Edition 1 | Issue 2 | May 2020
The LaSalle Ledger
An Update on Scouting in LaSalle Council for our supporters and leaders.
COVID-19 Gives Scouts Opportunity to Thrive in New Ways
Coronavirus has given Scouts opportunities to “Be Prepared.”

Families weren’t expecting the 101 st year of Scouting in LaSalle Council to look like it does today. The COVID-19 pandemic effectively put in-person Scouting on hold for the month of April and much of March. Yet, that did not stop Scouts and leaders from meeting – whether it was district roundtables or den meetings. Instead, Scouts and Scouters proved how brave and courteous they could be by hosting these activities online.
Scouts and their families adapted and showed their creativity by participating in a photo contest supported by the council. Every week, several packs and troops showcased how they were still hard at work advancing their skills and doing good turns in their communities.

Shown below, Bryce (a second-class Scout from Troop 587) joined Cub Scouts Aadyn and Kylan in writing letters to residents on lockdown at one of their neighboring assisted living centers.

Personal fitness and service projects outdoors still happened as well; leaders and parents continued to show their dedication to social distancing guidelines while maintaining a sense of consistency on which the Scouting program thrives.
Whether constructing bat houses behind an elementary school or crafting constellations out of marshmallows, Scouts BSA members and Cub Scouts are still Scouting strong. Shown above, Hunter from Pack 316 went on a nature hike with his family and packed his first aid kid, trail food and water – some of the most important camping essentials.
Many Scouts around the world are following Hunter’s example. “Be Prepared” proves to be a timeless motto that applies to everything from a simple nature hike to thousands of young people being aware of how they can play their part during a global pandemic. As the nation starts to evolve into a “new normal,” Scouts and volunteers will continue to be creative when participating in summer programs and celebrating the resilience of Scouting in LaSalle Council.
Friends of Scouting are more than just friends; they’re important members of the Scouting community that keep LaSalle Council strong for the youth who need us. For volunteers and professionals in LaSalle Council managing the annual Spring fundraising campaign, the message has been clear: times are strained, but the Friends of Scouting campaign is still necessary to maintain the operations of LaSalle Council and the quality of youth-centered program that we all provide.
In a recent video published on the official Facebook and YouTube profiles for LaSalle Council, Scout Executive John Cary thanked the many individuals who have already donated to the 2020 Friends of Scouting campaign. He also expressed the importance of the campaign in a year of unprecedented societal change.

Stimulus payments from the federal government have also been used to promote Scouting in some cases. A council volunteer donated half of his $1,200 stimulus check to Friends of Scouting. Legislation in the CARES Act also allows those who take a standard deduction when preparing tax returns to deduct an additional $300 of charitable contributions, which creates a smaller income tax deduction for the next calendar year. All who are willing are encouraged to donate at www.lasallecouncilbsa.org/donate . If anyone who would like to donate is currently unable, they can still make a pledge for the future by emailing Office Manager Dawn Eddins at [email protected]
LaSalle Council Staff Focuses on Power of Video
   The council has been encouraging all our families to follow “Eagle Scout Eric” in practicing Scout skills, including first aid, fitness, camping and knot-tying, that are relevant to both Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA members alike. As our first major video-centric social media push, the series titled “Scouting at Home” has already amassed more than 7,000 views, with additional videos being planned in the future.

You can view the Scouting at Home videos on our Facebook page or YouTube page.
Troop 325 Promotes “Good Turns Against COVID-19”
Food banks are still in business, and local Scouts are answering the call.
Scouts BSA Troop 325, located in South Bend, has collected more than 2,600 food items to deliver to the Food Bank of Northern Indiana. A group of fifty-plus Scouts and leaders canvassed several neighborhoods, educating the residents on how to work with the troop and donate. With fliers in hands and smiles on faces, Scouts from Troop 325 were able to perform good turns all while practicing social distancing.

Sights of the Troop 325 Scouts in action included a wide variety of Good Turns:
Message from Scout Executive John Cary
As you know, the last 10 weeks have been unique as we continue to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, it has been wonderful to see the resolve in our Scouts, leaders and families who have continued to run programs in creative ways from their homes. Thousands of our Scouts continued with their rank advancement with the assistance of their Scout leaders – in many cases using modern technology to conduct unit meetings.

LaSalle Council Scouts also performed “Good Turn” projects, such as collecting canned goods for local food banks, building nature sanctuaries for conservation trails and helping neighbors, all while maintaining recommended social distancing.
An electronic billboard in South Bend was donated to us. We at the LaSalle Council used it as an opportunity to leave an impactful, timeless message: “Be Safe. Be Prepared.” Local council Scouts took part in the photo shoot, and the billboard itself has spread more awareness of the Scouting program in our community.

Just recently, the National Boy Scouts of America hosted a virtual “Camp-In” for Scouts and non-Scouts across the country on May 2. More than 400,000 households where able to participate. The program featured astronauts broadcasting from orbit, scientists conducting STEM projects, and tenured leaders sharing stories around a campfire. As our movement often demonstrated throughout history, the Boy Scouts of America is again leading the way on both local and national fronts for value-centered youth development. Please join me in being proud of our Scouts.
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