The Last Sunday
after the Epiphany
February 14, 2021
9:15am Joyful Noise with Communion@Home via zoom
with coffee hour to follow
10:30am Musical Liturgy with Communion@Home
via zoom/livestream
with coffee hour to follow
(No public worship at Church during Covid-19 pandemic)
Didn't get a chance to pick up Communion@home & Ashes?
One More Opportunity: Drive thru pick up: Sat. 2/13, 3-5pm
This Sunday, February 14, 2021
The Last Sunday after the Epiphany
9:15am Joyful Noise Service with Communion@Home via zoom
- story, music, prayer with coffee hour to follow
We offer this service of songs, a story and prayer for our littlest members and their families. This short 15 minute service will be followed by a coffee hour time. Join the zoom gathering by using this link Joyful Noise password: 2020.
To download or print the Joyful Noise service bulletin for this Sunday including The Prayer over the Presanctified Gifts click here:
10:30am Musical Liturgy with Communion@Home via zoom
with coffee hour to follow
*** By using this link, you agree that we may record and stream your audio and video (if you activate them) ***
OR you can participate via livestream. In this medium, there is a 25 second delay, and it will also be available later on-demand.
Coffee hour (via zoom) follows the service.
To download or print the bulletin for Eucharist click here:
Contribution and Virtual Offering Plate
We are thankful to parishioners who pledge and are mailing their checks directly to the Transfiguration office, or have set up auto payment from your bank. It is very helpful that we continue income at this time as we seek to create connections to each other and maintain parish life. If you are not a pledger at Transfig, please do use our ‘virtual offering plate’ on the front page of our website to make a contribution to our work as you are able.
Happy Birthday
Adelyn Banks on Sunday.
Pancake Tuesday / Carnival /
Mardi Gras/ Shrove Tuesday
Whatever you call it,
it’s a party!
Be sure to come and join us for a celebration on Tuesday February 16 at 6 pm
Our traditions on Shrove Tuesday include pancakes, fellowship with friends, burying the alleluias and getting the ashes ready for Ash Wednesday. It is always an evening of fun and celebration. This year we will carry on the tradition of celebration with a pancake cooking demonstration, pancake stories, a virtual alleluia burying, pancake trivia, some cool facts about where we get the ashes, and, of course, time with friends and family.
Friends from Transfiguration and Church of the Epiphany are invited to gather together on Zoom to celebrate, share memories of past pancake feasts and indulge in pancakes or whatever treat you decide to make at home.
To give you some inspiration we have put together some pancake recipes for you. These recipes come from various churches in our area and have been tried, tested and found to be delicious! Pancake Recipes pdf
Don’t forget to get out your Mardi Gras beads, put on your apron and get your skillet hot for a Pancake Tuesday celebration like no other!
Ash Wednesday, February 17
Epiphany and Transfiguration will be joining together for Ash Wednesday with two service offerings:
Noon @ Epiphany (via zoom or Facebook)
This Ash Wednesday service is creation themed. At this service ashes will not be imposed, but you are encouraged to use the ashes in your garden to enrich the earth.
Facebook link is:
To download or print the Ash Wednesday noon bulletin: click here
6pm @ Transfiguration (via zoom or stream)
This Ash Wednesday service takes a more traditional approach including Imposition of Ashes at home. At the appropriate time participants will be invited to use ashes received from church or ashes from an extinguished candle to mark the sign of the cross on themselves as we enter a Holy Lent.
Ash Wednesday 6pm Zoom password 3900
To download or print the Ash Wednesday 6pm bulletin: click here
The first part of our search process includes writing a parish profile, and in order to do that well, we need to get a sense of what the congregation believes are our current strengths and what vision we have for the future. We are very committed to listening to everyone who wants to share ideas and have been working hard to figure out the best way to do that despite pandemic restrictions. Please help us by filling out the following survey:
This is the first step in our listening process. We will be following up with opportunities for small group and individual conversations during coffee hours in February. Look for details and a schedule in upcoming announcements and Journey. Your thoughts matter to us!
Faith Lab (Youth Group)
4:30 pm in the Faith Formation zoom room
Our Faith Lab youth gather on Sundays at 4:30pm in the Faith Formation zoom room. Questions or for password, email
Wednesday Lenten Series
Life Transformed:
The Way of Love in Lent
This LENT we will gather on six Wednesdays at 7pm via zoom to explore Lives Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent.
Join us for all six sessions, or one or two as you are able for reflection and meditation on these themes and scripture.
Feb. 24 - TURN Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ (Romans 6:3-11)
Mar 3 - PRAY Israel’s Deliverance at the Red Sea (Exodus 14:10-15:1)
Mar 10 - LEARN Learn Wisdom and Live (Proverbs 8:1-8, 19-21; 9:4b-6)
Mar 17- BLESSA New Heart and a New Spirit (Ezekiel 36:24-28)
Mar 24 -REST The Valley of Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14)
Mar 31 -WORSHIP The Gathering of God’s People (Zephaniah 3:12-20)
This Week in Parish Life
Saturday, February 13
3-5pm - Drive thru Pick up for Communion@Home and Ashes (Transfig upper lot)
Sunday, February 14
The Last Sunday after the Epiphany
9:15am - Joyful Noise Service with Communion@Home - via zoom: story, music, prayer with coffee hour to follow
To download or print the Joyful Noise service bulletin click here:
10:30am - Zoom/Livestream Liturgy with Communion@Home -with Zoom coffee hour to follow
To download or print the bulletin for Eucharist click here:
4:30pm - Faith Lab (Youth Group), Faith Formation zoom
Monday, February 15
President's Day Holiday - Parish office closed
8:30am - Morning Meditation
Tuesday, February 16
8:30am - Morning Meditation
10:30am - Staff Meeting via zoom
6:00pm - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party via zoom
Wednesday, February 17
Ash Wednesday
8:30am - Morning Meditation
9am - Morning Prayer
10:30am - Gospel Preview
noon - Ash Wednesday service @ Epiphany via zoom/facebook
Facebook link is:
To download or print the Ash Wednesday noon bulletin: click here
6:00pm - Ash Wednesday Liturgy with Imposition of Ashes @ Transfig via zoom/livestream
Ash Wednesday 6pm Zoom password 3900
To download or print the Ash Wednesday 6pm bulletin: click here
Thursday, February 18
8:30am - Morning Meditation
Friday, February 19
8:30am - Morning Meditation
Saturday, February 20
Sunday, February 21
The First Sunday in Lent
9:15am - Joyful Noise Service - via zoom: story, music, prayer with coffee hour to follow
10:30am - Zoom/Livestream Liturgy: Great Litany & Eucharist -with Zoom coffee hour to follow
4:30pm - Faith Lab (Youth Group), Faith Formation zoom
Clergy Support during the pandemic
If you wish to speak to any of our clergy please note their phone numbers and email below and reach out to them or call the church office for assistance. We are not able to meet in person as per Diocesan instructions unless it is a matter of life or death, but we ARE delighted to talk to you about any pastoral concerns. If a pastoral situation occurs that is a matter of life or death please reach out to one of our clergy as noted below.
Interim Rector: The Rev. Bob Kossler
Director of Music: Matthew Burt
Director of Family Ministry: Michele Maia
Operations Manager: Noreen Huey
Deacon: The Rev. Hailey McKeefry-Delmas
Parish Office 650 341-8206
Transfiguration Episcopal Church
3900 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo, CA 94403