A Christian community of all ages

grounded in worship, well-being, and service.

February 10 - February 16, 2024

From the Associate Rector

Dear Friends, 

This Sunday we will celebrate our last week after the Epiphany before turning our attention towards Lent next week. We will hear the story of the Transfiguration - one of our most incredible stories about the transformative power of God’s light. Light will abound in our worship as well, especially on Sunday, as we will worship an hour later in the day, and will once again welcome the Choir School of Newport County to brighten our worship with their singing. 

If you haven’t already, I hope you will RSVP for our Pancake Supper, which will take place on Tuesday. We are grateful for Don and Sarawynn Barrett for their generosity in providing the meal. The following day we will offer Ash Wednesday services at 12pm and 7pm. 

As always, I remain grateful for the fullness of life at St. Mary’s, and the opportunity to gather with all of you in worship, fellowship, and song.




in the

Coming Weeks

Weekly worship services:

Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in

the historic church.

Saturday, 2.10, 5:00 p.m., Historic Church -- Worship

Sunday, 2.11, 10:00 a.m., Historic Church -- Worship

  • Children's Choir of Newport County joins us in worship.

Tuesday, 2.13, 5:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m., Shrove Tuesday, St. George's Chapel -- Pancake Supper. Details below under Well-Being. RSVP online.

Wednesday, 2.14, Ash Wednesday, Historic Church --

  • Noon -- Worship Service
  • 7:00 p.m. -- Worship Service

Saturday, 2.17 at 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, 2.18 at 10:00 a.m., Historic Church -- Worship

Wednesday, 2.21 at 4:00 p.m., Southside Studio, Lower Level Parish House -- Living Well Through Lent: A Weekly Reflection Group (See below under Well-Being.)

For a calendar of all of St. Mary's activities visit our website.

Winter Weather Announcements

In the event of winter weather (snow, ice, etc.), please check the church's website for whether or not we'll be having worship.

We will post online as soon as we know, but if in doubt, check the website before leaving home.


Click on the image above for the weekly bulletin.

The bulletin includes the order of service, the collect, scripture readings, and liturgical ministers.

Worship on Sundays at 10:00  is live-streamed on Facebook. Use the comment section to say hello. We are trying to make better connections between those who are in person and those who are at home.

Lay leaders offer Evening Prayer Monday through Friday at 5:30 p.m. online via Facebook Live. You do not need to have Facebook in order to participate. If you cannot make it at 5:30, the service will be recorded and remain on the St. Mary's Facebook page until the next Evening Prayer.

Prayer requests for individuals can be added to the prayers of the people on Sunday mornings and in the daily evening prayers by contacting Parish Administrator, Karen Laroche. We typically keep people in the prayers for one month.


Living Well through Lent 2024: A Weekly Reflection Group

Using the Living Compass resource as a guide, reflect on how to practice forgiveness.

Practicing Forgiveness with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind is available in print in the historic church entry as well as in the parish house. If you're a digital person, the booklet is available as a pdf download online.

Meaghan Brower and Jenny Williams will be leading this class on Wednesdays beginning on February 21 at 4:00 p.m. in the Southside Studio of the parish house lower level. Be sure to join in this practice for Lent.

If you have questions, contact Jenny Williams.

. . . to Bob and Jennifer Vergnani and Mary Kay Lundberg for hosting the February wine and cheese event after the 5:00 service on Saturday.

The Valentine's Day decorations were heart-warming (Ha!Ha!) on a cold February night.

Good food, good wine, great fellowship -- what a delightful time!

For St. Mary's Fiscal Well-Being

Pledge envelopes will be available in the Gathering Space in the Parish House this weekend -- Saturday and Sunday.

Be sure to pick yours up them if you requested them.

Join us for pancakes!

We're having a pancake dinner on Tuesday, February 13 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Come join in the festivities before we begin Lent. We'll have food, fellowship, and fun and games!

There is no charge for dinner, and gluten-free pancakes will be available. Be sure to signup online.

If you have any questions, please contact Sarawyn Berrett.


Follow-up to Rough Sleepers

Thank you to all who attended the discussion group on Rough Sleepers by Tracy Kidder last Sunday. The breakfast was delicious and the conversation engaging. We also collected 125 pairs of socks to be distributed to the unhoused at the Matheson St. Church's Friendship Breakfast.

We ended our discussion by brainstorming actions that we might want to take personally or as a community to both learn more and address the needs of the unhoused. Some ideas included inviting a guest speaker, volunteering to serve at St. Mary's Soup Kitchen ministry, creating "blessing bags" to be distributed to the unhoused, or participating in a "Church Beyond Walls" service in Providence. We invite you to weigh in on these ideas or propose others as the Community Outreach Team continues this year long-focus on meeting the needs of the food and housing insecure.

Please send your thoughts to Lynn Carlson.

MLK Donations Requested

From the MLKCC: 

Are you cleaning out your closet and have found-travel sized shampoo and conditioner? Maybe you are finally unpacking that travel bag and found an extra unopened travel toothpaste. Our Food Pantry needs travel-sized toiletries.

These are very helpful for those who use our pantry and are  unhoused.

You can drop off your donations at St. Mary's, and we'll deliver them with our weekly food donations to the MLKCC.

If you'd like to take donations to the MLKCC Food Pantry, contact Jon Edwards.

Communication & Other Announcements
Have an announcement?

Please use this form to digitally share information about your ministry. This enables those who are working on the eNews, website, and Facebook (and other social media) to have the information in one place and accessible to everyone who needs it. The deadline for publication in eNews is noon on Wednesday before publication on Friday. If you have questions, please contact [email protected].
For all other types of communication:

Contact the rector if you'd like it verbally announced at worship. 
Contact parish administrator Karen Laroche to be included in writing in the weekly worship bulletin.

St. Mary's Staff

Rector: The Rev. Jennifer L. Pedrick, [email protected]

Associate Rector: The Rev. Meaghan Brower, [email protected]

Parish Administrator: Karen Laroche, [email protected]

Property Manager: Jon Walker, [email protected]

St. Mary's Officers

To contact an officer of the vestry, please see our website.

Image credits: Richard Grosvenor, Historic Church, watercolor, used with permission.

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