Stay in the Loop with GSQ's Continuous Quality Improvement Newsletter


  • What's New?
  • Training and Support
  • Early Education Tips
  • New Indicator Spotlight

What's New?

The latest news to help support your program

Marketing Quality to Families

This month, an intense marketing campaign launched to promote Great Start to Quality with families in Michigan. You may begin to see an increase in question from families about Great Start to Quality participation.

To ensure your information is accurate when families are searching for your program, we encourage you to review your public profile and update program offerings.

How to Update Program Profile

Timing is Everything

It is hard to believe it is almost spring! It's the time some programs start thinking about wrapping things up for the end of the school year. If a program is interested in participating in Great Start to Quality before the program ends for the summer, don’t wait; begin the process now. Here’s why:

  • Before programs can complete the Application for Validation and On-Site Observation, they must first complete the Application for Self-Reflection, complete the Self-Reflection, and work on their goals. The length of time it takes depends on how quickly the program can complete each step.
  • Validation and On-Site Observation happen back-to-back and can take up to 90 days to complete. A program should not submit the Application for Validation and On-Site Observation if it is closing for the summer in less than 90 days.
  • Programs must be open and have children currently attending at the time of the Validation and On-Site Observation.
  • There is no option to postpone the On-Site Observation. When the program submits the Application for Validation and On-Site Observation, they agree they are ready for both steps of the process.
  • Approved Assessor results must be from the school year during which the program is coming through the process.
  • Results from a previous school year cannot be used.
  • Additional information about Approved Assessor scores can be found on the Approved Assessor webpage.

Additional questions can be sent to either or

Translation Available in MiRegistry

Beginning April 4th, users will be able to access MiRegistry in both Spanish and Arabic by selecting the dropdown menu highlighted in the image below.

Detroit Public Television Day of EC Professionals

Detroit Public Television and the Michigan Learning Channel know that early childhood is the most critical time in a person’s life. They value all individuals that work with infants, toddlers and preschoolers and want them to know how important they are and to feel appreciated. This year, they are partnering with organizations statewide and are supported by the governor!

Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Professionals Day is when parents and early childhood professionals honor early childhood educators, which includes infant, toddler and preschool teachers, in-home childcare providers, licensed exempt providers, home visitors, pediatricians and more. Detroit Public Television and the Michigan Learning Channel are celebrating this special day with a prize giveaway! Submit a photo of you thanking an early childhood professional in your life, and the person you nominate will be entered to win one of our prizes. Visit to enter. Winners will be drawn April 21 on a live stream from the MiAEYC Annual Conference stage in Grand Rapids. The governor will be participating at the beginning of the live stream proclaiming the Day of Infant, Toddler and Preschool Professionals.

Farewell MELBA, Hello New Resources

MELBA, or the Michigan Early Learning Business Advantage, is transitioning to membership-free, online resources including savings opportunities, a job board, and other tools to support high quality programming and sound business practices.

New tools are being added every day. You can check out these new resources on the Great Start to Quality website.

Visit our Website

Training and Support

Training opportunities to help you prepare and improve

Professional Development for

Schoolage Programs

Including SEL PQA

We have some great news to share!


We’ve partnered with Michigan Department of Education, Michigan AfterSchool Partnership, Early Childhood Investment Corporation, and The Forum for Youth Investment to expand the training opportunities available to youth development professionals across the great state of Michigan. This includes our Great Start to Quality Resource Center staff and any and all who want improve to their knowledge and skills for working with young people.


All of these trainings and supports are available to you, your team, and the programs you support, at no charge. That’s right…FREE! Take a peek at the attached training calendar for additional information. We’ll continue to share updated information on a regular basis and you can always visit and search “Weikart” under Training Sponsor Name to view a list of opportunities currently open for registration or visit for information on these and other events hosted by the Michigan AfterSchool Partnership. 


Please also note the Professional Learning Community is designed specifically for Resource Center staff who are engaging with Great Start to Quality. 

Review Training Calendar

Early Education Tips

GSQ On-Site Observation Tools and Michigan's Average Scores

With the quality improvement process launching on February 1, the On-Site Observation process is now using observation tools that have never been used before in Michigan. While some indicators may look familiar, the ERS and CLASS tools are more detailed than the PQA and take a deeper look at program practices and the interactions between children and teachers. The goal is to really explore and understand how purposeful program practices and teacher-child interactions provide valuable opportunities for helping children develop and grow. We are excited for programs to become familiar with the new tools and the impact they can offer on every child having a foundation to thrive in school and in life.

Eighty-four programs/classrooms graciously allowed us to conduct practice observations in their programs having little-to-no knowledge of the tools being used. We thank them for their vulnerability and willingness to support the process. These are the average scores for those observations.

Environment Rating Scales (ERS-3)


Michigan Average Scores







Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)



Michigan Average Score


Responsive Caregiving



Emotional and Behavioral Support



Engaged Support for Learning



Emotional Support



Classroom Organization



Instructional Support


Family Child Care

Emotional and Behavioral Support


Family Child Care

Engaged Support for Learning


If you have any questions about On-Site Observation, please contact the Assessment Team at

New Indicator Spotlight

IP1: Program provides families a description on how they provide materials and resources about community-based programs, community mental health, food banks, Child Find, and/or medical/dental resources.

Did you know that in Michigan, 1,150,150 people are facing hunger and 297,150 of those are children, which means 1 in 7 children face hunger. By connecting families with public or private community resources, you can help ensure these children and adults have access to the food they need so they no longer have to go hungry.

Families in your program might be in need of other services outside of food and water. Helping them gain access to these services ensures children, schoolagers, and families have their basic needs met and fosters growth and development. Examples of community resources are:

  • Food banks or meal/soup kitchens
  • Shelters or housing supports
  • Community Health Care centers and dental services
  • Clothing and weather-appropriate gear
  • 211 Services

When thinking about ways to provide information to families, consider the following things you could try. Then add what you are implementing to your written description.

  • Create a list of community resources, including contact information, that is posted and given to families.
  • Create a process to refer families to a community resource. Post the process or include it in your contract or handbook.
  • Use a child and family advocate. Post the process or include it in your contract or handbook.

This indicator requires that the program has a description of how they provide the materials and resources to families. A description is something that is written that the program has in place. This could be a policy, statement, plan, or something else. The description needs to be shared with both staff and families.

More information about this indicator can be found in the Quality Indicators Guidance Document and Quality Indicators FAQ.

If you are thinking about how to maintain or continue making quality improvements, or if you're ready to learn more and need help, contact your local Great Start to Quality Resource Center by calling 877-614-7328 or visit

Funding from the Office of Great Start within the Michigan Department of Education supports the implementation of Great Start.


The Early Childhood Investment Corporation is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of Great Start to Quality