Stay in the Loop with GSQ's Continuous Quality Improvement Newsletter


  • What's New?
  • GSQ Quality Connection
  • Indicator Spotlight: Preventing Suspension and Expulsion
  • On-Site Observation: Behavior
  • Like and Follow!

What's New?

The latest news to help support your program

Editing the Comment Box when the Self-Reflection is Open

Now when the Self-Reflection is open, programs edit the comment box to add additional information. When the case is in Self-Reflection Incomplete status, the information requested by the Validator is listed in the Validation Comments. This could include: 

  • How the document is shared with families and/or staff 
  • Label the evidence with classroom names 

To edit the Comment or Description Box: 

  1. Select the ‘Edit icon’ (middle icon between the download and delete icons) 
  2. Type additional notes in the pop-up 
  3. Select ‘Save’ 

GSQ Quality Connection

We once again invite licensed child care programs to spend time with Great Start to Quality staff, learning more about GSQ, supports we provide, and the quality improvement process. During October’s Quality Connection, we will discuss features in programs’ public profile that help families better understand their program offerings. We will also shar tips about indicator evidence and also leave time for open discussion. 

Join us Wednesday, October 16, at 1-2 p.m. ET! 

Register Now!

Self-Reflection Selection Options

Use the following guidelines when you are unsure of which indicator selection to make in the Self-Refection. 

Currently Meeting

Make this selection when you believe the program meets the intent of the indicator. This selection does require that you upload evidence to show how you are meeting the intent of the indicator.

Not meeting at this time

Make this selection when you believe the program does not yet meet the intent of the indicator and is not yet ready to make a goal to work on it. This selection does not require that you upload evidence.

Not meeting at this time - Create goal in the Quality Improvement Plan

Make this selection when you believe the program is not yet meeting the intent of the indicator and is ready to make a goal to work on it. Selecting this option will automatically create a goal, based on the indicator, in the Quality Improvement Plan within the system that you can manage. This selection does not require that you upload evidence.

Not aligned to program philosophy

Make this selection when you believe the program is not meeting the intent of the indicator and it is not something that aligns with the program’s philosophy. For example, a program might not use a curriculum from the approved list; they may choose to use a different curriculum or approach based on their philosophy, beliefs, or practices. This selection does not require that you upload evidence.

Indicator Spotlight

IP3: Program has a description for families and staff on their approach to preventing suspension and expulsion related to challenging behaviors, including how behaviors are observed and addressed.

Below is a list of resources to support understanding on how suspension and expulsion impact children and how early childhood programs are being encouraged to implement policies to reduce and eliminate suspension and expulsion. 

For more information about this indicator, review the Quality Indicators Guidance Document and Quality Indicators FAQIf you have questions, please reach out to

On-Site Observation Tips

“I'm So Worried About How the Children Will Behave During My On-Site Observation!” 

Having a guest in your program can be stressful, especially when an infant is crying, a toddler is hitting, or a preschool or school-age child is challenging the rules. Assessors understand this and want to remind programs that all members of the Assessment Team have been educators in center- and home-based child care programs. We understand that when children have disruptions to their schedules, and a new person in their space, it can be challenging to keep them focused and cause new or continuing behavioral challenges. Assessors are looking at the adult response to the children, not the behavior of the children. 

Children have big feelings that they are learning to work through and impulses that they are learning how to control. Remaining calm, putting the children in your care first, and supporting them through their feelings and challenges is always the priority. 

Questions? Email us:

Professional Development

Visit the GSQ Job Board

Quality educators can make a positive impact on the lives of young children. Find quality job opportunities to advance your career at Great Start to Quality’s job board today!

Visit the Job Board

Like and Follow!

Great Start to Quality's Family Pages

These social media pages give families resources like tips on finding care, financial assistance, early learning activities, and more. Providers and partners are encouraged to share the pages with the families in your communities.  

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Key Contacts

Support with public profiles and general information: 

Participation with Great Start to Quality: your Resource Center

Connecting employees or connecting with your Validator:

Connecting with your Assessor:

Questions about Approved Assessors: 

If you are thinking about how to maintain or continue making quality improvements, or if you're ready to learn more and need help, contact your local Great Start to Quality Resource Center by calling 877-614-7328 or visit

This newsletter was developed under a grant awarded by the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential using Child Care Development Funds (CCDF).

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The Early Childhood Investment Corporation is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of Great Start to Quality