Stay in the Loop with GSQ's Continuous Quality Improvement Newsletter


  • NEW! GSQ Quality Connection Webinar
  • New Indicator Spotlight: Youth Voice and Engagement
  • ECSQ Birth-Kindergarten 
  • On-Site Observation Tips
  • Like and Follow!

What's New?

The latest news to help support your program

NEW! GSQ Quality Connection Webinar

Licensed Child Care Providers are invited to join GSQ at the Early Childhood Investment Corporation (ECIC) for our new bi-monthly Quality Connection webinar!

The ECIC GSQ team will share updates and answer your questions about the quality improvement process. GSQ Quality Connection will take place the second Wednesday of every other month, beginning this October. Stay tuned for registration links by following our Facebook page

Upcoming Webinars:  

  • Oct. 11, 2023 
  • Dec. 13, 2023 
  • Feb. 14, 2024 
  • April 10, 2024 
  • June 12, 2024 
  • Aug. 14, 2024 

New Indicator Spotlight

CIL4: Program provides a description on how they promote youth voice and engagement by planning intentional opportunities for schoolagers to identify and lead activities and hands-on experiences.  

Schoolagers benefit when they have a voice in their education. Often they don’t have a say in what happens throughout their day, as their families and other adults make decisions for them. When programs give schoolagers a say, it can make them feel safe, respected, and heard, all of which empower them to thrive.

Consider some of these tips to support schoolagers’ voice and engagement. Then, just add these changes to your written description.  

  • Give schoolagers opportunities to plan, carry out and evaluate their own activities daily. Schoolagers may have free play time where they can plan and carry out their own activities, instead of having all activities preplanned by staff.
  • Give schoolagers time during the week to help with the planning and design of the program and activities offered. Staff might offer time each Monday, for example, where schoolagers give input or share ideas about their plans for the week.  
  • Allow schoolagers to be actively involved in decision-making and leadership roles. Staff might offer children the option to have classroom leaders or to vote on activities and guidelines/rules, to have a say in classroom decision making and leadership.  
  • Encourage schoolagers to offer ideas, take initiative, make suggestions, and lead program activities. Schoolagers might be given opportunities to teach the class a new skill and lead others through an activity about it.  
  • Give schoolagers opportunities to participate and develop connections with their larger community. Staff might have schoolagers visit with the local senior center, help neighbors in the community rake leaves or shovel snow, or pick up trash in the community.  

This indicator requires that the program has a description of how they promote youth voice and engagement for schoolagers. A description is something that is written that the program has in place. This could be a policy, statement, plan, or something else.  

For more information about this indicator, review the Quality Indicators Guidance Document and Quality Indicators FAQ

ECSQ Birth-Kindergarten

Michigan’s Early Childhood Standards of Quality (ECSQ) are the foundation for Great Start to Quality. These standards for high quality learning and care were recently updated to be more inclusive of all ages, and for all settings and program types. 

The revised ECSQ considers varied developmental levels, needs, languages, and cultures. This tool guides early childhood professionals to reflect on current practices and make adjustments to ensure all children and families are supported. All ECSQ revisions align with current GSQ Quality Indicators. 

Review Standards

Michigan Virtual offers a free, self-paced course about these standards. The course gives an overview of ECSQs, how they guide high-quality practices within programs, and how they support children’s development. (1 SCECH) MiRegistry Event ID: 130272 

Register for Training

On-Site Observation Tips

What to Expect During Assessment

Infant, toddler, and preschool programs receiving an On-Site Observation will be observed using one of the new observation tools, CLASS or ERS. Unlike the previous observation tool, these tools have specific time limits for observation.

CLASS Requirements

ERS Requirements

Assessors complete four cycles, each consisting of 20 minutes of observation and 10 minutes of an initial review of notes, totaling about two hours.

Assessors observe teachers for three hours, but may spend more time cataloging materials.

Assessors can't extend an observation unless observing a preschool room that goes outside during observation. In this case, observation will resume when the group returns to the classroom.

Assessors can extend an observation to see specific parts of the routine, such as outside or group time.

With new observation tools, Assessors will not ask interview questions at any point during the observation. Assessors will use your daily schedule to time the observation so they see most parts of the day.

Questions? Contact the Assessment team at

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Great Start to Quality's New Family Pages

These social media pages give families resources like tips on finding care, financial assistance, early learning activities, and more. Providers and partners are encouraged to share the pages with the families in your communities.  

Find us on Facebook
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Key Contacts

Support with public profiles and general information: 

Participation with Great Start to Quality: your Resource Center

Connecting employees or connecting with your Validator:

Connecting with your Assessor:

Questions about Approved Assessors: 

If you are thinking about how to maintain or continue making quality improvements, or if you're ready to learn more and need help, contact your local Great Start to Quality Resource Center by calling 877-614-7328 or visit

Funding from the Office of Great Start within the Michigan Department of Education supports the implementation of Great Start.


The Early Childhood Investment Corporation is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of Great Start to Quality