Stay in the Loop with GSQ's Continuous Quality Improvement Newsletter


  • GSQ Quality Connection
  • Winter Break Reminders
  • New Indicator Spotlight: Transitions
  • New GSQ YouTube Playlist
  • On-Site Observation Tips
  • Like and Follow!

What's New?

The latest news to help support your program

GSQ Quality Connection

Thank you to everyone who attended the first Quality Connection webinar for providers. We hope this webinar continues to facilitate open dialogue and support for child care providers. Please mark your calendars for our next opportunity to connect and share with fellow providers!  

Wednesday, December 13, 1-2 p.m. ET


We also need your input! Please use this form to share topics and themes that you hear from the field that we can address in an upcoming Quality Connection. 

Missed our October Quality Connection? Watch the recording!

Winter Break Reminders

Holidays and Winter Break are fast approaching! It's important to remember:

  • Programs should be open and available immediately following the submission of the Application for Validation and On-Site Observation until the entire process is complete; this could take up to 90 days.  
  • If programs selected to have a Validation phone call should expect to be contacted and be prepared to complete the process, regardless of the time of year.  
  • It is best not to submit the Application for Validation and On-Site Observation right before closing, staff vacations, program celebrations, or other events that might affect the ability to complete the process.  

Should the situation arise where the Validation or Assessment Teams cannot contact the program, or the program does not have availability, the program’s case may be canceled. As soon as the program is able to complete the process, they can apply for a new case and get back on track.  

Have questions? We're here to help! Reach out to the Validation Team any time at for additional support and guidance. 

New Indicator Spotlight

CIL1: Program provides families and staff a description on how they support children’s and schoolagers’ transition into the program, between programs or classrooms, and entering new schools.   

Transitions are the moves children and schoolagers make into, between, and from schools. These times of change can be stressful and challenging periods for children and families as they worry about academic expectations, and about navigating new environments and relationships.  

This indicator, requires that the program has a description of how children and schoolagers are supported through transitions. It is important to understand that this indicator is looking for the description to specifically address how children and schoolagers transition through each of the following: 

  • Into the program 
  • Between programs or classrooms  
  • Out of the program or entering new schools 

When we talk about a description for this indicator, we are looking for something that is written that the program has in place. This could be a policy, statement, a plan or something else. You may already be successfully implementing the high-quality pieces, and now it’s about simply putting what you do on paper.  

Once you create the policy, statement or plan, this indicator requires that the description needs to be shared with both staff and families. When a plan is shared, it helps everyone to know what the program is doing, and what is expected of the staff and families in order to support the children. The program can share the plan in the way that best meets their needs, but it could include having it in the family and staff handbook and sharing it during enrollment and/or staff orientation, having it posted on a bulletin board, or sharing it at a parent meeting or staff training. 

For more information about this indicator, review the Quality Indicators Guidance Document and Quality Indicators FAQ

New GSQ YouTube Playlist

A new playlist has been created on YouTube that explains each step of the Quality Improvement Process. Check out our Steps to Earn a Quality Level playlist to learn more about:   

  • QIP Overview for Child Care Programs 
  • Great Start to Quality Application for Self-Reflection 
  • The GSQ Document Vault 
  • How to Submit a Self-Reflection for Great Start to Quality 
  • Application for Validation on On-Site Observation 
  • Additional Evidence for Self-Reflection 

View the Steps to Earn a Quality Level Playlist. 

On-Site Observation Tips

On-Site Observation Scheduling

On-Site Observations should take place on a “typical day.” Within a four-week window for scheduling, every program is allowed to choose five specific days when the Great Start to Quality Assessor will not come to observe, known as block out days. These days can be used for activities like field trips, staff vacations, special celebrations, or picture day, where an observation wouldn't be ideal.

Keep in mind that these observations are unannounced, which means the Assessor will arrive for the observation at any time during the agreed upon four-week period, as long as it's not one of the program’s chosen block-out days.   

During this time of year, we see a rise in illnesses affecting programs. In the event of staff or an entire classroom falling ill, it's important for programs to reach out if an observation unexpectedly cannot take place. Great Start to Quality Assessors email programs near the beginning of the scheduling window with their contact information, so please keep this information handy in the event of a last minute change in schedule.  

Need to change or add a block out day? Contact your Assessor directly or email

Provider's Corner

Why & How to Talk about Race with Young Kids

Have you ever wondered when and how to have meaningful exchanges about race with the young children (0 to 8 year olds) in your life? 

Join Embrace Race this November for Why & How to Talk about Race with Young Kids, to explore the answers to these important questions:  

  • How do you talk to young kids about race and racism? 
  • What is the science of when, how, and what children learn about race?  
  • What does effective communication about race with young children look and sound like? 
  • How can caregivers maintain the conversation about race, even when it feels challenging? 

This program is designed for caregivers of young children (0-8) who are embarking on their racial learning journeys or looking to enhance their foundational knowledge. Take a step towards understanding and addressing race-related issues with your kids by joining Embrace Race.  

Training Opportunity for OST Programs

Join the Michigan Afterschool Partnership (MASP) for their upcoming webinar, All Youth Matter: Belonging, on Monday, November 13 at 10:30 a.m. ET. Learn more about the webinar here

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Great Start to Quality's New Family Pages

These social media pages give families resources like tips on finding care, financial assistance, early learning activities, and more. Providers and partners are encouraged to share the pages with the families in your communities.  

Find us on Facebook
Find us on Instagram

Key Contacts

Support with public profiles and general information: 

Participation with Great Start to Quality: your Resource Center

Connecting employees or connecting with your Validator:

Connecting with your Assessor:

Questions about Approved Assessors: 

If you are thinking about how to maintain or continue making quality improvements, or if you're ready to learn more and need help, contact your local Great Start to Quality Resource Center by calling 877-614-7328 or visit

Funding from the Office of Great Start within the Michigan Department of Education supports the implementation of Great Start.


The Early Childhood Investment Corporation is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of Great Start to Quality