Stay in the Loop with GSQ's Continuous Quality Improvement Newsletter


  • What's New?
  • Training and Support
  • New Resource
  • Early Education Tips
  • Indicator Clarification

What's New?

The latest news to help support your program

The Reimagined Quality Improvement Process

Curious about the reimagined quality improvement process for licensed child care providers in Michigan? It's Great Start to Quality and many improvements have been made based on feedback from providers like you. We have strengthened the process to better support Michigan's early childhood educators, communities and families.

Learn more about the process, the journey, and the support you can access along the way.

For more information on the improved system and process, please review the GSQ Reimagined FAQ's.

Training and Support

Training opportunities to help you prepare and improve

MIAEYC Annual Early Childhood Conference

Grand Rapids, MI

Registration is open for the 2023 MIAEYC Annual Early Childhood Conference on April 20 - 22, 2023, in Grand Rapids, MI at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel and DeVos Place. This conference will include a virtual component for those unable to participate in-person.

The Early Childhood Investment Corporation is excited to announce that we will have team members presenting three different sessions at this conference.

Thursday, April 20: 8:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Great Start to Quality On-Site Observation: Commitment to equity and empowerment!

Friday, April 21: 3:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Great Start to Quality: What On-Site Observation Tool is right for me?

Saturday, April 22: 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Level Up with Great Start to Quality


New Resource

Tips for Self-Reflection Evidence

As you add evidence to the Quality Indicators in the Self-Reflection, use the following tips to make sure the Validator can determine if the evidence meets the intent of the indicator.

  1. Name/label all evidence clearly.
  2. Ensure evidence shows how the program meets the intent of the indicator for all classrooms, age groups, and/or funding types in the program.
  3. Use the description box when uploading evidence to provide additional information to the Validator about how the evidence is implemented, shared, and/or utilized.
  4. Upload at least the minimum amount of evidence required.
  5. Reference the Quality Indicator Guidance for clarification about the indicators and evidence.

Please keep in mind, if the Validator cannot identify if a piece of evidence applies to a certain classroom or age group, is shared with both staff and families, etc. then the Validator will not be able to confirm that the program is meeting the intent of the indicator.

Quality Indicator Guidance

Early Education Tips

On-Site Observation Scheduling Call

Once a validation is complete, the primary contact person can expect a phone call from a member of the Great Start to Quality team to discuss the details for the On-Site Observation.

In this call you will be asked detailed questions about your program, and what observation tool you plan to use (visit our website for more information on observation tool choices). The scheduler is unable to provide guidance on what tool the program should choose.

On-Site Observations are unannounced visits. Programs have a scheduled window of four weeks in which the observations will occur and up to five block out dates can be requested by the program. Block out dates are days that will not be typical, such as field trip days or days a teacher is on vacation, that the program prefers the Assessor not observe on. The 4-week window will be agreed upon during the On-Site Observation scheduling call. Programs eligible to use an Approved Assessor will provide the name of the Approved Assessor during the scheduling call. At the conclusion of the scheduling call, a confirmation email with details will be sent to the program and the GSQ or Approved Assessor will be assigned.

If you have any questions about On-Site Observation, please contact the Assessment Team at

New Indicator Clarification

CIL11: Program has completed the Environment Rating Scale (ERS-3) or Social Emotional Learning Program Quality Assessment (SEL PQA) Self Assessment for every age group/classroom.

Recently, we have received some questions about Quality Indicator CIL11 related to programs completing an ERS-3 Self-Assessment or SEL PQA Self-Assessment for every age group/classroom.

What program types are required to complete the observation Self-Assessment for every age group/classroom for indicator CIL11?

  • Tuition based
  • Blended Funding (Ex. Tuition and GSRP)

What program types have the option to select, The program is NAEYC, NAFCC, or NAC accredited or received GSRP funding?

  • NAEYC Accredited
  • NAFCC Accredited
  • NAC Accredited
  • 100% funded GSRP
  • 100% funded Head Start
  • 100% funded Early Head Start
  • 100% funded combination GSRP, Head Start, and/or Early Head Start

More information about this indicator can be found in the Quality Indicators Guidance Document and Quality Indicators FAQ.

If you are thinking about how to maintain or continue making quality improvements, or if you're ready to learn more and need help, contact your local Great Start to Quality Resource Center by calling 877-614-7328 or visit

Funding from the Office of Great Start within the Michigan Department of Education supports the implementation of Great Start.


The Early Childhood Investment Corporation is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of Great Start to Quality