Stay in the Loop with GSQ's Continuous Quality Improvement Newsletter


  • GSQ Quality Connection: ICYMI
  • Revisions to the PD Report
  • CLASS Training Opportunities
  • New Indicator Spotlight: Giving Information to Families about Development
  • On-Site Observation Tips: Preparing for a Visitor
  • EmbraceRace: Drawing Differences
  • OST Program Training
  • Like and Follow!

What's New?

The latest news to help support your program

GSQ Quality Connection: ICYMI

Thanks to everyone who attended the December's GSQ Quality Connection. We discussed the Validation process and how programs can provide evidence of high quality practices. If you missed it, or would like to review the content, check out the recording:

Join us for the next GSQ Quality Connection on Wednesday, February 14, from 1-2 p.m. ET.

Register Now

Revisions to the Professional Development Report

The Professional Development Report in the Self-Reflection has been updated to be easier to use and understand. The revisions include:  

  • Renaming columns from the topic to the indicator code (i.e. Family Engagement is now PD4)  
  • Topics combined into the PD2 column: Challenging Behavior, Suspension/Expulsion, Mental Health, Trauma Informed Practices/ACES, and Social Emotional Health  
  • Topics combined into the PD5 column: Strengthening Families, Protective Factors 
  • Topics combined into the PD8 column: CLASS, ERS, SEL PQA 

CLASS Training Opportunities

Intro to CLASS will be offered to providers in MiRegistry starting in late January. This 4-hour course is offered over 2 nights, and attendance is required on both nights for training credit. Once registered, you will receive a CLASS Dimension guide and access to the Teachstone video library for the age group of the course you are attending.

Registration is open for Infant Intro to CLASS. Toddler and Pre-K Intro to CLASS registration will open at least 1 month prior to the event. Please note that registration is limited to 50 participants for each event, and providers can only take this course once, due to capacity limitations. 

Intro to Infant CLASS #140495

January 23 and 24 – 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Intro to Toddler CLASS #144335

February 20 and 21 – 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Intro to PreK CLASS​ #144336

March 19 and 20 – 6:30 – 8:30 pm

If you have questions about training or need assistance, please contact Jenn Rountree.  

New Indicator Spotlight

FCP1: Program shows how it gives information to families about children’s individual developmental progress.  

Relationships between staff and families are an essential piece of high quality care and education. When staff considers families to be a partner in the work, strong home and school bonds are created, supporting long-term development and success. Strong relationships between staff and families help build connections, develop knowledge, and create collaboration between home and school. When thinking about ways to share information with families, consider implementing the following:

  • Take child development records and notes on the children  
  • Share information about the child’s development during conferences  
  • Communicate and collaborate with families about their child’s development ( through any format such as through an app, face to face, during a conference, etc.)  
  • Engage families in goal setting  

This indicator requires that you upload two (2) or more different pieces of evidence showing high-quality practices. Some common examples of high-quality evidence a program might upload could include:  

  • Completed child development records/notes  
  • Completed conference forms with child development notes  
  • Policy for conferences  
  • Process for communication and collaboration with families on child’s development  
  • Written communication with families on child’s development  

To best show how developmental information is shared with families, you will want to upload different types of evidence such as completed developmental records/notes and a policy about conferences.  

For more information about this indicator, review the Quality Indicators Guidance Document and Quality Indicators FAQ

On-Site Observation Tips

Preparing for a Visitor

Preparing children for a visitor can help the On-Site Observation go smoothly. It’s a good idea to let children know ahead of time that the visitor will not be able to play with them but will be there to watch and take notes about their play and learning. This helps the children know what to expect on the day of observation, and ease any anxiety about having a stranger in the classroom. At the beginning of the scheduling window, assigned Assessor(s) email an “All About Me” letter with their picture. We encourage programs to share this information and picture with children, staff, and families to help put them at ease about the Assessor visiting the program. To learn more about the Assessment team, visit our website. 

Questions? Email us:

Provider's Corner

EmbraceRace: Drawing Differences

Last week, EmbraceRace launched a new vibrant art program, Drawing Differences. They shared the first lesson along with an exciting opportunity that could bring a splash of color to your day! 

Affirmation #1: We See Color! We are all beautiful shades of brown - hundreds and even thousands of different shades of brown. There are many, many more skin colors than there are shades of brown crayons. But we can use what limited materials we have available - brown and a handful of basic colors - to make many different skin colors. Watch the Lesson 1 video to see art educator Paula Liz demonstrate how to use 6 crayons to make hundreds of skin colors.

Questions to explore with child(ren) during this lesson:  

  • How do we get our skin color? 
  • How is our skin color similar? 
  • How is our skin color different? 
  • How can we create a variety of colors that represent the diverse spectrum of Humanity? 
Explore Videos & Lesson Materials

Training Opportunities for OST Programs

Join the Michigan Afterschool Partnership (MASP) for their upcoming webinar!

The Power of Partnerships: Friday, January 12 at 10:00 a.m. ET. Learn more.

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Great Start to Quality's New Family Pages

These social media pages give families resources like tips on finding care, financial assistance, early learning activities, and more. Providers and partners are encouraged to share the pages with the families in your communities.  

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Key Contacts

Support with public profiles and general information: 

Participation with Great Start to Quality: your Resource Center

Connecting employees or connecting with your Validator:

Connecting with your Assessor:

Questions about Approved Assessors: 

If you are thinking about how to maintain or continue making quality improvements, or if you're ready to learn more and need help, contact your local Great Start to Quality Resource Center by calling 877-614-7328 or visit

Funding from the Office of Great Start within the Michigan Department of Education supports the implementation of Great Start.

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The Early Childhood Investment Corporation is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of Great Start to Quality