plan for how all children are screened annually.  
  • How often is the screening tool completed on all children? 
  • How are the screening results shared with families? 
  • How are the screening results used to support the development of children? 

In order for a Validator to confirm you are meeting the intent of the indicator, they will need to see the following reflected in the evidence. 

  • An approved developmental screening tool that is appropriate to the license types and ages of children served is implemented in the program. 
  • A developmental screening tool is completed on all children in the program annually.  
  • There are two different types of evidence uploaded. 

For more information about this indicator, review the Quality Indicators Guidance Document and Quality Indicators FAQ

On-Site Observation Tips

What do my On-Site Observation scores mean?

You want your program to be the best! Programs may hope to see all 7’s on ERS and CLASS reports, or all 5’s on SEL PQA reports. But when programs expect perfection, it can be discouraging to see lower scores. GSQ encourages programs to strive for continuous quality improvement in the care they provide for their children and families, which means On-Site Observation scores will rise over time.  

A score of a 1 or 2 may be something you look at with excitement as an opportunity to develop in that area. A score of 3, 4, or 5 may mean that you have a foundation in that area and children are benefiting from that foundation. It may also mean there are opportunities to build on that foundation, enhance your practices, and become even stronger in that area. Change the perception of seeing scores as symbols of “bad,” “okay,” or “good” to seeing those scores as symbolizing “potential,” “building on an established foundation,” or “an area of expertise.” 

As early educators, we know that the development and growth of children is a continuous process. Embrace the same understanding of your development as an educator! Making small impactful changes, gaining experience through training, and other resources help educators become better every day. GSQ embraces our own growth, gaining knowledge of the field and a better understanding of program needs, which led us to reimagine the GSQ process. Join us in our commitment to growth, so that we can create incredible early childhood experiences for Michigan’s children together.  

Questions? Email us:

Professional Development

OST Corner: Summer Learning

During the summer, low-income students lose ground compared to their wealthier peers. But summer can also be a time to help level the playing field through high-quality summer learning programs, which research shows produce measurable benefits in math, reading, and social/emotional learning. 

The Wallace Foundation has a Summer Learning Toolkit resource with more than 50 evidence-based tools and resources. The Summer Learning Toolkit helps educators deliver programs that make a real difference. 

Read the Toolkit

Visit the GSQ Job Board

Quality educators can make a positive impact on the lives of young children. Find quality job opportunities to advance your career at Great Start to Quality’s new job board today!

Visit the Job Board

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Great Start to Quality's New Family Pages

These social media pages give families resources like tips on finding care, financial assistance, early learning activities, and more. Providers and partners are encouraged to share the pages with the families in your communities.  

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Key Contacts

Support with public profiles and general information: 

Participation with Great Start to Quality: your Resource Center

Connecting employees or connecting with your Validator:

Connecting with your Assessor:

Questions about Approved Assessors: 

If you are thinking about how to maintain or continue making quality improvements, or if you're ready to learn more and need help, contact your local Great Start to Quality Resource Center by calling 877-614-7328 or visit

Funding from the Office of Great Start within the Michigan Department of Education supports the implementation of Great Start.

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The Early Childhood Investment Corporation is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of Great Start to Quality